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Term:xanthophyll cycle
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Definition:A cyclic series of interconversions involving three xanthophylls, violoxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin. The xanthophyll cycle is involved in regulating energy dissipation in light harvesting complex II.
Synonyms:xref: MetaCyc:PWY-5945;   Wikipedia:Xanthophyll#Xanthophyll_cycle

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  biological_process 17022
    cellular process 16537
      metabolic process 10906
        primary metabolic process 9686
          lipid metabolic process 1322
            isoprenoid metabolic process 109
              terpenoid metabolic process 86
                tetraterpenoid metabolic process 3
                  carotenoid metabolic process 3
                    xanthophyll metabolic process 2
                      xanthophyll cycle 0
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