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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:prostanoic acid
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Accession:CHEBI:8504 term browser browse the term
Definition:A carbocyclic fatty acid composed of heptanoic acid having a (1S,2S)-2-octylcyclopentyl substituent at position 7.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: 7-[(1S,2S)-2-octylcyclopentyl]heptanoic acid;   prostan-1-oic acid
 related_synonym: Formula=C20H38O2;   InChI=1S/C20H38O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-9-13-18-15-12-16-19(18)14-10-7-8-11-17-20(21)22/h18-19H,2-17H2,1H3,(H,21,22)/t18-,19-/m0/s1;   InChIKey=WGJJROVFWIXTPA-OALUTQOASA-N;   SMILES=CCCCCCCC[C@H]1CCC[C@@H]1CCCCCCC(O)=O
 xref: Beilstein:5744307;   KEGG:C02064;   LIPID_MAPS_instance:LMFA03010000;   PMID:6234649;   Reaxys:5744307

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13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGF2alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 increases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO PTGR1 protein results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin F2alpha
[PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin F2alpha] which results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin F2alpha
CTD PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein
13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [Flutamide results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:21094227 PMID:21735453 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Gata3 GATA binding protein 3 multiple interactions ISO 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [Flutamide results in increased expression of GATA3 mRNA] CTD PMID:21735453 NCBI chr17:68,643,760...68,666,000
Ensembl chr17:68,643,873...68,665,391
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [Flutamide results in increased expression of IL4 protein] CTD PMID:21735453 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Ptgdr prostaglandin D2 receptor multiple interactions ISO 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR protein; 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein] CTD PMID:9579725 NCBI chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
Ensembl chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
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G Ptgdr2 prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO
13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]
13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein; ramatroban inhibits the reaction [13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein]
CTD PMID:12721327 PMID:15528449 PMID:16256979 NCBI chr 1:207,585,088...207,590,275
Ensembl chr 1:207,587,917...207,589,213
JBrowse link
13,14-dihydro-15-oxo-prostaglandin E2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 increases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO PTGR1 protein results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin E2
[PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2] which results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin E2
CTD PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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13,14-dihydro-15-oxoprostaglandin E1 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 increases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO PTGR1 protein results in increased abundance of 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin E1
[PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin E] which results in increased abundance of 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin E1
CTD PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
JBrowse link
13,14-dihydro-Delta(12)-prostaglandin J2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Bdnf brain-derived neurotrophic factor increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP 9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA
Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of BDNF mRNA]
CTD PMID:22982731 NCBI chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,621
Ensembl chr 3:96,165,042...96,215,615
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G Gdnf glial cell derived neurotrophic factor multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of GDNF mRNA]; NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of GDNF mRNA] CTD PMID:22982731 NCBI chr 2:56,894,022...56,919,935
Ensembl chr 2:56,895,010...56,917,209
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions EXP NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of GDNF mRNA] CTD PMID:22982731 NCBI chr 3:60,594,239...60,621,712
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Ngf nerve growth factor multiple interactions
increases expression
EXP Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [9-deoxy-9,10-didehydro-12,13-didehydro-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin D2 analog results in increased expression of NGF mRNA] CTD PMID:22982731 NCBI chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
Ensembl chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
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15-dehydro-prostaglandin E2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Hpgd 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase increases chemical synthesis ISO HPGD protein results in increased chemical synthesis of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2 CTD PMID:20448048 NCBI chr16:33,986,265...34,024,228
Ensembl chr16:33,986,266...34,024,228
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G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 multiple interactions
increases metabolic processing
increases reduction
15-ketoprostaglandin E2 inhibits the reaction [PTGR1 protein results in increased reduction of 10-nitro-oleic acid analog]; Dithionitrobenzoic Acid inhibits the reaction [PTGR1 protein results in increased reduction of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [PTGR1 protein results in increased reduction of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2]
[PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin E2] which results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin E2
CTD PMID:23878198 PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc1 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 multiple interactions
affects export
affects glutathionylation
increases transport
ISO [ABCC1 protein results in increased transport of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 metabolite] affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; [verlukast binds to and results in decreased activity of ABCC1 protein] inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of GCLC protein]]; ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]
ABCC1 protein affects the export of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 analog
ABCC1 protein affects the glutathionylation of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2
CTD PMID:14979731 PMID:21728338 NCBI chr10:528,961...655,179
Ensembl chr10:531,812...655,114
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G Abcc3 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 3 affects export ISO ABCC3 protein affects the export of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 analog CTD PMID:14979731 NCBI chr10:79,296,681...79,342,749
Ensembl chr10:79,296,693...79,342,595
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G Acaa2 acetyl-CoA acyltransferase 2 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of ACAA2 mRNA CTD PMID:34323617 NCBI chr18:68,345,136...68,373,246
Ensembl chr18:68,345,012...68,373,249
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G Adipoq adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of ADIPOQ mRNA CTD PMID:34323617 NCBI chr11:77,721,912...77,735,644
Ensembl chr11:77,721,912...77,735,564
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G Agt angiotensinogen multiple interactions EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in decreased expression of PPARG protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:18278065 NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Akr1c3 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C3 multiple interactions ISO [Medroxyprogesterone Acetate inhibits the reaction [[AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]] which results in increased abundance of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 CTD PMID:19997560 NCBI chr17:66,110,970...66,127,867
Ensembl chr17:66,110,963...66,127,873
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Bglap bone gamma-carboxyglutamate protein decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of BGLAP mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr 2:173,838,518...173,839,495
Ensembl chr 2:173,838,518...173,839,495
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G Birc2 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 2 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of BIRC2 protein CTD PMID:15498850 NCBI chr 8:4,968,856...4,989,325
Ensembl chr 8:4,968,842...4,988,732
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G Birc3 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 3 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of BIRC3 protein CTD PMID:15498850 NCBI chr 8:5,000,844...5,028,470
Ensembl chr 8:5,000,845...5,015,802
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G Casp3 caspase 3 increases activity
multiple interactions
increases cleavage
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
[delta(12)-prostaglandin J(2) co-treated with 9-deoxy-delta-9-prostaglandin D2 co-treated with 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
CTD PMID:11785780 PMID:15498850 PMID:16299251 PMID:23973622 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp8 caspase 8 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP8 protein CTD PMID:15498850 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP9 protein CTD PMID:15498850 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions ISO CAT protein inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]] CTD PMID:12847270 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Dexamethasone binds to NR3C1 protein] which results in decreased expression of CCL2 protein] CTD PMID:15187150 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Ccl5 C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA] CTD PMID:23688403 NCBI chr10:68,322,826...68,327,380
Ensembl chr10:68,322,829...68,327,377
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G Ccn2 cellular communication network factor 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of CCN2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; SMAD2 protein modified form affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of CCN2]] CTD PMID:19429239 NCBI chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,315
Ensembl chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,734
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G Ccna2 cyclin A2 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CCNA2 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 2:119,427,239...119,433,645
Ensembl chr 2:119,426,089...119,433,577
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G Ccnb1 cyclin B1 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CCNB1 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 2:31,912,190...31,921,163
Ensembl chr 2:31,912,193...31,921,172
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G Ccnd3 cyclin D3 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CCND3 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 9:13,394,161...13,400,341
Ensembl chr 9:13,394,169...13,489,371
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G Ccne1 cyclin E1 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CCNE1 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 1:90,781,947...90,791,188
Ensembl chr 1:90,781,949...90,791,101
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G Cdk2 cyclin dependent kinase 2 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CDK2 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 7:1,129,878...1,137,431
Ensembl chr 7:1,129,811...1,137,403
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G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A increases expression
decreases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of CDKN1A
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CDKN1A protein
CTD PMID:15254749 PMID:15729575 NCBI chr20:7,149,177...7,159,727
