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Term:bone mineralization
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Accession:GO:0030282 term browser browse the term
Definition:The deposition of hydroxyapatite, a form of calcium phosphate with the formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, in bone tissue.
Synonyms:narrow_synonym: bone calcification

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bone mineralization term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Alox15 arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:14716014) MGI PMID:14716014 NCBI chr11:70,234,973...70,279,465
Ensembl chr11:70,234,978...70,242,857
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G Alpl alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney involved_in IMP
(PMID:12082181), (PMID:15920156)
(MGI:2183534|PMID:10620060), (MGI:3033280|PMID:14982838), (MGI:5049900|PMID:20684022), (MGI:6827210|PMID:26457330), (MGI:6827471|PMID:11028439), (MGI:86401|PMID:9056646), (PMID:12082181)
PMID:9056646 PMID:10620060 PMID:11028439 PMID:12082181 PMID:14982838 More... MGI:2183534 MGI:3033280 MGI:5049900 MGI:6827210 MGI:6827471 MGI:86401 NCBI chr 4:137,469,042...137,523,695
Ensembl chr 4:137,469,044...137,523,695
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G Ank progressive ankylosis involved_in IMP
(PMID:12817751) MGI PMID:12817751 NCBI chr15:27,466,763...27,594,995
Ensembl chr15:27,466,763...27,594,995
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G Asgr2 asialoglycoprotein receptor 2 ISO RGD PMID:19841953 RGD:2316850 NCBI chr11:69,983,470...69,997,013
Ensembl chr11:69,983,470...69,997,013
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G Aspn asporin involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:49,697,919...49,721,041
Ensembl chr13:49,697,919...49,721,041
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G Atf4 activating transcription factor 4 involved_in IMP (MGI:3040115|PMID:15109498) UniProt PMID:15109498 MGI:3040115 NCBI chr15:80,139,385...80,141,746
Ensembl chr15:80,139,385...80,141,742
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G Axin2 axin 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19623616) MGI PMID:19623616 NCBI chr11:108,808,687...108,841,609
Ensembl chr11:108,811,175...108,841,609
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G Bmp2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI
(PMID:15657444), (PMID:19213727)
MGI PMID:15657444 PMID:19213727 NCBI chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,816
Ensembl chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,805
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G Cer1 cerberus 1, DAN family BMP antagonist involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 4:82,799,988...82,803,388
Ensembl chr 4:82,799,988...82,803,385
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G Clec3b C-type lectin domain family 3, member b involved_in ISO
GO_REF:0000033 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 9:122,980,011...122,986,497
Ensembl chr 9:122,980,011...122,986,497
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G Col1a2 collagen, type I, alpha 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:22910579) MGI PMID:22910579 NCBI chr 6:4,505,618...4,541,543
Ensembl chr 6:4,504,814...4,541,544
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G Col6a1 collagen, type VI, alpha 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19248115) MGI PMID:19248115 NCBI chr10:76,544,626...76,561,869
Ensembl chr10:76,544,626...76,562,002
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G Comp cartilage oligomeric matrix protein acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:27151399) MGI PMID:27151399 NCBI chr 8:70,826,186...70,834,721
Ensembl chr 8:70,826,208...70,834,716
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G Cst5 cystatin D involved_in IMP (PMID:16680148) MGI PMID:16680148 NCBI chr 2:149,247,242...149,252,217
Ensembl chr 2:149,246,977...149,252,213
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G Cyp27b1 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:17023519) BHF-UCL PMID:17023519 NCBI chr10:126,884,115...126,891,897
Ensembl chr10:126,884,119...126,888,875
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G Dlk1 delta like non-canonical Notch ligand 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21308776) MGI PMID:21308776 NCBI chr12:109,418,411...109,429,262
Ensembl chr12:109,418,749...109,429,262
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G Dnm3os dynamin 3, opposite strand acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:18985749) MGI PMID:18985749 NCBI chr 1:162,045,192...162,053,119
Ensembl chr 1:162,045,192...162,053,119
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G Duox2 dual oxidase 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:17440044) MGI PMID:17440044 NCBI chr 2:122,109,727...122,129,221
Ensembl chr 2:122,109,728...122,128,930
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G Eif2ak3 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:11997520) MGI PMID:11997520 NCBI chr 6:70,821,468...70,882,225
Ensembl chr 6:70,821,499...70,882,229
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G Enpp1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 involved_in
MGI PMID:12082181 PMID:12817751 PMID:15920156 PMID:21930712 PMID:24770645 More... NCBI chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
