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The Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO), Measurement Methods Ontology (MMO), and Experimental Condition Ontology (XCO) are currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about these vocabularies please see Shimoyama et al. Three ontologies to define phenotype measurement data. Front Genet. 2012;3:87. Epub 2012 May 28 or contact us (

Term:effective renal plasma flow
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Accession:CMO:0001916 term browser browse the term
Definition:A calculated measurement of the amount of plasma that perfuses the renal tubules per unit time, derived by measurement of the clearance rate of a non-metabolizable solute such as para-aminohippurate (PAH). The effective RPF is approximately 10% less than the actual RPF. Plasma is the fibrinogen-containing fluid portion of the blood in which the particulate components are suspended. The kidneys are the paired organs that function to maintain proper water and electrolyte balance, regulate acid-base concentration, and filter the blood of metabolic wastes.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: effective renal plasma flow rate
 related_synonym: eRPF

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Related Phenotype Data for Term "effective renal plasma flow" (CMO:0001916)

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Term Annotations click to browse term
  clinical measurement 2369
    cardiovascular measurement 610
      circulation measurement 18
        blood flow rate 18
          renal blood flow rate 18
            renal plasma flow 1
              calculated renal plasma flow 0
                effective renal plasma flow 0
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