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
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G Cdkn1b cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CDKN1B protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr 4:167,760,067...167,765,177
Ensembl chr 4:167,760,181...167,764,982
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G Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha increases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of CEBPA mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr 1:87,759,631...87,762,303
Ensembl chr 1:87,759,433...87,762,412
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G Cflar CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of CFLAR protein CTD PMID:15498850 NCBI chr 9:60,185,338...60,236,173
Ensembl chr 9:60,185,452...60,237,034
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G Chuk component of inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B kinase complex multiple interactions ISO
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased activity of CHUK protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [manganese chloride results in increased phosphorylation of CHUK protein]
CTD PMID:15498850 PMID:22245093 NCBI chr 1:242,959,539...242,995,066
Ensembl chr 1:242,959,760...242,995,065
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G Cidec cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector c multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of CIDEC mRNA CTD PMID:34323617 NCBI chr 4:146,569,288...146,582,173
Ensembl chr 4:146,569,289...146,582,173
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G Col1a1 collagen type I alpha 1 chain decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of COL1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr10:79,883,622...79,900,625
Ensembl chr10:79,883,622...79,900,624
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G Csf2 colony stimulating factor 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of CSF2 mRNA]; Dexamethasone promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 mRNA]] CTD PMID:12604364 PMID:14998300 NCBI chr10:38,386,945...38,388,926
Ensembl chr10:38,386,945...38,389,199
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G Egr1 early growth response 1 multiple interactions EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Oxygen deficiency results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of EGR1 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Oxygen deficiency results in increased expression of EGR1 mRNA] CTD PMID:12468449 NCBI chr18:26,462,967...26,466,766
Ensembl chr18:26,462,981...26,466,766
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G Fabp4 fatty acid binding protein 4 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Tretinoin] results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA
[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA
CTD PMID:9543393 PMID:12021203 PMID:16573735 PMID:34323617 NCBI chr 2:91,580,879...91,585,567
Ensembl chr 2:91,580,885...91,585,578
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G Fas Fas cell surface death receptor decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of FAS mRNA CTD PMID:16712844 NCBI chr 1:231,798,963...231,832,591
Ensembl chr 1:231,798,960...231,832,591
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions
increases expression
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [FOS protein binds to JUN protein]]
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of FOS mRNA]
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:11687581 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Gclc glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; [ABCC1 protein results in increased transport of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 metabolite] affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; [verlukast binds to and results in decreased activity of ABCC1 protein] inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of GCLC protein]]; ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC mRNA; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein
CTD PMID:21728338 NCBI chr 8:78,629,899...78,668,547
Ensembl chr 8:78,630,127...78,668,544
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G Gfap glial fibrillary acidic protein increases expression
decreases expression
multiple interactions
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GFAP
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of GFAP mRNA
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [ochratoxin A results in decreased expression of GFAP mRNA]
CTD PMID:15254749 PMID:15994020 NCBI chr10:87,852,891...87,861,631
Ensembl chr10:87,852,890...87,861,589
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G Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 multiple interactions ISO GSTM1 protein affects the metabolism of [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Glutathione] CTD PMID:14979731 NCBI chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,402
Ensembl chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,411
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G Gstp1 glutathione S-transferase pi 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GSTP1 mRNA; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GSTP1 protein
Soybean Oil promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GSTP1 mRNA]; Soybean Oil promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GSTP1 protein]
CTD PMID:11600134 NCBI chr 1:201,337,762...201,340,230
Ensembl chr 1:201,321,672...201,340,226
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G Hdac1 histone deacetylase 1 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of HDAC1 mRNA CTD PMID:21957481 NCBI chr 5:141,853,992...141,881,057
Ensembl chr 5:141,853,989...141,881,111
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G Hdac2 histone deacetylase 2 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of HDAC2 mRNA CTD PMID:21957481 NCBI chr20:40,548,244...40,571,609
Ensembl chr20:40,548,250...40,571,609
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G Hdac3 histone deacetylase 3 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of HDAC3 mRNA CTD PMID:21957481 NCBI chr18:29,770,637...29,789,850
Ensembl chr18:29,770,636...29,793,856
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha affects stability
multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 affects the stability of HIF1A protein
Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Buthionine Sulfoximine promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Dithiothreitol inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]
CTD PMID:17658243 NCBI chr 6:92,624,059...92,669,262
Ensembl chr 6:92,624,390...92,669,261
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron; [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species; [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased expression of MMP1 mRNA; [[[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species] which results in increased expression of MMP1 protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[[[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species] which results in increased expression of MMP1 protein]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of MMP1 protein]; HSF1 protein inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron]
ochratoxin A inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein
CTD PMID:11078701 PMID:15618017 PMID:15994020 PMID:19136476 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hsf1 heat shock transcription factor 1 multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO HSF1 protein inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of HSF1 protein
CTD PMID:15618017 PMID:34170685 NCBI chr 7:108,196,040...108,223,011
Ensembl chr 7:108,196,056...108,223,011
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G Hspb1 heat shock protein family B (small) member 1 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of HSPB1 protein CTD PMID:16299251 NCBI chr12:20,794,014...20,795,675
Ensembl chr12:20,794,028...20,795,743
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases secretion
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased activity of and results in increased localization of [STAT1 protein binds to STAT1 protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of IRF1 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased secretion of IFNG protein]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; Hydrogen Peroxide promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; peroxyvanadate inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; peroxyvanadate inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; T 0070907 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased secretion of IFNG protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of IFNG protein
CTD PMID:12847270 PMID:16844232 PMID:19888466 NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Il1a interleukin 1 alpha multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of IL1A mRNA] CTD PMID:14998300 NCBI chr 3:116,526,601...116,537,055
Ensembl chr 3:116,526,604...116,536,822
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases activity
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein affects the localization of RELA protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in decreased abundance of Prostaglandins]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [FOS protein binds to JUN protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [RELA protein binds to NFKB1 protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CXCL8 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of IL1A mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL1B mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein affects the localization of JUN protein]; Dexamethasone promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of CSF2 mRNA]]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of IL1B protein
[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in decreased secretion of IL1B protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of IL1B protein
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:12604364 PMID:14998300 PMID:15751073 PMID:16461118 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il1rn interleukin 1 receptor antagonist decreases expression EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of IL1RN mRNA CTD PMID:15751073 NCBI chr 3:7,111,567...7,127,451
Ensembl chr 3:7,111,550...7,127,445
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased degradation of NFKBIA protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of CXCL8 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of TSLP mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of TSLP protein]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [amorolfine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [butenafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Itraconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [luliconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]]; [Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2; amorolfine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]; butenafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]; Itraconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]; luliconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2]; Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] CTD PMID:23688403 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL6 protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL6 protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA] CTD PMID:12604364 PMID:12847270 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Ins1 insulin 1 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of ACAA2 mRNA; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of ADIPOQ mRNA; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of CIDEC mRNA; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of PLIN1 mRNA; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of PPARA mRNA CTD PMID:34323617 NCBI chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,540
Ensembl chr 1:251,244,973...251,245,536
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G Ins2 insulin 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Fatty Acids, Nonesterified inhibits the reaction [INS protein results in increased secretion of Glucose]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Fatty Acids, Nonesterified results in decreased expression of INS mRNA] CTD PMID:14625208 NCBI chr 1:197,843,277...197,992,522
