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The Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO), Measurement Methods Ontology (MMO), and Experimental Condition Ontology (XCO) are currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about these vocabularies please see Shimoyama et al. Three ontologies to define phenotype measurement data. Front Genet. 2012;3:87. Epub 2012 May 28 or contact us (

Term:blood CD8 cell count
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Accession:CMO:0000597 term browser browse the term
Definition:Measurement of the number of lymphocytes expressing the CD8 antigen on their surface in a specified volume of whole blood. CD8 is a glycoprotein on the surface of killer T lymphocytes that enhances binding with major histocompatibility complex molecules.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: CD8(+) cell count;   CD8+ cell count;   CD8-positive T-lymphocyte count
 related_synonym: Ts/c cell count;   cytotoxic T cell count;   suppressor T cell count
 xref: EFO:0010107

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blood CD8 cell count term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS811354_H CD8-positive T-lymphocyte count QTL GWAS811354 (human) IAGP Based on the EFO term ID GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20045101 NCBI chr 6:31,284,619...31,284,620 JBrowse link
blood CD4 cell count to CD8 cell count ratio term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q GWAS811353_H CD4:CD8 lymphocyte ratio QTL GWAS811353 (human) IAGP Based on the EFO term ID GWAS_CATALOG PMID:20045101 NCBI chr 6:31,284,619...31,284,620 JBrowse link

Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  clinical measurement 256392
    cell measurement 45142
      mononuclear cell measurement 6677
        mononuclear cell count 6607
          blood mononuclear cell count 6607
            blood lymphocyte count 3273
              blood T lymphocyte count 6
                blood CD8 cell count 2
                  calculated blood CD8 cell count + 1
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  clinical measurement 256392
    cell measurement 45142
      immune cell measurement 18590
        white blood cell measurement 18590
          white blood cell count 18590
            mononuclear cell count 6607
              blood mononuclear cell count 6607
                blood lymphocyte count 3273
                  blood T lymphocyte count 6
                    blood CD8 cell count 2
                      calculated blood CD8 cell count + 1
paths to the root