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Term:cell cycle phase
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Accession:GO:0022403 term browser browse the term
Definition:One of the distinct periods or stages into which the cell cycle is divided. Each phase is characterized by the occurrence of specific biochemical and morphological events.
Comment:Note that this term should not be used for direct annotation. If you are trying to make an annotation to x phase, it is likely that the correct annotation is 'regulation of x/y phase transition' or to a process which occurs during the reported phase (i.e mitotic DNA replication for mitotic S-phase). To capture the phase when a specific location or process is observed, the phase term can be used in an annotation extension (PMID:24885854) applied to a cellular component term (with the relation exists_during) or a biological process term (with the relation happens_during).

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  biological_process 20536
    biological phase 8
      cell cycle phase 0
        G1 phase + 0
        G2 phase + 0
        M phase + 0
        S phase + 0
        anaphase + 0
        cell quiescence 0
        interphase + 0
        meiotic cell cycle phase + 0
        mitotic cell cycle phase + 0
        prophase + 0
        telophase + 0
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