Ensembl chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
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G Ercc2 excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:17020410) MGI PMID:17020410 NCBI chr 7:19,115,942...19,129,619
Ensembl chr 7:19,115,935...19,129,619
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G Fbxl15 F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 15 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 NCBI chr19:46,316,623...46,318,885
Ensembl chr19:46,316,623...46,318,885
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G Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:12756187) MGI PMID:12756187 NCBI chr 7:129,764,181...129,868,538
Ensembl chr 7:129,764,181...132,725,079
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G Fgfr3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 involved_in IMP (MGI:4457789|PMID:20582225) BHF-UCL PMID:20582225 MGI:4457789 NCBI chr 5:33,879,068...33,894,412
Ensembl chr 5:33,879,018...33,894,412
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G Fgr FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:16964445) MGI PMID:16964445 NCBI chr 4:132,701,406...132,729,204
Ensembl chr 4:132,701,406...132,729,221
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G Fkrp fukutin related protein acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:27109613), (PMID:29571322) MGI PMID:27109613 PMID:29571322 NCBI chr 7:16,543,192...16,550,657
Ensembl chr 7:16,543,171...16,550,657
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G Fosl2 fos-like antigen 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15509771) MGI PMID:15509771 NCBI chr 5:32,292,599...32,315,184
Ensembl chr 5:32,293,145...32,315,186
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G Gata1 GATA binding protein 1 acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:15005853) MGI PMID:15005853 NCBI chr  X:7,825,504...7,842,844
Ensembl chr  X:7,825,499...7,844,310
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G Gla galactosidase, alpha NOT|acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:16697974) MGI PMID:16697974 NCBI chr  X:133,488,912...133,501,707
Ensembl chr  X:133,488,898...133,501,874
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G Gpc3 glypican 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15936336) MGI PMID:15936336 NCBI chr  X:51,361,303...51,702,851
Ensembl chr  X:51,361,303...51,702,827
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G Gpnmb glycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb ISO RGD PMID:11746512 RGD:632991 NCBI chr 6:49,013,449...49,044,413
Ensembl chr 6:49,013,480...49,047,863
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:17181398) MGI PMID:17181398 NCBI chr12:73,948,186...73,994,304
Ensembl chr12:73,948,149...73,994,304
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G Ibsp integrin binding sialoprotein involved_in
(PMID:25464126) GO_Central
PMID:25464126 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 5:104,447,153...104,459,338
Ensembl chr 5:104,447,037...104,459,335
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G Icmt isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23686339) MGI PMID:23686339 NCBI chr 4:152,381,671...152,391,583
Ensembl chr 4:152,381,684...152,391,578
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G Ifitm5 interferon induced transmembrane protein 5 involved_in
PMID:18442316 PMID:20838829 GO_REF:0000033 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 MGI:5607401 NCBI chr 7:140,528,871...140,530,156
Ensembl chr 7:140,528,871...140,530,204
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G Klf10 Kruppel-like transcription factor 10 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15657444) MGI PMID:15657444 NCBI chr15:38,291,702...38,300,950
Ensembl chr15:38,291,707...38,300,950
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G Lgr4 leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor 4 involved_in IMP (MGI:4360132|PMID:19605502) UniProt PMID:19605502 MGI:4360132 NCBI chr 2:109,747,919...109,844,602
Ensembl chr 2:109,747,992...109,844,602
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G Lncpint long non-protein coding RNA, Trp53 induced transcript involved_in IMP (PMID:25909911) MGI PMID:25909911 NCBI chr 6:31,070,498...31,195,409
Ensembl chr 6:31,059,500...31,197,423
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G Lox lysyl oxidase acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:19458888) MGI PMID:19458888 NCBI chr18:52,649,132...52,662,939
Ensembl chr18:52,649,139...52,662,939
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G Ltbp3 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3 acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:11790802) MGI PMID:11790802 NCBI chr19:5,790,928...5,808,564
Ensembl chr19:5,790,932...5,808,560
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G Mepe matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein with ASARM motif (bone) acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:12421822) MGI PMID:12421822 NCBI chr 5:104,473,195...104,486,477
Ensembl chr 5:104,473,195...104,486,477
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G Minpp1 multiple inositol polyphosphate histidine phosphatase 1 NOT|involved_in IMP (MGI:1888425|PMID:10938126) UniProt PMID:10938126 MGI:1888425 NCBI chr19:32,463,169...32,492,770