Ensembl chr 1:197,843,281...197,864,775
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G Irf1 interferon regulatory factor 1 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of IRF1 mRNA] CTD PMID:12847270 NCBI chr10:37,917,155...37,924,166
Ensembl chr10:37,916,670...37,924,166
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G Jak2 Janus kinase 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of JAK2 protein]] CTD PMID:12847270 NCBI chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,381
Ensembl chr 1:226,995,334...227,054,189
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G Jun Jun proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [FOS protein binds to JUN protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein affects the localization of JUN protein] CTD PMID:11457450 NCBI chr 5:109,894,175...109,897,268
Ensembl chr 5:109,893,145...109,897,656
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G Klf6 KLF transcription factor 6 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of KLF6 protein; RPS6KB1 protein inhibits the reaction [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of KLF6 protein] CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr17:64,539,456...64,548,451
Ensembl chr17:64,531,463...64,588,570
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G Lep leptin multiple interactions
increases secretion
ISO [Dexamethasone co-treated with 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] results in decreased secretion of LEP protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased secretion of LEP protein
CTD PMID:11092516 NCBI chr 4:57,661,127...57,675,262
Ensembl chr 4:57,661,131...57,675,262
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G Lif LIF, interleukin 6 family cytokine multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]]; T 0070907 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]]; T 0070907 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]] CTD PMID:19922793 NCBI chr14:79,131,049...79,140,486
Ensembl chr14:79,134,574...79,140,482
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G Lpl lipoprotein lipase increases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of LPL mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr16:20,830,055...20,853,855
Ensembl chr16:20,829,465...20,855,249
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 decreases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; manganese(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
CTD PMID:11687581 PMID:12083801 PMID:16611854 PMID:19888466 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 decreases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; manganese(III)-tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
CTD PMID:11687581 PMID:12083801 PMID:16611854 PMID:19888466 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Med1 mediator complex subunit 1 multiple interactions ISO MED1 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of PPARG protein] CTD PMID:16324150 NCBI chr10:83,145,538...83,189,260
Ensembl chr10:83,145,568...83,189,299
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G Mmp1 matrix metallopeptidase 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of MMP1 protein; [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased expression of MMP1 mRNA; [[[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species] which results in increased expression of MMP1 protein; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[[[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Iron] which results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species] which results in increased expression of MMP1 protein]; Cycloheximide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 protein]; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 protein]; Deferoxamine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 mRNA]; Deferoxamine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 protein]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of MMP1 protein]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 mRNA] CTD PMID:19136476 NCBI chr 8:4,658,588...4,679,099
Ensembl chr 8:4,658,588...4,679,097
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G Mmp9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of MMP9 protein; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of MMP9 protein]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of MMP9 mRNA] CTD PMID:19997048 NCBI chr 3:153,684,158...153,692,118
Ensembl chr 3:153,683,858...153,692,120
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G Mtor mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of MTOR protein CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr 5:158,884,856...158,994,311
Ensembl chr 5:158,884,804...158,994,311
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G Nes nestin increases expression EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of NES protein CTD PMID:15212945 NCBI chr 2:173,437,867...173,447,777
Ensembl chr 2:173,438,734...173,447,777
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions ISO
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 affects the localization of and results in increased activity of NFE2L2 protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; ABCC1 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [NFE2L2 protein results in increased expression of GCLC protein]]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of NFE2L2 protein]; NFE2L2 protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of GCLC protein]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of MMP1 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of and affects the localization of NFE2L2 protein; manganese chloride inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of NFE2L2 protein]
CTD PMID:19136476 PMID:21728338 PMID:22245093 NCBI chr 3:60,594,239...60,621,712
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions
decreases localization
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [RELA protein binds to NFKB1 protein]]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased localization of NFKB1 protein
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:16299251 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased degradation of NFKBIA protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [manganese chloride results in increased degradation of NFKBIA protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein
CTD PMID:15498850 PMID:22245093 PMID:23688403 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions
decreases activity
decreases expression
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of NOS2 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [ochratoxin A results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Nitric Oxide]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of NOS2 protein]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of NOS2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:11890746 PMID:12847270 PMID:15684285 PMID:15994020 More... NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nos3 nitric oxide synthase 3 decreases activity EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of NOS3 protein CTD PMID:11890746 NCBI chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,170
Ensembl chr 4:10,793,834...10,814,166
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G Nr3c1 nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 affects activity
multiple interactions
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 affects the activity of NR3C1 protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Dexamethasone binds to NR3C1 protein] which results in decreased expression of CCL2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Dexamethasone binds to NR3C1 protein]
CTD PMID:15187150 NCBI chr18:31,271,681...31,393,320
Ensembl chr18:31,271,681...31,393,375
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G Park7 Parkinsonism associated deglycase multiple interactions EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [manganese chloride results in decreased expression of PARK7 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [manganese chloride results in decreased expression of PARK7 protein] CTD PMID:22245093 NCBI chr 5:161,353,718...161,376,993
Ensembl chr 5:161,353,719...161,376,970
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 increases cleavage
multiple interactions
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein
[delta(12)-prostaglandin J(2) co-treated with 9-deoxy-delta-9-prostaglandin D2 co-treated with 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein
CTD PMID:15498850 PMID:23973622 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Pck1 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 increases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of PCK1 mRNA CTD PMID:9518257 NCBI chr 3:161,930,256...161,936,205
Ensembl chr 3:161,930,256...161,936,191
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G Plin1 perilipin 1 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of PLIN1 mRNA CTD PMID:34323617 NCBI chr 1:133,664,294...133,676,854
Ensembl chr 1:133,664,892...133,676,828
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G Ppara peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PPARA protein
[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with Dexamethasone co-treated with 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine co-treated with INS1 protein] results in increased expression of PPARA mRNA
CTD PMID:9013583 PMID:34323617 NCBI chr 7:116,832,405...116,900,878
Ensembl chr 7:116,832,756...116,895,346
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G Ppard peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta increases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of PPARD protein CTD PMID:17341418 NCBI chr20:6,298,785...6,363,970
Ensembl chr20:6,298,785...6,363,968
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G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma affects expression
decreases response to substance
increases expression
increases activity
multiple interactions
decreases expression
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 affects the expression of PPARG
PPARG protein mutant form results in decreased susceptibility to 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of PPARG mRNA; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of PPARG protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of PPARG protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in decreased expression of PPARG protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [ochratoxin A results in increased expression of PPARG mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [PPARG protein affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Nitric Oxide]]; MED1 protein promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of PPARG protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 affects the localization of and results in increased expression of PPARG protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in decreased activity of PPARG protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PPARG protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased localization of and results in increased activity of PPARG protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in increased expression of PPARG protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Fatty Acids, Nonesterified results in decreased expression of PPARG mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in decreased expression of PPARG mRNA]; benzyloxycarbonylleucyl-leucyl-leucine aldehyde promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of PPARG protein]; MG 262 promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of PPARG protein]; PPARG protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of TBXA2R mRNA alternative form]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of PPARG protein
CTD PMID:9013583 PMID:10662598 PMID:11030710 PMID:12065695 PMID:12604364 More... NCBI chr 4:148,423,102...148,548,471
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in increased expression of PTEN protein CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr 1:230,630,443...230,697,070
Ensembl chr 1:230,630,338...230,696,838
