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Term:slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction
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Definition:A process in which force is generated within slow-twitch skeletal muscle tissue, resulting in a change in muscle geometry. Force generation involves a chemo-mechanical energy conversion step that is carried out by the actin/myosin complex activity, which generates force through ATP hydrolysis. The slow-twitch skeletal muscle is characterized by slow time parameters, low force development and resistance to fatigue.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibre contraction

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slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Mb myoglobin ISO RGD PMID:15981298 RGD:1582404 NCBI chrNW_004955405:43,215,404...43,221,606
Ensembl chrNW_004955405:43,215,007...43,222,052
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G Tnnt1 troponin T1, slow skeletal type ISO RGD PMID:15788488 RGD:1599482 NCBI chrNW_004955567:1,039,625...1,050,581
Ensembl chrNW_004955567:1,043,026...1,055,039
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12518
    multicellular organismal process 6224
      multicellular organismal movement 64
        musculoskeletal movement 60
          skeletal muscle contraction 45
            voluntary skeletal muscle contraction 6
              twitch skeletal muscle contraction 6
                slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 2
                  negative regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0
                  positive regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0
                  regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction + 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12518
    multicellular organismal process 6224
      system process 1711
        muscle system process 427
          muscle contraction 294
            striated muscle contraction 170
              skeletal muscle contraction 45
                voluntary skeletal muscle contraction 6
                  twitch skeletal muscle contraction 6
                    slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 2
                      negative regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0
                      positive regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction 0
                      regulation of slow-twitch skeletal muscle fiber contraction + 0
paths to the root