Ensembl chr19:32,463,169...32,492,764
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G Mmp13 matrix metallopeptidase 13 involved_in IMP (MGI:3771509|PMID:17987127) UniProt PMID:17987127 MGI:3771509 NCBI chr 9:7,272,514...7,283,333
Ensembl chr 9:7,272,514...7,283,331
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G Mtss1 MTSS I-BAR domain containing 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21406566) MGI PMID:21406566 NCBI chr15:58,813,083...58,955,805
Ensembl chr15:58,813,083...58,953,854
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G Nfe2 nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2 acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:15005853) MGI PMID:15005853 NCBI chr15:103,156,640...103,166,809
Ensembl chr15:103,156,639...103,166,830
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G Nfix nuclear factor I/X involved_in IMP (PMID:17353270) MGI PMID:17353270 NCBI chr 8:85,431,341...85,527,086
Ensembl chr 8:85,426,505...85,526,973
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G Phex phosphate regulating endopeptidase homolog, X-linked acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15843468) MGI PMID:15843468 NCBI chr  X:155,945,071...156,198,282
Ensembl chr  X:155,945,071...156,198,308
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G Phospho1 phosphatase, orphan 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5049900|PMID:20684022), (MGI:6814708|PMID:17227223), (MGI:6827210|PMID:26457330) UniProt PMID:17227223 PMID:20684022 PMID:26457330 MGI:5049900 MGI:6814708 MGI:6827210 NCBI chr11:95,715,326...95,722,966
Ensembl chr11:95,715,325...95,722,966
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G Pkdcc protein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21553379) MGI PMID:21553379 NCBI chr17:83,522,708...83,532,496
Ensembl chr17:83,522,721...83,532,499
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G Prickle1 prickle planar cell polarity protein 1 involved_in IMP (PMID:23913870) MGI PMID:23913870 NCBI chr15:93,396,992...93,494,147
Ensembl chr15:93,396,995...93,493,772
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:18519738) MGI PMID:18519738 NCBI chr 1:149,975,851...149,983,978
Ensembl chr 1:149,975,782...149,983,978
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G Pth parathyroid hormone acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:19968565) MGI PMID:19968565 NCBI chr 7:112,984,783...112,987,879
Ensembl chr 7:112,984,787...112,987,777
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G Pth1r parathyroid hormone 1 receptor acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:11606467), (PMID:9832460) MGI PMID:9832460 PMID:11606467 NCBI chr 9:110,551,132...110,576,213
Ensembl chr 9:110,551,153...110,576,213
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G Pthlh parathyroid hormone-like peptide NOT|acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:11606467)
MGI PMID:11606467 PMID:19968565 NCBI chr 6:147,153,607...147,165,511
Ensembl chr 6:147,153,599...147,165,681
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G Ptn pleiotrophin acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:12413943) MGI PMID:12413943 NCBI chr 6:36,691,863...36,787,114
Ensembl chr 6:36,691,864...36,787,155
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G Rogdi rogdi homolog acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:38172607) MGI PMID:38172607 NCBI chr16:4,826,593...4,831,438
Ensembl chr16:4,826,594...4,831,417
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G Ror2 receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 2 ISO RGD PMID:23337931 RGD:11537369 NCBI chr13:53,263,353...53,440,160
Ensembl chr13:53,263,348...53,440,160
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G Rspo2 R-spondin 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:19213727) MGI PMID:19213727 NCBI chr15:42,884,184...43,034,990
Ensembl chr15:42,884,190...43,034,222
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G Runx2 runt related transcription factor 2 acts_upstream_of IDA
(PMID:21930712) MGI PMID:21930712 NCBI chr17:44,806,873...45,125,518
Ensembl chr17:44,806,874...45,125,684
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G Sbds SBDS ribosome maturation factor involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 5:130,274,573...130,284,371
Ensembl chr 5:130,274,572...130,284,371
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G Sbno2 strawberry notch 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:23980096) MGI PMID:23980096 NCBI chr10:79,892,826...79,941,942
Ensembl chr10:79,892,826...79,941,405
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G Slc24a3 solute carrier family 24 (sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger), member 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (MGI:6104227|PMID:28602864) ARUK-UCL PMID:28602864 MGI:6104227 NCBI chr 2:145,009,695...145,484,086
Ensembl chr 2:145,009,674...145,484,086
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G Smpd3 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 3, neutral acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP
MGI PMID:21788370 PMID:24585429 NCBI chr 8:106,979,180...107,064,597
Ensembl chr 8:106,979,180...107,064,620
