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RGD uses the Human Disease Ontology (DO, for disease curation across species. RGD automatically downloads each new release of the ontology on a monthly basis. Some additional terms which are required for RGD's curation purposes but are not currently covered in the official version of DO have been added. As corresponding terms are added to DO, these custom terms are retired and the DO terms substituted in existing annotations and subsequently used for curation.

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Accession:DOID:9008824 term browser browse the term
Definition:Progressive decline in muscle mass due to aging which results in decreased functional capacity of muscles.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Sarcopenias
 primary_id: MESH:D055948;   RDO:0007724
 xref: EFO:1000653

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Sarcopenia term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aifm1 apoptosis inducing factor, mitochondria associated 1 severity IEP RNA:increased expression:plantaris muscle: RGD PMID:17029665 RGD:2325745 NCBI chr  X:127,650,223...127,689,356
Ensembl chr  X:127,650,226...127,689,256
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G Ak1 adenylate kinase 1 IEP protein:increased expression:gastrocnemius muscle (rat) RGD PMID:17611631 RGD:5147990 NCBI chr 3:15,912,431...15,923,045
Ensembl chr 3:15,912,485...15,923,041
JBrowse link
G Ar androgen receptor treatment ISO
RGD PMID:24177288 PMID:17049844 RGD:10043306, RGD:10043311 NCBI chr  X:63,104,771...63,273,934
Ensembl chr  X:63,104,771...63,273,925
JBrowse link
G Atp5f1a ATP synthase F1 subunit alpha IEP protein:increased localization:gastrocnemius (rat) RGD PMID:20850499 RGD:13703063 NCBI chr18:71,292,406...71,300,342
Ensembl chr18:71,292,374...71,300,794
JBrowse link
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator IEP mRNA:decreased expression:plantaris RGD PMID:17029665 RGD:2325745 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator IEP mRNA:decreased expression:plantaris RGD PMID:17029665 RGD:2325745 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
JBrowse link
G Cav1 caveolin 1 severity ISO DNA:SNP:intron:14713G>A (rs3807987) (human) RGD PMID:24815842 RGD:10045568 NCBI chr 4:45,640,624...45,673,708
Ensembl chr 4:45,634,918...45,673,705
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G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A treatment ISO RGD PMID:20022929 RGD:10043356 NCBI chr20:7,149,177...7,159,727
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
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G Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha ISO protein:increased expression:thigh muscle (mouse) RGD PMID:21982926 RGD:10401269 NCBI chr 1:87,759,631...87,762,303
Ensembl chr 1:87,759,433...87,762,412
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G Cebpb CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta ISO mRNA:increased expression:vastus lateralis muscle (human) RGD PMID:15687482 RGD:10401226 NCBI chr 3:156,398,035...156,399,466
Ensembl chr 3:156,397,052...156,399,473
JBrowse link
G Eif2b5 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B subunit epsilon IDA RGD PMID:15187001 RGD:10395315 NCBI chr11:80,394,433...80,404,468
Ensembl chr11:80,394,433...80,404,419
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G Eif2s1 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha IEP RGD PMID:15187001 RGD:10395315 NCBI chr 6:97,672,829...97,697,499
Ensembl chr 6:97,672,766...97,706,225
JBrowse link
G Fis1 fission, mitochondrial 1 IEP protein:increased expression:extensor digitorum longus (rat) RGD PMID:23220115 RGD:12738219 NCBI chr12:19,708,560...19,723,392
Ensembl chr12:19,708,558...19,723,377
JBrowse link
G Foxo4 forkhead box O4 IEP RGD PMID:16870627 RGD:10402356 NCBI chr  X:66,385,241...66,392,115
Ensembl chr  X:66,385,558...66,392,115
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G Hfe homeostatic iron regulator ISO DNA:missense mutation: :p.C282Y (rs1800562) (human) RGD PMID:30657865 RGD:14746966 NCBI chr17:41,413,451...41,421,502
Ensembl chr17:41,413,451...41,421,502
JBrowse link
G Igf1 insulin-like growth factor 1 ISO RGD PMID:12919235 RGD:10045859 NCBI chr 7:22,282,895...22,361,972
Ensembl chr 7:22,282,930...22,359,296
JBrowse link
G Il6 interleukin 6 ISO RGD PMID:12919235 RGD:10045859 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Mfn2 mitofusin 2 IEP protein:increased expression:extensor digitorum longus (rat) RGD PMID:23220115 RGD:12738219 NCBI chr 5:158,304,285...158,335,502
Ensembl chr 5:158,304,287...158,335,342
JBrowse link
G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha IEP protein:increased expression:soleus RGD PMID:15665035 RGD:10413861 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
JBrowse link
G Opa1 OPA1, mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase IEP protein:increased expression:extensor digitorum longus (rat) RGD PMID:23220115 RGD:12738219 NCBI chr11:71,108,100...71,185,170
Ensembl chr11:71,109,873...71,185,109
JBrowse link
G Ppargc1a PPARG coactivator 1 alpha IEP mRNA:altered expression:gastrocnemius muscle (rat) RGD PMID:16870628 RGD:10053649 NCBI chr14:58,860,752...59,516,525
Ensembl chr14:58,861,144...59,512,656
JBrowse link
G Supv3l1 Suv3 like RNA helicase ISO CTD Direct Evidence: marker/mechanism CTD PMID:19145458 NCBI chr20:30,378,542...30,399,076
Ensembl chr20:30,378,550...30,399,054
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19099
    Diseases of the Aged 1475
      Sarcopenia 22
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  disease 19099
    disease of anatomical entity 18440
      nervous system disease 14334
        peripheral nervous system disease 4274
          neuropathy 4059
            neuromuscular disease 3200
              muscular disease 2219
                muscle tissue disease 1347
                  myopathy 1039
                    muscular atrophy 89
                      Sarcopenia 22
paths to the root