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Term:midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation
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Accession:GO:0021547 term browser browse the term
Definition:The regionalization process that gives rise to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. The midbrain-hindbrain domain of the embryonic brain is comprised of the mesencephalic vesicle and the first rhombencephalic vesicle at early somitogenesis stages. An organizing center at the boundary patterns the midbrain and hindbrain primordia of the neural plate.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: MHB biosynthesis;   MHB formation;   midbrain-hindbrain boundary biosynthesis;   midbrain-hindbrain boundary formation
 related_synonym: isthmus biosynthesis;   isthmus formation

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midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G SSBP3 single stranded DNA binding protein 3 involved_in IEA Ensembl GO_REF:0000107 NCBI chr 1:54,225,432...54,413,490
Ensembl chr 1:54,225,432...54,413,479
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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20484
    developmental process 7687
      anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis 1482
        formation of anatomical boundary 7
          midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 20484
    developmental process 7687
      anatomical structure development 7070
        multicellular organism development 5682
          embryo development 1398
            embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching 905
              chordate embryonic development 883
                neural tube development 199
                  neural tube patterning 45
                    rostrocaudal neural tube patterning 15
                      midbrain-hindbrain boundary development 9
                        midbrain-hindbrain boundary initiation 1
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