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G Sox9 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:11371614) MGI PMID:11371614 NCBI chr11:112,673,036...112,678,583
Ensembl chr11:112,673,050...112,678,586
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 involved_in IMP
(PMID:12817751) MGI PMID:12817751 NCBI chr 5:104,582,977...104,588,919
Ensembl chr 5:104,582,984...104,588,916
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G Tcf7l2 transcription factor 7 like 2, T cell specific, HMG box acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:19213727) MGI PMID:19213727 NCBI chr19:55,730,227...55,922,091
Ensembl chr19:55,730,252...55,922,086
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G Tmem38b transmembrane protein 38B acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:27188440) MGI PMID:27188440 NCBI chr 4:53,825,988...53,862,019
Ensembl chr 4:53,826,045...53,862,019
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G Wnt11 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 11 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:19213727) MGI PMID:19213727 NCBI chr 7:98,484,293...98,503,954
Ensembl chr 7:98,484,319...98,504,402
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G Zmpste24 zinc metallopeptidase, STE24 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23686339) MGI PMID:23686339 NCBI chr 4:120,916,434...120,955,452
Ensembl chr 4:120,916,434...120,955,438
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bone mineralization involved in bone maturation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ano6 anoctamin 6 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:22936354) MGI PMID:22936354 NCBI chr15:95,688,724...95,873,353
Ensembl chr15:95,688,724...95,872,632
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G Asxl2 ASXL transcriptional regulator 2 acts_upstream_of IMP (PMID:21490954) MGI PMID:21490954 NCBI chr12:3,476,892...3,560,811
Ensembl chr12:3,476,857...3,556,852
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G Ccdc154 coiled-coil domain containing 154 acts_upstream_of_or_within
(PMID:20121924) MGI
PMID:20121924 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr17:25,381,142...25,390,887
Ensembl chr17:25,381,435...25,390,887
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G Enpp1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 involved_in IMP (PMID:25260930)
MGI PMID:22359666 PMID:25260930 NCBI chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
Ensembl chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
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G Ift80 intraflagellar transport 80 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:26996322) MGI PMID:26996322 NCBI chr 3:68,799,832...68,911,939
Ensembl chr 3:68,799,832...68,911,892
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G Igf1 insulin-like growth factor 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr10:87,694,127...87,772,909
Ensembl chr10:87,694,127...87,772,904
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G Lep leptin involved_in ISO RGD
PMID:21353474 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:5128507 NCBI chr 6:29,060,220...29,073,875
Ensembl chr 6:29,060,219...29,073,876
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G Phospho1 phosphatase, orphan 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within
(PMID:21272676) MGI
PMID:21272676 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr11:95,715,326...95,722,966
Ensembl chr11:95,715,325...95,722,966
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G Snx10 sorting nexin 10 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:25811986) MGI PMID:25811986 NCBI chr 6:51,500,882...51,567,659
Ensembl chr 6:51,500,881...51,567,659
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negative regulation of bone mineralization term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ahsg alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein involved_in IDA
(MGI:3687916|PMID:12556469) UniProt
PMID:8702833 PMID:12556469 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:3687916 MGI:4417868 RGD:1626074 NCBI chr16:22,710,793...22,718,193
Ensembl chr16:22,710,027...22,718,199
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G Bcor BCL6 interacting corepressor involved_in ISO (PMID:19578371) UniProt PMID:19578371 NCBI chr  X:11,902,976...12,026,769
Ensembl chr  X:11,902,979...12,026,594
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G Ccl3 C-C motif chemokine ligand 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:21403648) UniProt PMID:21403648 NCBI chr11:83,538,669...83,540,204
Ensembl chr11:83,538,670...83,540,181
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G Ccr1 C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 9:123,762,163...123,768,729
Ensembl chr 9:123,762,161...123,768,729
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G Ccr1l1 C-C motif chemokine receptor 1 like 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 9:123,776,467...123,786,752
Ensembl chr 9:123,777,280...123,778,445
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G Ecm1 extracellular matrix protein 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 3:95,641,459...95,646,880
Ensembl chr 3:95,641,459...95,646,881
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G Enpp1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5607146|PMID:25479107), (MGI:6220772|PMID:30111653), (MGI:6294341|PMID:22510396) UniProt PMID:22510396 PMID:25479107 PMID:30111653 MGI:5607146 MGI:6220772 MGI:6294341 NCBI chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