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G Ptgdr prostaglandin D2 receptor multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR protein; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein] CTD PMID:9579725 NCBI chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
Ensembl chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
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G Ptgdr2 prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein; ramatroban inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]
CTD PMID:12721327 PMID:16256979 NCBI chr 1:207,585,088...207,590,275
Ensembl chr 1:207,587,917...207,589,213
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G Ptgs1 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 multiple interactions ISO PTGS1 protein promotes the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased abundance of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] CTD PMID:17439952 NCBI chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,589
Ensembl chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,586
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of and results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of PTGS2
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:12604364 PMID:15254749 PMID:19997048 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Ptpn11 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 11 increases phosphorylation EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased phosphorylation of PTPN11 protein CTD PMID:12584205 NCBI chr12:35,365,436...35,424,925
Ensembl chr12:35,383,144...35,424,925
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G Raf1 Raf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased activity of and results in decreased phosphorylation of RAF1 protein CTD PMID:12083801 NCBI chr 4:148,679,534...148,740,265
Ensembl chr 4:148,679,530...148,740,317
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G Rarb retinoic acid receptor, beta multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [ciglitazone promotes the reaction [SR 11237 results in increased expression of RARB protein]]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of RARB
CTD PMID:12839938 PMID:15254749 NCBI chr15:8,700,533...9,051,288
Ensembl chr15:8,406,492...9,051,288
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G Rb1 RB transcriptional corepressor 1 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased expression of RB1 protein CTD PMID:15729575 NCBI chr15:48,371,295...48,502,473
Ensembl chr15:48,371,296...48,502,302
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions
decreases activity
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein affects the localization of RELA protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased activity of [RELA protein binds to NFKB1 protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of RELA protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased activity of RELA protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [manganese chloride affects the localization of RELA protein]
CTD PMID:11457450 PMID:15498850 PMID:20174873 PMID:22245093 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Rig1 RNA sensor RIG-1 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of RIGI mRNA] CTD PMID:16303604 NCBI chr 5:55,321,351...55,369,947
Ensembl chr 5:55,321,235...55,370,819
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G Rps6ka1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase A1 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of RPS6KA1 protein CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr 5:146,079,018...146,118,272
Ensembl chr 5:146,079,021...146,118,272
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G Rps6kb1 ribosomal protein S6 kinase B1 multiple interactions ISO [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of RPS6KB1 protein; RPS6KB1 protein inhibits the reaction [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; RPS6KB1 protein inhibits the reaction [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased phosphorylation of KLF6 protein] CTD PMID:16611854 NCBI chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
Ensembl chr10:71,323,777...71,367,908
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G Runx2 RUNX family transcription factor 2 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of RUNX2 mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr 9:16,167,504...16,492,826
Ensembl chr 9:16,167,482...16,492,167
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G Rxra retinoid X receptor alpha increases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of RXRA CTD PMID:15254749 NCBI chr 3:10,989,832...11,076,366
Ensembl chr 3:10,989,832...11,073,712
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G Serpine1 serpin family E member 1 multiple interactions EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of SERPINE1 protein]]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of SERPINE1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:18278065 NCBI chr12:19,601,272...19,611,657
Ensembl chr12:19,601,272...19,611,657
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G Smad2 SMAD family member 2 multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of SMAD2 protein]; SMAD2 protein modified form affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of CCN2]] CTD PMID:19429239 NCBI chr18:69,849,884...69,918,926
Ensembl chr18:69,850,377...69,912,323
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G Socs1 suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 increases expression EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of SOCS1 mRNA CTD PMID:12584205 NCBI chr10:4,882,651...4,884,342
Ensembl chr10:4,882,560...4,884,383
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G Socs3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 increases expression EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of SOCS3 mRNA CTD PMID:12584205 NCBI chr10:103,193,909...103,197,322
Ensembl chr10:103,193,537...103,197,787
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G Spp1 secreted phosphoprotein 1 decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of SPP1 mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr14:5,308,885...5,315,120
Ensembl chr14:5,308,885...5,315,162
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G Stat1 signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 multiple interactions ISO
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL6 protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased activity of and results in increased localization of [STAT1 protein binds to STAT1 protein]]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [peroxyvanadate results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; Glutathione inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; Hydrogen Peroxide promotes the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]; peroxyvanadate inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT1 protein]]
CTD PMID:12584205 PMID:12847270 NCBI chr 9:49,419,561...49,459,969
Ensembl chr 9:49,419,340...49,588,540
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G Stat3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 multiple interactions ISO
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]]; T 0070907 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased expression of STAT3 protein]]; T 0070907 inhibits the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [LIF protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [IL6 protein results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]
CTD PMID:12584205 PMID:12847270 PMID:19922793 NCBI chr10:85,811,206...85,863,057
Ensembl chr10:85,811,218...85,863,057
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G Tbxa2r thromboxane A2 receptor multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO PPARG protein affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of TBXA2R mRNA alternative form] CTD PMID:16499875 NCBI chr 7:8,383,347...8,390,753
Ensembl chr 7:8,383,378...8,388,176
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G Tg thyroglobulin multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [TSHB protein results in increased expression of TG protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of TG protein
CTD PMID:11078701 NCBI chr 7:98,418,293...98,603,210
Ensembl chr 7:98,418,293...98,603,210
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases response to substance
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of and results in increased secretion of CCN2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased phosphorylation of SMAD2 protein]; SMAD2 protein modified form affects the reaction [15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [TGFB1 protein results in increased expression of CCN2]]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [AGT protein results in increased expression of TGFB1 protein]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [alitretinoin results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; 2,2-bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)propane inhibits the reaction [[alitretinoin co-treated with 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide inhibits the reaction [[alitretinoin co-treated with 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2] results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; RPS6KB1 protein inhibits the reaction [[15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 co-treated with alitretinoin] results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased susceptibility to TGFB1 protein
CTD PMID:16611854 PMID:18278065 PMID:19429239 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Th tyrosine hydroxylase increases expression EXP 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in increased expression of TH protein CTD PMID:15212945 NCBI chr 1:198,071,500...198,078,832
Ensembl chr 1:198,071,503...198,109,767
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G Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TLR2 mRNA]
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of TLR2 mRNA
CTD PMID:20174873 NCBI chr 2:169,200,620...169,206,819
Ensembl chr 2:169,197,419...169,206,630
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of TNF protein
15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]
CTD PMID:12604364 PMID:19888466 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tshb thyroid stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 promotes the reaction [TSHB protein results in increased expression of TG protein] CTD PMID:11078701 NCBI chr 2:190,224,676...190,229,559
Ensembl chr 2:190,224,676...190,229,559
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G Tslp thymic stromal lymphopoietin multiple interactions ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of TSLP mRNA]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased expression of TSLP protein] CTD PMID:23688403 NCBI chr18:24,447,409...24,454,244
Ensembl chr18:24,449,844...24,453,548
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G Vim vimentin decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of VIM CTD PMID:15254749 NCBI chr17:76,668,701...76,677,186
Ensembl chr17:76,668,647...76,677,187
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G Wnt10b Wnt family member 10B decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of WNT10B mRNA CTD PMID:12021203 NCBI chr 7:129,922,088...129,927,892
Ensembl chr 7:129,922,088...129,927,892
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G Xiap X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis decreases expression ISO 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 results in decreased expression of XIAP protein CTD PMID:15498850 PMID:16299251 NCBI chr  X:120,890,537...120,938,413
Ensembl chr  X:120,897,907...120,934,700
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15-oxoprostaglandin F2alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 increases metabolic processing
multiple interactions
ISO PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin F2alpha
[PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of 15-ketoprostaglandin F2alpha] which results in increased abundance of 15-keto-13,14-dihydroprostaglandin F2alpha
CTD PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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6-oxoprostaglandin F1alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Agt angiotensinogen increases abundance
multiple interactions
EXP AGT protein alternative form results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [AGT protein alternative form results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]
