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Term:G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway
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Accession:GO:0007186 term browser browse the term
Definition:The series of molecular signals initiated by a ligand binding to its receptor, in which the activated receptor promotes the exchange of GDP for GTP on the alpha-subunit of an associated heterotrimeric G-protein complex. The GTP-bound activated alpha-G-protein then dissociates from the beta- and gamma-subunits to further transmit the signal within the cell. The pathway begins with receptor-ligand interaction, and ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process. The pathway can start from the plasma membrane, Golgi or nuclear membrane.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: G protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway;   G protein coupled receptor protein signalling pathway;   G-protein coupled receptor protein signal transduction;   G-protein coupled receptor signalling pathway;   GPCR signaling pathway;   GPCR signalling pathway
 narrow_synonym: G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway via GPCR dimer;   dimeric G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway;   dimeric G-protein coupled receptor signalling pathway
 alt_id: GO:0038042

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 17654
        cellular process 17186
          signal transduction 6918
            G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2435
              G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway + 18
              G protein-coupled chemorepellent receptor signaling pathway 0
              G protein-coupled dopamine receptor signaling pathway + 36
              G protein-coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway + 16
              G protein-coupled opioid receptor signaling pathway + 10
              G protein-coupled opsin signaling pathway + 5
              G protein-coupled purinergic receptor signaling pathway + 13
              G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in dauer larval development 0
              G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 0
              G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process + 8
              G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in social behavior 0
              G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger + 29
              G protein-coupled serotonin receptor signaling pathway + 20
              adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 265
              adrenergic receptor signaling pathway + 35
              angiotensin-activated signaling pathway + 21
              apelin receptor signaling pathway 3
              bombesin receptor signaling pathway 2
              calcitonin family receptor signaling pathway + 12
              cannabinoid signaling pathway + 7
              chemokine-mediated signaling pathway + 77
              cholecystokinin signaling pathway + 3
              complement component C5a signaling pathway 1
              endothelin receptor signaling pathway + 12
              follicle-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 8
              gastric inhibitory peptide signaling pathway 2
              ion channel modulating, G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 9
              leukotriene signaling pathway 5
              luteinizing hormone signaling pathway + 3
              negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 77
              neuropeptide signaling pathway + 100
              octopamine or tyramine signaling pathway + 0
              phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 125
              phospholipase C-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2
              phospholipase D-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 3
              positive regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 45
              regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 161
              somatostatin receptor signaling pathway + 5
              sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling pathway 16
              tachykinin receptor signaling pathway + 8
              thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway + 13
              thromboxane A2 signaling pathway 0
              thyroid-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 1
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 17654
        biological regulation 12814
          regulation of biological process 12445
            signaling 7450
              signal transduction 6918
                G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2435
                  G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway + 18
                  G protein-coupled chemorepellent receptor signaling pathway 0
                  G protein-coupled dopamine receptor signaling pathway + 36
                  G protein-coupled glutamate receptor signaling pathway + 16
                  G protein-coupled opioid receptor signaling pathway + 10
                  G protein-coupled opsin signaling pathway + 5
                  G protein-coupled purinergic receptor signaling pathway + 13
                  G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in dauer larval development 0
                  G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 0
                  G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in heart process + 8
                  G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway involved in social behavior 0
                  G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, coupled to cyclic nucleotide second messenger + 29
                  G protein-coupled serotonin receptor signaling pathway + 20
                  adenylate cyclase-modulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 265
                  adrenergic receptor signaling pathway + 35
                  angiotensin-activated signaling pathway + 21
                  apelin receptor signaling pathway 3
                  bombesin receptor signaling pathway 2
                  calcitonin family receptor signaling pathway + 12
                  cannabinoid signaling pathway + 7
                  chemokine-mediated signaling pathway + 77
                  cholecystokinin signaling pathway + 3
                  complement component C5a signaling pathway 1
                  endothelin receptor signaling pathway + 12
                  follicle-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 8
                  gastric inhibitory peptide signaling pathway 2
                  ion channel modulating, G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 9
                  leukotriene signaling pathway 5
                  luteinizing hormone signaling pathway + 3
                  negative regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 77
                  neuropeptide signaling pathway + 100
                  octopamine or tyramine signaling pathway + 0
                  phospholipase C-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 125
                  phospholipase C-inhibiting G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 2
                  phospholipase D-activating G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway 3
                  positive regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 45
                  regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway + 161
                  somatostatin receptor signaling pathway + 5
                  sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling pathway 16
                  tachykinin receptor signaling pathway + 8
                  thrombin-activated receptor signaling pathway + 13
                  thromboxane A2 signaling pathway 0
                  thyroid-stimulating hormone signaling pathway 1
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