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The Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO), Measurement Methods Ontology (MMO), and Experimental Condition Ontology (XCO) are currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about these vocabularies please see Shimoyama et al. Three ontologies to define phenotype measurement data. Front Genet. 2012;3:87. Epub 2012 May 28 or contact us (

Term:splenic region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas splenic region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area
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Accession:CMO:0001821 term browser browse the term
Definition:A calculated measurement in which the weight, that is, the heaviness or the force with which a body is drawn toward earth by gravity, of the beta cells in the tail region of the pancreas is derived by multiplying the weight of the entire tail region of the pancreas by this fraction: [average cross-sectional area of pancreatic islet beta cells in the tail region divided by average cross-sectional area of the tail region of the pancreas]. The tail region of the pancreas is the portion of the pancreas which lies furthest from the major pancreatic duct and closest to the spleen, the highly vascular lymphoid organ which serves to store blood, disintegrate old blood cells, filter foreign substances from the blood, and produce lymphocytes. The pancreas is the elongated, racemose gland containing both endocrine and exocrine elements which secretes hormones such as insulin and glucagon internally and digestive enzymes externally. A pancreatic islet is a small encapsulated region of the pancreas containing endocrine (i.e., hormone-producing) cells. An islet beta cell is a membrane-enclosed protoplasmic mass constituting the smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent functioning, which is found in a pancreatic islet and produces the hormones insulin and amylin. Area is the value representing the size of the two-dimensional extent of an object.

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Related Phenotype Data for Term "splenic region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas splenic region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area" (CMO:0001821)

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  clinical measurement 2369
    body morphological measurement 733
      organ morphological measurement 286
        pancreas morphological measurement 4
          pancreatic islet morphological measurement 1
            pancreatic islet weight 0
              calculated pancreatic islet weight 0
                calculated total pancreatic islet beta cell weight 0
                  calculated weight of islet beta cells in splenic region of pancreas 0
                    splenic region pancreatic beta cell weight calculated as the product of pancreas splenic region weight and corresponding beta cell fractional area 0
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