Ensembl chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
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G Fgf23 fibroblast growth factor 23 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 6:127,049,865...127,059,257
Ensembl chr 6:127,049,865...127,058,371
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G Gata1 GATA binding protein 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15005853) MGI PMID:15005853 NCBI chr  X:7,825,504...7,842,844
Ensembl chr  X:7,825,499...7,844,310
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G Grem1 gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:113,579,020...113,588,993
Ensembl chr 2:113,576,509...113,588,991
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1, alpha subunit acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:17181398) MGI PMID:17181398 NCBI chr12:73,948,186...73,994,304
Ensembl chr12:73,948,149...73,994,304
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G Ltbp3 latent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:11790802) MGI PMID:11790802 NCBI chr19:5,790,928...5,808,564
Ensembl chr19:5,790,932...5,808,560
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G Mepe matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein with ASARM motif (bone) acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP
(PMID:12421822), (PMID:15843468)
MGI PMID:12421822 PMID:15843468 PMID:22766095 NCBI chr 5:104,473,195...104,486,477
Ensembl chr 5:104,473,195...104,486,477
JBrowse link
G Nfe2 nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15005853) MGI PMID:15005853 NCBI chr15:103,156,640...103,166,809
Ensembl chr15:103,156,639...103,166,830
JBrowse link
G Ptk2b PTK2 protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta involved_in IMP (MGI:3713957|PMID:17537919) UniProt PMID:17537919 MGI:3713957 NCBI chr14:66,390,706...66,518,549
Ensembl chr14:66,390,706...66,518,501
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G Sox9 SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:11371614) MGI PMID:11371614 NCBI chr11:112,673,036...112,678,583
Ensembl chr11:112,673,050...112,678,586
JBrowse link
G Srgn serglycin involved_in ISO
GO_REF:0000033 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr10:62,329,612...62,363,224
Ensembl chr10:62,329,612...62,363,230
JBrowse link
G Trpm4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 4 involved_in ISO RGD
PMID:23081848 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:10003033 NCBI chr 7:44,952,579...44,983,495
Ensembl chr 7:44,952,056...44,983,204
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negative regulation of bone mineralization involved in bone maturation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Grem1 gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:113,579,020...113,588,993
Ensembl chr 2:113,576,509...113,588,991
JBrowse link
G Pth parathyroid hormone involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 NCBI chr 7:112,984,783...112,987,879
Ensembl chr 7:112,984,787...112,987,777
JBrowse link
G Rflna refilin A involved_in
(PMID:24436304) GO_Central
PMID:24436304 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 5:125,080,512...125,089,611
Ensembl chr 5:125,080,285...125,089,611
JBrowse link
G Rflnb refilin B involved_in
(PMID:24436304) GO_Central
PMID:24436304 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr11:75,910,020...75,918,608
Ensembl chr11:75,910,020...75,918,608
JBrowse link
positive regulation of bone mineralization term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Acvr1 activin A receptor, type 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:58,336,450...58,456,840
Ensembl chr 2:58,278,656...58,457,169
JBrowse link
G Acvr2a activin receptor IIA involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:48,704,121...48,793,276
Ensembl chr 2:48,704,121...48,793,281
JBrowse link
G Acvr2b activin receptor IIB involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 9:119,231,081...119,271,214
Ensembl chr 9:119,231,184...119,264,061
JBrowse link
G Adgrv1 adhesion G protein-coupled receptor V1 involved_in IMP (MGI:6211994|PMID:22419726) UniProt PMID:22419726 MGI:6211994 NCBI chr13:81,243,187...81,781,504
Ensembl chr13:81,243,187...81,781,273
JBrowse link
G Adrb2 adrenergic receptor, beta 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15724149) MGI PMID:15724149 NCBI chr18:62,310,784...62,313,052
Ensembl chr18:62,310,887...62,313,030
JBrowse link
G Alox5 arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase involved_in IMP (MGI:6393219|PMID:24906289) UniProt PMID:24906289 MGI:6393219 NCBI chr 6:116,387,030...116,438,139
Ensembl chr 6:116,387,038...116,438,139
JBrowse link
G Ano6 anoctamin 6 involved_in IMP
(MGI:5634871|PMID:25589784) UniProt
PMID:25589784 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 MGI:5634871 NCBI chr15:95,688,724...95,873,353
Ensembl chr15:95,688,724...95,872,632
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G Atp2b1 ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:5780494|PMID:26392310) UniProt PMID:26392310 MGI:5780494 NCBI chr10:98,750,243...98,862,005
Ensembl chr10:98,750,268...98,862,005
JBrowse link
G Atraid all-trans retinoic acid induced differentiation factor involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 5:31,205,984...31,211,977
