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Term:regulation of receptor recycling
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Accession:GO:0001919 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of receptor recycling.

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regulation of receptor recycling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ache acetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group) acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:14645660) MGI PMID:14645660 NCBI chrNW_004955573:79,606...85,799
Ensembl chrNW_004955573:80,298...85,799
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G Gria1 glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 1 involved_in ISO PMID:11348590 UniProt PMID:11348590 RGD:8553683 NCBI chrNW_004955408:7,912,223...8,226,241
Ensembl chrNW_004955408:7,912,592...8,223,570
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G Gria2 glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 2 involved_in ISO PMID:11348590 UniProt PMID:11348590 RGD:8553683 NCBI chrNW_004955471:9,970,396...10,108,871
Ensembl chrNW_004955471:9,970,403...10,108,898
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G Gria3 glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 3 involved_in ISO PMID:11348590 UniProt PMID:11348590 RGD:8553683 NCBI chrNW_004955473:11,283,642...11,574,836
Ensembl chrNW_004955473:11,281,379...11,574,907
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G Kif16b kinesin family member 16B involved_in ISO (PMID:15882625) UniProt PMID:15882625 NCBI chrNW_004955415:25,449,734...25,740,697
Ensembl chrNW_004955415:25,447,539...25,740,775
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G Lamtor1 late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:19177150) UniProt PMID:19177150 NCBI chrNW_004955414:19,228,615...19,235,523
Ensembl chrNW_004955414:19,228,615...19,247,765
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G Tbc1d16 TBC1 domain family member 16 involved_in ISO (PMID:23019362) UniProt PMID:23019362 NCBI chrNW_004955506:2,840,682...2,925,010
Ensembl chrNW_004955506:2,840,682...2,925,010
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negative regulation of receptor recycling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ap1ar adaptor related protein complex 1 associated regulatory protein involved_in ISO (PMID:19706427) UniProt PMID:19706427 NCBI chrNW_004955457:14,456,414...14,471,584
Ensembl chrNW_004955457:14,457,990...14,491,435
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G Ldlr low density lipoprotein receptor involved_in ISO (PMID:17452316) ComplexPortal PMID:17452316 NCBI chrNW_004955495:2,114,702...2,135,584
Ensembl chrNW_004955495:2,114,434...2,138,056
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G LOC102018114 T-cell receptor-associated transmembrane adapter 1 acts_upstream_of_or_within ISO (PMID:11390434) MGI PMID:11390434 NCBI chrNW_004955427:9,665,479...9,700,305
Ensembl chrNW_004955427:9,665,456...9,699,788
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G Optn optineurin involved_in ISO (PMID:22854040) UniProt PMID:22854040 NCBI chrNW_004955462:1,098,118...1,150,291
Ensembl chrNW_004955462:1,107,510...1,151,269
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G Pcsk9 proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 involved_in ISO (PMID:17452316), (PMID:22848640) BHF-UCL PMID:17452316 PMID:22848640 NCBI chrNW_004955464:4,424,583...4,439,805
Ensembl chrNW_004955464:4,425,435...4,439,842
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positive regulation of receptor recycling term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Agtr1 angiotensin II receptor type 1 involved_in ISO PMID:14559250 UniProt PMID:14559250 RGD:2316188 NCBI chrNW_004955474:8,733,942...8,781,305
Ensembl chrNW_004955474:8,733,942...8,781,255
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G Anxa2 annexin A2 involved_in ISO (PMID:22848640) BHF-UCL PMID:22848640 NCBI chrNW_004955450:14,545,586...14,574,161
Ensembl chrNW_004955450:14,512,381...14,574,696
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G Arap1 ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 1 ISO RGD PMID:14559250 RGD:2316188 NCBI chrNW_004955414:18,667,108...18,726,259
Ensembl chrNW_004955414:18,666,673...18,727,683
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G Dab2 DAB adaptor protein 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:20881059) UniProt PMID:20881059 NCBI chrNW_004955426:23,852,752...23,883,030 JBrowse link
G Ece1 endothelin converting enzyme 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:18039931) RGD
PMID:18039931 PMID:21878523 RGD:7243869 NCBI chrNW_004955452:1,653,783...1,704,619
Ensembl chrNW_004955452:1,651,316...1,751,489
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G Eps15 epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15 ISO RGD PMID:21832070 RGD:9685531 NCBI chrNW_004955464:7,569,570...7,688,098
Ensembl chrNW_004955464:7,569,566...7,688,098
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G Inpp5f inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F involved_in ISO (PMID:25869669) ParkinsonsUK-UCL PMID:25869669 NCBI chrNW_004955551:634,724...641,266
Ensembl chrNW_004955551:570,304...640,243
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G Nsf N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor, vesicle fusing ATPase involved_in ISO (PMID:15613468) UniProt PMID:15613468 NCBI chrNW_004955478:10,610,715...10,732,656
Ensembl chrNW_004955478:10,610,619...10,732,656
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G Nsg1 neuronal vesicle trafficking associated 1 ISO RGD PMID:12070131 RGD:9850097 NCBI chrNW_004955514:5,273,810...5,294,925
Ensembl chrNW_004955514:5,273,810...5,295,710
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G Popdc1 popeye domain cAMP effector 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20057356) UniProt PMID:20057356 NCBI chrNW_004955411:30,517,917...30,548,424
Ensembl chrNW_004955411:30,517,875...30,551,335
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G Psen1 presenilin 1 involved_in ISO (PMID:20208556) BHF-UCL PMID:20208556 NCBI chrNW_004955523:2,128,529...2,210,737
Ensembl chrNW_004955523:2,128,529...2,210,737
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G Psen2 presenilin 2 involved_in ISO (PMID:20208556) BHF-UCL PMID:20208556 NCBI chrNW_004955406:5,727,367...5,748,798
Ensembl chrNW_004955406:5,727,367...5,752,234
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G Rab29 RAB29, member RAS oncogene family involved_in ISO (PMID:26021297) ParkinsonsUK-UCL PMID:26021297 NCBI chrNW_004955406:41,452,733...41,468,467
Ensembl chrNW_004955406:41,462,534...41,468,948
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G Ramp3 receptor activity modifying protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:15613468) UniProt PMID:15613468 NCBI chrNW_004955456:7,159,845...7,168,718
Ensembl chrNW_004955456:7,159,845...7,168,792
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G Scrib scribble planar cell polarity protein involved_in ISO (PMID:15775968) UniProt PMID:15775968 NCBI chrNW_004955454:2,461,526...2,482,734
Ensembl chrNW_004955454:2,461,760...2,482,098
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G Snca synuclein alpha involved_in ISO (PMID:18980610) UniProt PMID:18980610 NCBI chrNW_004955405:854,011...962,741
Ensembl chrNW_004955405:853,946...965,403
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G Vamp3 vesicle associated membrane protein 3 involved_in ISO (PMID:20057356) UniProt PMID:20057356 NCBI chrNW_004955486:5,103,228...5,112,157
Ensembl chrNW_004955486:5,103,106...5,112,176
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12545
    regulation of biological process 8755
      regulation of signaling 3180
        regulation of receptor recycling 29
          negative regulation of receptor recycling 5
          positive regulation of receptor recycling 17
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 12545
    cellular process 11977
      metabolic process 7944
        macromolecule metabolic process 6522
          receptor metabolic process 76
            receptor recycling 51
              regulation of receptor recycling 29
                negative regulation of receptor recycling 5
                positive regulation of receptor recycling 17
paths to the root