CTD PMID:4030047 NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Alox15 arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase multiple interactions ISO [ALOX15 protein affects the metabolism of Arachidonic Acid] which results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha CTD PMID:21193584 NCBI chr10:55,060,169...55,068,885
Ensembl chr10:55,060,412...55,068,874
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G Apoe apolipoprotein E increases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO APOE results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
nimesulide inhibits the reaction [APOE results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]
CTD PMID:14966570 NCBI chr 1:79,353,924...79,357,852
Ensembl chr 1:79,353,916...79,357,932
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G Avp arginine vasopressin increases abundance
multiple interactions
EXP AVP protein results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [AVP protein results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]
CTD PMID:4030047 NCBI chr 3:117,793,447...117,805,091
Ensembl chr 3:117,793,457...117,795,425
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G Bdkrb2 bradykinin receptor B2 affects abundance
multiple interactions
BDKRB2 affects the abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
[kallidin, des-Arg(10)- binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased secretion of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha; [KNG1 protein modified form binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased secretion of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
PD 123319 affects the reaction [BDKRB2 affects the abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]
CTD PMID:16514058 PMID:29775649 NCBI chr 6:124,472,317...124,502,497
Ensembl chr 6:124,472,566...124,502,497
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G Calca calcitonin-related polypeptide alpha decreases abundance
increases abundance
CALCA protein alternative form results in decreased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
CALCA protein results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
CTD PMID:12024109 NCBI chr 1:168,878,212...168,883,176
Ensembl chr 1:168,878,214...168,883,105
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G Klkb1 kallikrein B1 multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO 7-Ala-angiotensin (1-7) inhibits the reaction [KLKB1 gene mutant form results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [KLKB1 gene mutant form results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha] CTD PMID:25339356 NCBI chr16:46,958,634...46,982,054
Ensembl chr16:46,958,707...46,982,053
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G Kng1 kininogen 1 multiple interactions
increases abundance
EXP [KNG1 protein modified form binds to and results in increased activity of BDKRB2 protein] which results in increased secretion of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [KNG1 protein alternative form results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha] CTD PMID:4030047 PMID:29775649 NCBI chr11:77,812,757...77,835,555
Ensembl chr11:77,812,752...77,835,555
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha] CTD PMID:16325209 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Ptgis prostaglandin I2 synthase multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
EXP [Carnitine results in increased expression of PTGIS mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
PTGIS protein results in increased chemical synthesis of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha
CTD PMID:19491382 NCBI chr 3:155,928,564...155,964,228
Ensembl chr 3:155,916,412...155,965,451
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha]; S-methylisothiopseudouronium inhibits the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha] CTD PMID:16325209 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor increases abundance ISO TNF protein results in increased abundance of 6-Ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha CTD PMID:1993070 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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8-epi-prostaglandin E2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptger4 prostaglandin E receptor 4 affects response to substance ISO PTGER4 protein affects the susceptibility to 8-isoprostaglandin E2 CTD PMID:22565502 NCBI chr 2:54,330,563...54,347,451
Ensembl chr 2:54,335,424...54,346,670
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8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Apoe apolipoprotein E multiple interactions ISO [APOE gene mutant form affects the susceptibility to Folic Acid] which results in decreased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha CTD PMID:17118406 NCBI chr 1:79,353,924...79,357,852
Ensembl chr 1:79,353,916...79,357,932
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO [Lead co-treated with APP protein modified form] results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha
APP protein modified form results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha
CTD PMID:22610977 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
increases abundance
increases chemical synthesis
1-((4-methylsulfonyl)phenyl)-3-trifluoromethyl-5-(4-fluorophenyl)pyrazole inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; Ascorbic Acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; Ascorbic Acid promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]]; Aspirin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; Dehydroascorbic Acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]
pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]
CTD PMID:11530235 PMID:16529823 PMID:19751497 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Pafah2 platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase 2 affects metabolic processing
multiple interactions
ISO PAFAH2 protein affects the metabolism of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha
PAFAH2 protein affects the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased abundance of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha]
CTD PMID:18024956 NCBI chr 5:146,607,050...146,636,203
Ensembl chr 5:146,613,498...146,634,943
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO [L 745337 results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha; [lipopolysaccharide, E. coli O26-B6 results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha; [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha CTD PMID:8621535 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Tbxa2r thromboxane A2 receptor multiple interactions
affects response to substance
ISO 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha binds to and results in increased activity of TBXA2R protein
TBXA2R protein affects the susceptibility to 8-epi-prostaglandin F2alpha
CTD PMID:18158556 PMID:22565502 NCBI chr 7:8,383,347...8,390,753
Ensembl chr 7:8,383,378...8,388,176
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fluprostenol term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Fabp4 fatty acid binding protein 4 multiple interactions ISO fluprostenol inhibits the reaction [Niacin results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA] CTD PMID:21236357 NCBI chr 2:91,580,879...91,585,567
Ensembl chr 2:91,580,885...91,585,578
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G Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 decreases expression EXP fluprostenol results in decreased expression of FGFR2 mRNA CTD PMID:15654655 NCBI chr 1:184,745,418...184,850,655
Ensembl chr 1:184,745,420...184,850,626
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G Gclm glutamate cysteine ligase, modifier subunit multiple interactions ISO AL 8810 inhibits the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA]]; fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA]] CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,537
Ensembl chr 2:210,347,482...210,367,535
JBrowse link
G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions ISO AL 8810 inhibits the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]]; fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
fluprostenol results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
fluprostenol results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Nqo1 NAD(P)H quinone dehydrogenase 1 multiple interactions ISO AL 8810 inhibits the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA]]; fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr19:35,295,633...35,310,528
Ensembl chr19:35,295,573...35,310,557
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G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma multiple interactions ISO fluprostenol inhibits the reaction [Niacin results in increased expression of PPARG mRNA] CTD PMID:21236357 NCBI chr 4:148,423,102...148,548,471
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Ptgfr prostaglandin F receptor multiple interactions ISO PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of GCLM mRNA]]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of HMOX1 mRNA]]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of NQO1 mRNA]]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of TXNRD1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr 2:240,731,185...240,766,674
Ensembl chr 2:240,733,375...240,765,650
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G Txnrd1 thioredoxin reductase 1 multiple interactions ISO fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of TXNRD1 mRNA]; PTGFR protein affects the reaction [fluprostenol promotes the reaction [Oxidopamine results in increased expression of TXNRD1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:33486071 NCBI chr 7:20,830,042...20,914,990
Ensembl chr 7:20,830,045...20,907,863
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latanoprost term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcb11 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 11 decreases activity ISO latanoprost results in decreased activity of ABCB11 protein CTD PMID:23956101 NCBI chr 3:54,016,854...54,112,797
Ensembl chr 3:54,017,127...54,112,730
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prostaglandin A1 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Aars1 alanyl-tRNA synthetase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of AARS1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr19:38,999,130...39,021,152
Ensembl chr19:38,999,163...39,021,147
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G Actn1 actinin, alpha 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of ACTN1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 6:98,998,553...99,093,334
Ensembl chr 6:98,998,556...99,093,251
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G Actn3 actinin alpha 3 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of ACTN3 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:202,159,081...202,175,012
Ensembl chr 1:202,159,082...202,175,012
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G Actn4 actinin alpha 4 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of ACTN4 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:84,182,783...84,251,867
Ensembl chr 1:84,182,788...84,251,847
JBrowse link
G Cryab crystallin, alpha B multiple interactions EXP prostaglandin A1 promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB mRNA]; prostaglandin A1 promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB protein] CTD PMID:9066782 NCBI chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,161
Ensembl chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,157
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G Eef1a1 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of EEF1A1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 8:79,341,554...79,344,784
Ensembl chr 8:79,341,557...79,344,839
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G Eef2 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of EEF2 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 7:8,533,248...8,538,518
Ensembl chr 7:8,533,116...8,559,183
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G Eno1 enolase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of ENO1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 5:160,719,951...160,731,337
Ensembl chr 5:160,719,951...160,731,336
JBrowse link
G Gapdh glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of GAPDH protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 4:157,962,312...157,967,158
