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Term:transferase activity
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Accession:GO:0016740 term browser browse the term
Definition:Catalysis of the transfer of a group, e.g. a methyl group, glycosyl group, acyl group, phosphorus-containing, or other groups, from one compound (generally regarded as the donor) to another compound (generally regarded as the acceptor). Transferase is the systematic name for any enzyme of EC class 2.
Synonyms:xref: EC:2;   reactome:R-HSA-1483089 "PE is converted to PS by PTDSS2";   reactome:R-HSA-1483186 "PC is converted to PS by PTDSS1";   reactome:R-HSA-5668414 "TRAF2 ubiquitinates cIAP1,2 in cIAP1,2:TRAF1:TRAF2:TRAF3:NIK";   reactome:R-HSA-8868783 "TSR3 transfers aminocarboxypropyl group from S-adenosylmethionine to N(1)-methylpseudouridine-1248 of 18SE rRNA yielding N(1)-methyl-N(3)-aminocarboxypropylpseudouridine-1248"

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