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Term:DNA strand invasion
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Accession:GO:0042148 term browser browse the term
Definition:The process in which the nucleoprotein complex (composed of the broken single-strand DNA and the recombinase) searches and identifies a region of homology in intact duplex DNA. The broken single-strand DNA displaces the like strand and forms Watson-Crick base pairs with its complement, forming a duplex in which each strand is from one of the two recombining DNA molecules.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Rad51-mediated strand invasion;   strand invasion
 related_synonym: D-loop biosynthesis;   D-loop formation;   displacement loop biosynthesis;   displacement loop formation

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DNA strand invasion term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Dmc1 DNA meiotic recombinase 1 involved_in IBA GO_REF:0000033 GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 7:111,124,888...111,167,465
Ensembl chr 7:111,124,888...111,167,952
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G Rad51 RAD51 recombinase involved_in IBA GO_REF:0000033 GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 3:106,099,753...106,125,038
Ensembl chr 3:106,100,381...106,125,035
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G Rad51d RAD51 paralog D involved_in ISO
PMID:11834724 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr10:67,805,720...67,824,452
Ensembl chr10:67,740,712...67,824,434
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G Rffl ring finger and FYVE-like domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase involved_in IBA GO_REF:0000033 GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr10:67,740,711...67,803,669
Ensembl chr10:67,740,712...67,824,434
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G Xrcc2 X-ray repair cross complementing 2 involved_in ISO
PMID:11834724 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 4:9,423,873...9,502,980
Ensembl chr 4:9,423,898...9,442,482
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meiotic strand invasion involved in reciprocal meiotic recombination term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Psmc3ip PSMC3 interacting protein involved_in IBA GO_REF:0000033 GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr10:86,024,281...86,027,928
Ensembl chr10:86,023,950...86,027,423
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positive regulation of strand invasion term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Wrn WRN RecQ like helicase involved_in ISO (PMID:26420422) RGD PMID:26420422 NCBI chr16:58,763,517...58,898,604
Ensembl chr16:58,763,504...58,895,450
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20134
    cellular process 19326
      metabolic process 12309
        macromolecule metabolic process 10164
          nucleic acid metabolic process 5153
            DNA metabolic process 961
              DNA strand invasion 7
                meiotic strand invasion + 1
                negative regulation of strand invasion 0
                positive regulation of strand invasion 1
                regulation of strand invasion + 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20134
    cellular process 19326
      metabolic process 12309
        primary metabolic process 10935
          nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 5746
            nucleic acid metabolic process 5153
              DNA metabolic process 961
                DNA recombination 348
                  DNA strand invasion 7
                    meiotic strand invasion + 1
                    negative regulation of strand invasion 0
                    positive regulation of strand invasion 1
                    regulation of strand invasion + 1
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