Ensembl chr 4:157,962,343...157,966,235
JBrowse link
G Gpi glucose-6-phosphate isomerase increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of GPI1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:86,828,211...86,856,077
Ensembl chr 1:86,828,216...86,856,086
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G Hmgcs1 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HMGCS1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 2:51,649,368...51,667,100
Ensembl chr 2:51,649,497...51,667,100
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 increases expression ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein; prostaglandin A1 results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hsp90aa1 heat shock protein 90 alpha family class A member 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSP90AA1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 6:129,702,376...129,707,907
Ensembl chr 6:129,702,383...129,707,268
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G Hsp90ab1 heat shock protein 90 alpha family class B member 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSP90AB1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 9:15,432,986...15,438,358
Ensembl chr 9:15,433,691...15,438,488
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G Hsp90b1 heat shock protein 90 beta family member 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSP90B1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 7:21,110,431...21,124,762
Ensembl chr 7:21,110,457...21,124,788
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G Hspa4 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 4 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSPA4 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr10:37,408,025...37,449,080
Ensembl chr10:37,408,025...37,449,001
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G Hspa8 heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 8 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSPA8 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 8:41,183,397...41,187,260
Ensembl chr 8:41,183,264...41,187,259
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G Hsph1 heat shock protein family H (Hsp110) member 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of HSPH1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr12:5,390,916...5,410,224
Ensembl chr12:5,390,922...5,410,224
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G Idh2 isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of IDH2 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:134,038,644...134,057,969
Ensembl chr 1:134,029,772...134,058,025
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G Ipo7 importin 7 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of IPO7 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:164,062,702...164,102,938
Ensembl chr 1:164,062,702...164,102,938
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G Ldha lactate dehydrogenase A increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of LDHA protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:97,371,823...97,381,247
Ensembl chr 1:97,366,021...97,433,472
JBrowse link
G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin A1 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA] CTD PMID:12031542 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Npepps aminopeptidase puromycin sensitive increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of NPEPPS protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr10:82,191,454...82,273,967
Ensembl chr10:82,191,456...82,273,967
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G Pgk1 phosphoglycerate kinase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of PGK1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr  X:71,271,454...71,287,429
Ensembl chr  X:71,271,440...71,287,418
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G Pgm1 phosphoglucomutase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of PGM1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 5:114,595,298...114,654,728
Ensembl chr 5:114,595,293...114,654,728
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G Phgdh phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of PHGDH protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 2:185,906,962...185,936,054
Ensembl chr 2:185,906,966...185,935,944
JBrowse link
G Psat1 phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of PSAT1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 1:213,196,709...213,218,564
Ensembl chr 1:213,196,709...213,218,682
JBrowse link
G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin A1 inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] CTD PMID:12031542 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Rack1 receptor for activated C kinase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of RACK1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr10:33,169,415...33,174,896
Ensembl chr10:33,169,169...33,174,975
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G Tubb5 tubulin, beta 5 class I increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of TUBB5 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr20:2,912,779...2,916,928
Ensembl chr20:2,912,778...2,916,940
JBrowse link
G Uba1 ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1 increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of UBA1 protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr  X:1,508,700...1,530,677
Ensembl chr  X:1,508,666...1,530,636
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G Vcp valosin-containing protein increases metabolic processing ISO prostaglandin A1 analog results in increased metabolism of VCP protein CTD PMID:19800325 NCBI chr 5:57,210,167...57,229,571
Ensembl chr 5:57,210,168...57,229,571
JBrowse link
prostaglandin A2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Cryab crystallin, alpha B multiple interactions EXP prostaglandin A2 promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB mRNA]; prostaglandin A2 promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB protein] CTD PMID:9066782 NCBI chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,161
Ensembl chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,157
JBrowse link
G Gsta1 glutathione S-transferase alpha 1 affects metabolic processing ISO GSTA1 protein affects the metabolism of prostaglandin A2 CTD PMID:9084911 NCBI chr 9:23,703,476...23,720,121
Ensembl chr 9:23,703,477...23,720,121
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G Gsta2 glutathione S-transferase alpha 2 affects metabolic processing ISO GSTA2 protein affects the metabolism of prostaglandin A2 CTD PMID:9084911 NCBI chr 8:79,184,535...79,196,827
Ensembl chr 8:79,184,322...79,196,798
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G Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 affects metabolic processing ISO GSTM1 protein affects the metabolism of prostaglandin A2 CTD PMID:9084911 NCBI chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,402
Ensembl chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,411
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor increases abundance ISO TNF protein results in increased abundance of prostaglandin A2 CTD PMID:1993070 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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prostaglandin B1 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ugt1a1 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1 increases glucuronidation ISO UGT1A1 protein results in increased glucuronidation of prostaglandin B1 CTD PMID:15231852 NCBI chr 9:88,801,344...88,808,465
Ensembl chr 9:88,713,184...88,808,465
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G Ugt1a9 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A9 increases glucuronidation ISO UGT1A9 protein results in increased glucuronidation of prostaglandin B1 CTD PMID:15231852 NCBI chr 9:88,696,981...88,808,465
Ensembl chr 9:88,713,184...88,808,465
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G Ugt2b7 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B7 increases glucuronidation ISO UGT2B7 protein results in increased glucuronidation of prostaglandin B1 CTD PMID:15231852 NCBI chr14:20,896,682...20,919,604
Ensembl chr14:20,896,682...20,919,604
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prostaglandin D2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Akr1c3 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C3 increases metabolic processing
increases reduction
decreases response to substance
decreases metabolic processing
multiple interactions
ISO AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2
AKR1C3 protein results in increased reduction of Prostaglandin D2
AKR1C3 protein results in decreased susceptibility to Prostaglandin D2
AKR1C3 protein results in decreased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2
[AKR1C3 protein results in decreased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of 9-deoxy-delta-9-prostaglandin D2; [AKR1C3 protein results in increased reduction of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprost; [Medroxyprogesterone Acetate inhibits the reaction [[AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]] which results in increased abundance of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2; Medroxyprogesterone Acetate inhibits the reaction [[AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]
CTD PMID:19010312 PMID:19997560 PMID:20036328 NCBI chr17:66,110,970...66,127,867
Ensembl chr17:66,110,963...66,127,873
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein increases secretion
multiple interactions
ISO APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2
CNB 001 inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; Dronabinol inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; L 685458 inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]
CTD PMID:28721267 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Arhgdib Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor beta increases cleavage ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased cleavage of ARHGDIB protein CTD PMID:15843042 NCBI chr 4:169,822,951...169,841,884
Ensembl chr 4:169,822,952...169,841,658
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G Casp3 caspase 3 increases activity
increases cleavage
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased activity of CASP3 protein
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein
CTD PMID:15843042 PMID:23973622 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Cryab crystallin, alpha B multiple interactions EXP Prostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB protein] CTD PMID:9066782 NCBI chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,161
Ensembl chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,157
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G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein]
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein
CTD PMID:21166666 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Egf epidermal growth factor multiple interactions EXP [EGF protein co-treated with Prostaglandin D2] results in increased expression of MYC mRNA CTD PMID:12632255 NCBI chr 2:218,219,408...218,302,359
Ensembl chr 2:218,219,415...218,302,064
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G Ephx2 epoxide hydrolase 2 multiple interactions ISO EPHX2 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2]] CTD PMID:19896470 NCBI chr15:40,289,901...40,327,632
Ensembl chr15:40,289,902...40,327,615
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G Fabp4 fatty acid binding protein 4 increases expression ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA CTD PMID:9543393 NCBI chr 2:91,580,879...91,585,567
Ensembl chr 2:91,580,885...91,585,578
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G Hpgds hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase multiple interactions ISO [4-benzhydryloxy-1-(3-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl-)-propyl)piperidine results in increased expression of HPGDS mRNA] which results in decreased abundance of Prostaglandin D2 CTD PMID:21352547 NCBI chr 4:94,368,426...94,397,931
Ensembl chr 4:94,373,342...94,397,883
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
increases abundance
increases expression
increases secretion
[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2]
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of IL1B protein
[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein]
IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2
IL1B protein promotes the reaction [rosiglitazone results in increased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]
CTD PMID:12743569 PMID:12897060 PMID:19751497 PMID:21166666 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il4 interleukin 4 multiple interactions ISO 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [amorolfine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [butenafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Itraconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [luliconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; 4-(5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-1-(4-(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)butyl)piperidine inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]]; [Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; amorolfine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; butenafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; Itraconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; luliconazole inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2]; Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2] CTD PMID:23688403 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions ISO [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL6 protein; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL6 protein] CTD PMID:21166666 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Lypla2 lysophospholipase 2 increases hydrolysis ISO LYPLA2 protein results in increased hydrolysis of Prostaglandin D2 analog CTD PMID:25301951 NCBI chr 5:148,198,466...148,203,062
Ensembl chr 5:148,198,439...148,203,092
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 increases phosphorylation ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein CTD PMID:24813642 NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 increases phosphorylation ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein CTD PMID:24813642 NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor multiple interactions EXP [EGF protein co-treated with Prostaglandin D2] results in increased expression of MYC mRNA CTD PMID:12632255 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 increases cleavage ISO
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein CTD PMID:15843042 PMID:23973622 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Pparg peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma multiple interactions
affects localization
ISO Prostaglandin D2 affects the localization of and results in increased expression of PPARG protein
Prostaglandin D2 affects the localization of PPARG protein
CTD PMID:23220503 PMID:23943857 NCBI chr 4:148,423,102...148,548,471
Ensembl chr 4:148,423,194...148,548,468
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G Ppargc1a PPARG coactivator 1 alpha increases expression ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of PPARGC1A mRNA CTD PMID:23056435 NCBI chr14:58,860,752...59,516,525
Ensembl chr14:58,861,144...59,512,656
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G Ppp1r12a protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 12A increases phosphorylation ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased phosphorylation of PPP1R12A protein CTD PMID:24813642 NCBI chr 7:43,482,808...43,593,689
Ensembl chr 7:43,482,803...43,593,425
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G Ptgdr prostaglandin D2 receptor multiple interactions ISO 13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; 15-Hydroxy-11 alpha,9 alpha-(epoxymethano)prosta-5,13-dienoic Acid inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; 9-deoxy-delta-9-prostaglandin D2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Adenylyl Imidodiphosphate inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; BW 245C inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; BW A868C inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; delta(12)-prostaglandin J(2) inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Dinoprost inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Guanosine 5'-O-(3-Thiotriphosphate) inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Guanylyl Imidodiphosphate inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Iloprost inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; L 644698 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]; Prostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR protein; ZK 110841 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]
[Prostaglandin D2 results in increased activity of PTGDR protein] which results in increased metabolism of Adenosine; [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased activity of PTGDR protein] which results in increased secretion of Adenosine; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of CXCL2 protein]; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL1B protein]; PTGDR protein promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased expression of IL6 protein]
CTD PMID:9579725 PMID:11562489 PMID:21166666 PMID:27636113 NCBI chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
Ensembl chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
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G Ptgdr2 prostaglandin D2 receptor 2 multiple interactions
increases activity
affects binding
ISO Endocannabinoids inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein]; Prostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein; ramatroban inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein]
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased activity of PTGDR2 protein
13,14-dihydro-15-ketoprostaglandin D2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; 5-hydroxyindomethacin inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; ramatroban inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; sulindac sulfide inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]; zomepirac inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR2 protein]
CTD PMID:11801628 PMID:12721327 PMID:15563582 PMID:16256979 PMID:21916510 More... NCBI chr 1:207,585,088...207,590,275
Ensembl chr 1:207,587,917...207,589,213
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G Ptger2 prostaglandin E receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO Prostaglandin D2 binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein CTD PMID:27636113 NCBI chr15:18,215,013...18,228,714
Ensembl chr15:18,217,285...18,228,714
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO [2-chloro-N-(4-chlorobiphenyl-2-yl)nicotinamide binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [2-phenylphenol binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Prostaglandin D2; [Chlorpropham binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [cypermethrin binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [cyprodinil binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [enilconazole binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [fludioxonil binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [Ibuprofen binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [Linuron binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [Methiocarb binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [N-(2,3-dichloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylcyclohexanecarboxamide binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [Nanotubes, Carbon co-treated with PTGS2 gene mutant form] results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2; [pirimiphos methyl binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [PTGS2 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Kainic Acid] which results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2; [PTGS2 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Nanotubes, Carbon] which results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2; [pyrimethanil binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2; [tebuconazole binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of and results in decreased secretion of Prostaglandin D2 CTD PMID:11743745 PMID:18834901 PMID:23642096 PMID:26359731 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Rorc RAR-related orphan receptor C increases expression ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of RORC mRNA CTD PMID:9543393 NCBI chr 2:182,009,707...182,034,910
Ensembl chr 2:182,009,286...182,034,907
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G Slc22a22 solute carrier family 22 member 22 affects binding ISO Prostaglandin D2 binds to SLC22A22 protein CTD PMID:20448048 NCBI chr 7:88,720,425...88,750,111
Ensembl chr 7:88,720,427...88,750,111
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G Tac1 tachykinin, precursor 1 multiple interactions EXP Prostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [Kallidin results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein] CTD PMID:16039053 NCBI chr 4:35,679,183...35,687,180
Ensembl chr 4:35,679,704...35,687,178
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G Tg thyroglobulin multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Prostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [TSHB protein results in increased expression of TG protein]
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of TG protein
CTD PMID:11078701 NCBI chr 7:98,418,293...98,603,210
Ensembl chr 7:98,418,293...98,603,210
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 decreases response to substance ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in decreased susceptibility to TGFB1 protein CTD PMID:20719937 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2]
TNF protein results in increased abundance of Prostaglandin D2
CTD PMID:1993070 PMID:12743569 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tnfrsf11b TNF receptor superfamily member 11B increases expression
increases secretion
multiple interactions
ISO Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA
Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein
2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; SRT1720 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA]; SRT1720 inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]
CTD PMID:24813642 NCBI chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,526
Ensembl chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,538
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G Tshb thyroid stimulating hormone subunit beta multiple interactions ISO Prostaglandin D2 promotes the reaction [TSHB protein results in increased expression of TG protein] CTD PMID:11078701 NCBI chr 2:190,224,676...190,229,559
Ensembl chr 2:190,224,676...190,229,559
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G Ucp2 uncoupling protein 2 affects chemical synthesis ISO UCP2 protein affects the chemical synthesis of Prostaglandin D2 CTD PMID:19846869 NCBI chr 1:154,839,242...154,845,612
Ensembl chr 1:154,839,209...154,845,611
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prostaglandin D3 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin D3 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:12573452 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin D3 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:12573452 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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prostaglandin E1 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc4 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 4 multiple interactions ISO Quercetin inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil promotes the reaction [ABCC4 protein results in increased hydrolysis of Adenosine Triphosphate]]; Silymarin inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil promotes the reaction [ABCC4 protein results in increased hydrolysis of Adenosine Triphosphate]] CTD PMID:16156793 NCBI chr15:95,541,186...95,774,898
Ensembl chr15:95,542,315...95,774,283
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G Adrb2 adrenoceptor beta 2 increases phosphorylation ISO Alprostadil results in increased phosphorylation of ADRB2 protein CTD PMID:14722251 NCBI chr18:55,642,459...55,644,501
Ensembl chr18:55,502,903...55,644,512