Ensembl chr 5:31,205,656...31,211,967
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G Bmp2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 involved_in IDA
(MGI:5009350|PMID:20675382) BHF-UCL
PMID:20675382 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 MGI:5009350 NCBI chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,816
Ensembl chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,805
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G Bmp4 bone morphogenetic protein 4 acts_upstream_of_or_within
PMID:15352071 GO_REF:0000008 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:9068399 NCBI chr14:46,620,982...46,628,126
Ensembl chr14:46,620,977...46,628,126
JBrowse link
G Bmp6 bone morphogenetic protein 6 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:38,529,098...38,684,283
Ensembl chr13:38,529,083...38,684,278
JBrowse link
G Bmp7 bone morphogenetic protein 7 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:172,709,805...172,782,114
Ensembl chr 2:172,709,805...172,782,114
JBrowse link
G Bmpr1a bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1A involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr14:34,133,018...34,225,335
Ensembl chr14:34,132,691...34,225,298
JBrowse link
G Bmpr1b bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type 1B involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 3:141,540,230...141,875,335
Ensembl chr 3:141,542,897...141,875,186
JBrowse link
G Bmpr2 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 1:59,802,721...59,917,240
Ensembl chr 1:59,802,559...59,918,173
JBrowse link
G Ccn1 cellular communication network factor 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 3:145,352,726...145,355,740
Ensembl chr 3:145,352,731...145,355,736
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G Cd276 CD276 antigen acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15317945) MGI PMID:15317945 NCBI chr 9:58,431,581...58,463,437
Ensembl chr 9:58,431,581...58,462,720
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G Csf1r colony stimulating factor 1 receptor involved_in ISO RGD
PMID:18434589 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:151665814 NCBI chr18:61,238,644...61,264,211
Ensembl chr18:61,233,670...61,265,221
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G Fam20c FAM20C, golgi associated secretory pathway kinase acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:17369251), (PMID:22615579) MGI PMID:17369251 PMID:22615579 NCBI chr 5:138,740,836...138,795,818
Ensembl chr 5:138,740,269...138,795,832
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G Fbn2 fibrillin 2 involved_in IMP (MGI:4836762|PMID:20855508) BHF-UCL PMID:20855508 MGI:4836762 NCBI chr18:58,141,689...58,343,200
Ensembl chr18:58,141,695...58,343,559
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G Fgfr3 fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:20053668) MGI PMID:20053668 NCBI chr 5:33,879,068...33,894,412
Ensembl chr 5:33,879,018...33,894,412
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G Fzd9 frizzled class receptor 9 involved_in IMP (MGI:4943600|PMID:21402791) UniProt PMID:21402791 MGI:4943600 NCBI chr 5:135,277,792...135,279,901
Ensembl chr 5:135,277,792...135,280,084
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G Gpm6b glycoprotein m6b involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr  X:165,021,911...165,172,028
Ensembl chr  X:165,021,907...165,171,984
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G Isg15 ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier involved_in IMP (MGI:4943600|PMID:21402791) UniProt PMID:21402791 MGI:4943600 NCBI chr 4:156,283,881...156,285,275
Ensembl chr 4:156,283,912...156,285,253
JBrowse link
G Kl klotho involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 5:150,876,072...150,917,282
Ensembl chr 5:150,876,072...150,917,282
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G Mef2c myocyte enhancer factor 2C involved_in IMP (MGI:5285459|PMID:21652706) UniProt PMID:21652706 MGI:5285459 NCBI chr13:83,652,136...83,815,197
Ensembl chr13:83,652,153...83,815,199
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G Mia3 MIA SH3 domain ER export factor 3 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21606205) MGI PMID:21606205 NCBI chr 1:183,107,091...183,151,091
Ensembl chr 1:183,107,682...183,150,894
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G Nell1 NEL-like 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 7:49,625,098...50,513,037
Ensembl chr 7:49,624,612...50,516,356
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G Osr1 odd-skipped related transcription factor 1 involved_in IGI (MGI:4950000|PMID:21262216) BHF-UCL PMID:21262216 MGI:4950000 NCBI chr12:9,624,442...9,631,500
Ensembl chr12:9,620,116...9,631,500
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G Osr2 odd-skipped related 2 involved_in IGI (MGI:4950000|PMID:21262216) BHF-UCL PMID:21262216 MGI:4950000 NCBI chr15:35,296,244...35,303,451
Ensembl chr15:35,296,244...35,303,451
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G P2rx7 purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:12677010), (PMID:18519738) MGI PMID:12677010 PMID:18519738 NCBI chr 5:122,781,990...122,830,399
Ensembl chr 5:122,781,974...122,829,495
