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Term:positive regulation of urine volume
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Accession:GO:0035810 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that increases the amount of urine excreted from the body over a unit of time.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: elevation of urinary volume;   increase in urine flow
 broad_synonym: diuresis

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positive regulation of urine volume term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Adora2a adenosine A2a receptor IMP in renal medulla RGD PMID:10070140 RGD:628573 NCBI chr20:13,315,848...13,333,386
Ensembl chr20:13,315,853...13,333,386
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G Avpr1a arginine vasopressin receptor 1A involved_in NAS PMID:1560825 UniProt PMID:1560825 RGD:1298691 NCBI chr 7:58,114,306...58,118,230
Ensembl chr 7:58,114,284...58,122,215
JBrowse link
G Btc betacellulin IDA RGD PMID:14626355 RGD:2306977 NCBI chr14:16,708,447...16,746,961
Ensembl chr14:16,707,982...16,747,049
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G Drd2 dopamine receptor D2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:1857875 (PMID:11566895) RGD PMID:11566895 NCBI chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,876
Ensembl chr 8:49,708,927...49,772,875
JBrowse link
G Edn1 endothelin 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:3044563|MGI:3054057|MGI:88121 (PMID:15632412) RGD PMID:15632412 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
JBrowse link
G Ednrb endothelin receptor type B IMP RGD PMID:18305094 RGD:4892582 NCBI chr15:80,640,839...80,672,115
Ensembl chr15:80,643,043...80,672,115
JBrowse link
G Gnai2 G protein subunit alpha i2 IMP RGD PMID:22459149 RGD:13507313 NCBI chr 8:108,288,401...108,309,009
Ensembl chr 8:108,288,401...108,308,979
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G Has2 hyaluronan synthase 2 involved_in IEP PMID:19635555 UniProt PMID:19635555 RGD:8553259 NCBI chr 7:88,113,326...88,139,337
Ensembl chr 7:88,113,326...88,128,933
JBrowse link
G Hyal2 hyaluronidase 2 involved_in IEP PMID:19635555 UniProt PMID:19635555 RGD:8553259 NCBI chr 8:108,241,895...108,246,853
Ensembl chr 8:108,243,133...108,246,850
JBrowse link
G Inpp5k inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase K involved_in ISO (PMID:21938401) RGD PMID:21938401 NCBI chr10:60,474,262...60,495,813
Ensembl chr10:60,475,897...60,496,773
JBrowse link
G Nppb natriuretic peptide B IDA RGD PMID:8289999 RGD:7247315 NCBI chr 5:158,416,813...158,418,175
Ensembl chr 5:158,416,866...158,418,168
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G Npr3 natriuretic peptide receptor 3 involved_in ISS
PMID:10377427 GO_REF:0000024 GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 2:60,865,483...60,933,432
Ensembl chr 2:60,870,594...60,932,955
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G Oprl1 opioid related nociceptin receptor 1 IDA RGD PMID:15010357 RGD:9835013 NCBI chr 3:168,831,934...168,839,920
Ensembl chr 3:168,834,003...168,839,920
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G Ptger3 prostaglandin E receptor 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO MGI:2157796 (PMID:9843913) RGD PMID:9843913 NCBI chr 2:246,606,131...246,750,970
Ensembl chr 2:246,606,183...246,684,434
JBrowse link
G Ptger4 prostaglandin E receptor 4 IMP RGD PMID:18287210 RGD:10003052 NCBI chr 2:54,330,563...54,347,451
Ensembl chr 2:54,335,424...54,346,670
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20076
    biological regulation 13559
      regulation of biological quality 3418
        regulation of body fluid levels 423
          regulation of urine volume 29
            positive regulation of urine volume 15
              positive regulation of urine volume by pressure natriuresis 0
paths to the root