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Term:gene expression
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Accession:GO:0010467 term browser browse the term
Definition:The process in which a gene's sequence is converted into a mature gene product (protein or RNA). This includes the production of an RNA transcript and its processing, as well as translation and maturation for protein-coding genes.
Synonyms:xref: Wikipedia:Gene_expression

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 18954
        cellular process 18495
          metabolic process 11730
            macromolecule metabolic process 9815
              macromolecule biosynthetic process 7679
                gene expression 7263
                  DNA-templated transcription + 3283
                  RNA processing + 1892
                  RNA-templated transcription + 2
                  cytokine production + 875
                  gene expression involved in extracellular matrix organization 3
                  mRNA export from nucleus + 59
                  mitochondrial gene expression + 115
                  negative regulation of gene expression + 1382
                  oxytocin production + 1
                  plastid gene expression 0
                  positive regulation of gene expression + 1312
                  production of molecular mediator of immune response + 246
                  protein maturation + 541
                  regulation of gene expression + 4908
                  translation + 745
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