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G Pkdcc protein kinase domain containing, cytoplasmic involved_in IMP (MGI:3813934|PMID:19097194) UniProt PMID:19097194 MGI:3813934 NCBI chr17:83,522,708...83,532,496
Ensembl chr17:83,522,721...83,532,499
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G Pla2g4a phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) ISO RGD PMID:10807497 RGD:1642474 NCBI chr 1:149,705,369...149,837,041
Ensembl chr 1:149,705,369...149,837,041
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G Pth parathyroid hormone involved_in ISO RGD
PMID:15758479 PMID:22445539 GO_REF:0000096 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4417868 MGI:4834177 RGD:7207452 RGD:7242906 NCBI chr 7:112,984,783...112,987,879
Ensembl chr 7:112,984,787...112,987,777
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G Ptn pleiotrophin involved_in IMP (MGI:6294181|PMID:19442624) UniProt PMID:19442624 MGI:6294181 NCBI chr 6:36,691,863...36,787,114
Ensembl chr 6:36,691,864...36,787,155
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G Rxra retinoid X receptor alpha involved_in NAS (MGI:6219233|PMID:27184385) ComplexPortal PMID:27184385 MGI:6219233 NCBI chr 2:27,566,457...27,653,331
Ensembl chr 2:27,566,452...27,652,969
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G Rxrb retinoid X receptor beta involved_in NAS (MGI:6219233|PMID:27184385) ComplexPortal PMID:27184385 MGI:6219233 NCBI chr17:34,250,786...34,257,377
Ensembl chr17:34,250,786...34,257,373
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G Slc20a2 solute carrier family 20, member 2 involved_in IMP (MGI:6342320|PMID:30721528) UniProt PMID:30721528 MGI:6342320 NCBI chr 8:22,966,771...23,059,632
Ensembl chr 8:22,966,804...23,059,628
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G Slc8a1 solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr17:81,680,534...82,045,816
Ensembl chr17:81,680,534...82,045,806
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G Smad3 SMAD family member 3 involved_in ISO rat gene expressed in mouse osteoblastic cell line MC3T3-E1; TGF-beta down-regulates this activity RGD
PMID:12096832 GO_REF:0000096 MGI:4417868 RGD:727387 NCBI chr 9:63,554,048...63,665,276
Ensembl chr 9:63,554,049...63,665,276
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G Tent5a terminal nucleotidyltransferase 5A involved_in IMP (MGI:6717031|PMID:33882302) UniProt PMID:33882302 MGI:6717031 NCBI chr 9:85,202,492...85,209,203
Ensembl chr 9:85,202,492...85,209,401
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G Tfap2a transcription factor AP-2, alpha involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr13:40,867,278...40,891,715
Ensembl chr13:40,868,778...40,891,852
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G Tmem119 transmembrane protein 119 involved_in IMP
(MGI:4418582|PMID:20025746), (MGI:5700277|PMID:26207632) UniProt
PMID:20025746 PMID:26207632 GO_REF:0000033 GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4418582 MGI:4834177 MGI:5700277 NCBI chr 5:113,931,790...113,938,457
Ensembl chr 5:113,931,790...113,938,577
JBrowse link
G Vdr vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor involved_in NAS (MGI:6219233|PMID:27184385) ComplexPortal PMID:27184385 MGI:6219233 NCBI chr15:97,752,308...97,806,177
Ensembl chr15:97,752,306...97,808,511
JBrowse link
G Wnt10b wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 10B acts_upstream_of_or_within IDA (PMID:15728361) MGI PMID:15728361 NCBI chr15:98,668,593...98,676,093
Ensembl chr15:98,668,593...98,676,031
JBrowse link
G Wnt4 wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 4 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 4:137,004,946...137,026,812
Ensembl chr 4:137,004,800...137,027,037
JBrowse link
positive regulation of bone mineralization involved in bone maturation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Actn3 actinin alpha 3 involved_in IMP (MGI:5291888|PMID:21784188) UniProt PMID:21784188 MGI:5291888 NCBI chr19:4,911,244...4,927,937
Ensembl chr19:4,911,244...4,927,937
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G Asxl2 ASXL transcriptional regulator 2 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21490954) MGI PMID:21490954 NCBI chr12:3,476,892...3,560,811
Ensembl chr12:3,476,857...3,556,852
JBrowse link
G Bmp2 bone morphogenetic protein 2 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,816
Ensembl chr 2:133,394,079...133,404,805
JBrowse link
regulation of bone mineralization term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ank progressive ankylosis involved_in
IMP (MGI:6448251|PMID:32639996)
(PMID:10894769), (PMID:7276519)
PMID:7276519 PMID:10894769 PMID:32639996 MGI:6448251 NCBI chr15:27,466,763...27,594,995
Ensembl chr15:27,466,763...27,594,995
JBrowse link
G Bglap bone gamma carboxyglutamate protein involved_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000002 MGI:2152098 NCBI chr 3:88,290,802...88,291,773
Ensembl chr 3:88,290,808...88,291,771
JBrowse link
G Bglap2 bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein 2 involved_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000002 MGI:2152098 NCBI chr 3:88,285,043...88,286,008
Ensembl chr 3:88,285,043...88,286,006
JBrowse link
G Bglap3 bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein 3 involved_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000002 MGI:2152098 NCBI chr 3:88,275,923...88,280,048
Ensembl chr 3:88,275,923...88,280,050
JBrowse link
G Bmp2k BMP2 inducible kinase involved_in
(PMID:11500515) GO_Central
PMID:11500515 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 5:97,143,588...97,239,809
Ensembl chr 5:97,145,548...97,239,726
JBrowse link
G Comp cartilage oligomeric matrix protein acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21350216) MGI PMID:21350216 NCBI chr 8:70,826,186...70,834,721
Ensembl chr 8:70,826,208...70,834,716
JBrowse link
G Cyp27b1 cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr10:126,884,115...126,891,897
Ensembl chr10:126,884,119...126,888,875
JBrowse link
G Ddr2 discoidin domain receptor family, member 2 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 1:169,799,874...169,938,525
Ensembl chr 1:169,799,876...169,938,331
JBrowse link
G Ecm1 extracellular matrix protein 1 involved_in
(PMID:20138147) GO_Central
PMID:20138147 GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr 3:95,641,459...95,646,880
Ensembl chr 3:95,641,459...95,646,881
JBrowse link
G Enpp1 ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 involved_in IBA GO_Central GO_REF:0000033 NCBI chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
Ensembl chr10:24,513,812...24,588,057
JBrowse link
G Fgf23 fibroblast growth factor 23 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:15579309) MGI PMID:15579309 NCBI chr 6:127,049,865...127,059,257
Ensembl chr 6:127,049,865...127,058,371
JBrowse link
G Gja1 gap junction protein, alpha 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:21346198) MGI PMID:21346198 NCBI chr10:56,253,297...56,266,519
Ensembl chr10:56,253,426...56,278,609
JBrowse link
G Ifitm5 interferon induced transmembrane protein 5 acts_upstream_of_or_within IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000043 MGI:1354194 NCBI chr 7:140,528,871...140,530,156
Ensembl chr 7:140,528,871...140,530,204
JBrowse link
G Matn1 matrilin 1, cartilage matrix protein acts_upstream_of_or_within IMP (PMID:16877353) MGI PMID:16877353 NCBI chr 4:130,671,696...130,682,787
Ensembl chr 4:130,671,696...130,682,786
JBrowse link
G Mgp matrix Gla protein involved_in IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000002 MGI:2152098 NCBI chr 6:136,849,433...136,852,821
Ensembl chr 6:136,849,433...136,852,821
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G Nbr1 NBR1, autophagy cargo receptor involved_in IMP (MGI:4818844|PMID:20616007) BHF-UCL PMID:20616007 MGI:4818844 NCBI chr11:101,442,933...101,472,777
Ensembl chr11:101,442,975...101,472,777
JBrowse link
G Notum notum palmitoleoyl-protein carboxylesterase acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO
(PMID:30622831) MGI PMID:30622831 NCBI chr11:120,544,614...120,552,019
Ensembl chr11:120,544,614...120,552,001
JBrowse link
G Ostn osteocrin acts_upstream_of_or_within IC (PMID:14523025) MGI PMID:14523025 NCBI chr16:27,125,733...27,169,959
Ensembl chr16:27,126,239...27,169,962
JBrowse link
G Phospho1 phosphatase, orphan 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IEA UniProt GO_REF:0000043 MGI:1354194 NCBI chr11:95,715,326...95,722,966
Ensembl chr11:95,715,325...95,722,966
JBrowse link
G S1pr1 sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 involved_in IMP (MGI:3839226|PMID:19204730) UniProt PMID:19204730 MGI:3839226 NCBI chr 3:115,504,082...115,508,704
Ensembl chr 3:115,504,082...115,508,721
JBrowse link
G Sgms2 sphingomyelin synthase 2 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr 3:131,112,634...131,197,204
Ensembl chr 3:131,112,634...131,197,172
JBrowse link
G Suv39h1 suppressor of variegation 3-9 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23695662) MGI PMID:23695662 NCBI chr  X:7,927,401...7,940,994
Ensembl chr  X:7,927,410...7,940,999
JBrowse link
G Twist1 twist basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor 1 involved_in ISO MGI GO_REF:0000119 MGI:4834177 NCBI chr12:34,007,670...34,009,830
Ensembl chr12:34,007,670...34,009,828
JBrowse link
G Txlng taxilin gamma involved_in IMP (MGI:3587454|PMID:15911876), (MGI:5306578|PMID:19016261) UniProt PMID:15911876 PMID:19016261 MGI:3587454 MGI:5306578 NCBI chr  X:161,561,913...161,612,450
Ensembl chr  X:161,561,915...161,612,450
JBrowse link
G Zmpste24 zinc metallopeptidase, STE24 acts_upstream_of_or_within IGI (PMID:23695662) MGI PMID:23695662 NCBI chr 4:120,916,434...120,955,452
Ensembl chr 4:120,916,434...120,955,438
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28697
    multicellular organismal process 8942
      ossification 543
        bone mineralization 147
          bone mineralization involved in bone maturation + 15
          negative regulation of bone mineralization + 21
          phosphatidylserine exposure on osteoblast involved in bone mineralization 0
          positive regulation of bone mineralization + 49
          regulation of bone mineralization + 91
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28697
    developmental process 7399
      anatomical structure development 6868
        tissue development 2366
          biomineral tissue development 197
            bone mineralization 147
              bone mineralization involved in bone maturation + 15
              negative regulation of bone mineralization + 21
              phosphatidylserine exposure on osteoblast involved in bone mineralization 0
              positive regulation of bone mineralization + 49
              regulation of bone mineralization + 91
paths to the root