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G Agt angiotensinogen increases expression ISO Alprostadil results in increased expression of AGT protein CTD PMID:9195357 NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Casp3 caspase 3 multiple interactions EXP Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased cleavage of and results in increased activity of CASP3 protein] CTD PMID:15565661 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Cxcl2 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions ISO Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [[Phenytoin co-treated with Buthionine Sulfoximine] results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA]; Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Carbamazepine results in increased expression of CXCL2 mRNA] CTD PMID:22790970 PMID:23986454 NCBI chr14:17,181,030...17,183,075
Ensembl chr14:17,181,062...17,183,075
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G Il23a interleukin 23 subunit alpha multiple interactions ISO Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Carbamazepine results in increased expression of IL23A mRNA] CTD PMID:22790970 NCBI chr 7:721,809...723,923
Ensembl chr 7:721,809...723,923
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G Il6 interleukin 6 increases expression
multiple interactions
Alprostadil results in increased expression of IL6 protein
Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Carbamazepine results in increased expression of IL6 mRNA]
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased expression of IL6 protein]
CTD PMID:7536779 PMID:22790970 NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha multiple interactions EXP Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in decreased expression of NFKBIA protein]; Enzyme Inhibitors inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in decreased expression of NFKBIA protein]] CTD PMID:15565661 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Alprostadil results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA; Alprostadil results in increased expression of NOS2 promoter; Alprostadil results in increased expression of NOS2 protein
Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]; Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased expression of NOS2 promoter]; Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]; Enzyme Inhibitors inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]; Galactosamine promotes the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]
CTD PMID:15189274 PMID:15565661 NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nppa natriuretic peptide A decreases expression ISO Alprostadil results in decreased expression of NPPA protein CTD PMID:10506854 NCBI chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
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G Nppb natriuretic peptide B decreases expression ISO Alprostadil results in decreased expression of NPPB protein CTD PMID:16084762 NCBI chr 5:158,416,813...158,418,175
Ensembl chr 5:158,416,866...158,418,168
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G Ptgdr prostaglandin D2 receptor affects binding
multiple interactions
ISO Alprostadil binds to PTGDR protein
Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein]
CTD PMID:9579725 NCBI chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
Ensembl chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions EXP Alprostadil results in increased localization of and results in increased activity of RELA protein CTD PMID:15189274 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Ren renin increases expression ISO Alprostadil results in increased expression of REN protein CTD PMID:9195357 NCBI chr13:44,796,260...44,807,491
Ensembl chr13:44,796,091...44,807,489
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G Timp1 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 decreases expression EXP Alprostadil results in decreased expression of TIMP1 CTD PMID:16859129 NCBI chr  X:1,212,969...1,217,714
Ensembl chr  X:1,212,972...1,217,664
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
decreases expression
decreases secretion
Alprostadil inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF]
Alprostadil results in decreased expression of TNF protein
Alprostadil promotes the reaction [Galactosamine results in increased expression of TNF protein]
Alprostadil results in decreased secretion of TNF protein
CTD PMID:7536779 PMID:7956562 PMID:9298541 PMID:10221824 NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tnfrsf11b TNF receptor superfamily member 11B increases secretion
multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Alprostadil results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein
pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; SRT1720 inhibits the reaction [Alprostadil results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]
CTD PMID:25677506 NCBI chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,526
Ensembl chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,538
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G Vasp vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein increases phosphorylation ISO Alprostadil results in increased phosphorylation of VASP protein CTD PMID:20129490 NCBI chr 1:78,910,009...78,925,791
Ensembl chr 1:78,910,011...78,925,061
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prostaglandin E2 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcc4 ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 4 increases export
affects export
ISO ABCC4 protein results in increased export of Dinoprostone
ABCC4 gene SNP affects the export of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:22155354 PMID:27659809 NCBI chr15:95,541,186...95,774,898
Ensembl chr15:95,542,315...95,774,283
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G Ace angiotensin I converting enzyme multiple interactions ISO ACE inhibits the reaction [Cocaine affects the abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:14738173 NCBI chr10:90,910,316...90,930,437
Ensembl chr10:90,910,316...90,931,131
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G Acta1 actin, alpha 1, skeletal muscle multiple interactions
decreases expression
EXP 4-(4-cyano-2-(2-(4-fluoronaphthalen-1-yl)propionylamino)phenyl)butyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of ACTA1 mRNA] CTD PMID:18030065 NCBI chr19:51,883,709...51,886,735
Ensembl chr19:51,883,715...51,886,742
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G Acta2 actin alpha 2, smooth muscle increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ACTA2 protein CTD PMID:27697457 NCBI chr 1:231,746,527...231,759,307
Ensembl chr 1:231,746,548...231,759,554
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G Adcyap1 adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [ADCYAP1 protein results in increased secretion of Histamine] CTD PMID:11164953 NCBI chr 9:113,102,632...113,122,500
Ensembl chr 9:113,103,718...113,109,773
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G Adm adrenomedullin decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of ADM mRNA CTD PMID:19253104 NCBI chr 1:164,745,484...164,747,655
Ensembl chr 1:164,745,466...164,747,654
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G Adrb2 adrenoceptor beta 2 multiple interactions ISO [ICI 118551 binds to and results in decreased activity of ADRB2 protein] inhibits the reaction [Nicotine results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:17369603 NCBI chr18:55,642,459...55,644,501
Ensembl chr18:55,502,903...55,644,512
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G Agt angiotensinogen multiple interactions
increases abundance
EXP Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [AGT protein alternative form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:4030047 PMID:6421564 NCBI chr19:52,529,139...52,549,618
Ensembl chr19:52,529,185...52,540,977
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G Akr1b1 aldo-keto reductase family 1 member B1 multiple interactions ISO [sorbinil results in decreased activity of AKR1B1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; [zopolrestat results in decreased activity of AKR1B1 protein] inhibits the reaction [Antigens, Plant results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:21334316 NCBI chr 4:62,932,033...62,946,126
Ensembl chr 4:62,932,031...62,946,157
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G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 increases phosphorylation
decreases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
taiwanin C inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased activity of AKT1 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of AKT1 protein]; gefitinib inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of and results in increased activity of AKT1 protein; oxodiperoxo(pyridine-2-carboxylate)vanadate(V) inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein]
CTD PMID:16396944 PMID:17805209 PMID:18056380 PMID:23747687 PMID:25094029 More... NCBI chr 6:131,713,716...131,735,319
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Alox15 arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase multiple interactions ISO [ALOX15 protein affects the metabolism of Arachidonic Acid] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:21193584 NCBI chr10:55,060,169...55,068,885
Ensembl chr10:55,060,412...55,068,874
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G Anxa1 annexin A1 multiple interactions ISO ANXA1 protein inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:21777521 NCBI chr 1:217,861,175...217,877,205
Ensembl chr 1:217,861,175...217,877,343
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G Apoa1 apolipoprotein A1 multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of APOA1 mRNA] CTD PMID:15816358 NCBI chr 8:46,527,251...46,529,035
Ensembl chr 8:46,527,144...46,529,035
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G App amyloid beta precursor protein increases abundance
multiple interactions
increases secretion
increases expression
APP protein modified form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
CNB 001 inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dronabinol inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; L 685458 inhibits the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
[APP protein binds to APP protein binds to APP protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; neoechinulin A inhibits the reaction [[APP protein binds to APP protein binds to APP protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
PTGES2 promotes the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [APP protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of APP protein modified form
CTD PMID:16685418 PMID:20171164 PMID:23261590 PMID:28721267 NCBI chr11:24,019,774...24,236,584
Ensembl chr11:24,019,778...24,236,561
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G Aqp1 aquaporin 1 increases response to substance ISO AQP1 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:20018876 NCBI chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
Ensembl chr 4:84,482,512...84,494,690
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G Areg amphiregulin increases expression
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of AREG mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of AREG protein
N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of AREG mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of AREG mRNA]
CTD PMID:15284208 PMID:15509566 PMID:16888076 NCBI chr14:16,972,185...16,981,443
Ensembl chr14:16,972,187...16,981,535
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G Atf1 activating transcription factor 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein; Bucladesine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein] CTD PMID:12164941 PMID:22188298 NCBI chr 7:131,361,962...131,404,677
Ensembl chr 7:131,362,450...131,404,670
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G Atf3 activating transcription factor 3 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ATF3 protein
ATF3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 mRNA]; ATF3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF3 protein binds to SIRT1 promoter]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ATF3 protein]
CTD PMID:30409902 NCBI chr13:102,751,278...102,800,520
Ensembl chr13:102,751,321...102,764,631
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G Avp arginine vasopressin increases abundance
multiple interactions
EXP AVP protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [AVP protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:4030047 NCBI chr 3:117,793,447...117,805,091
Ensembl chr 3:117,793,457...117,795,425
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G Bak1 BCL2-antagonist/killer 1 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of BAK1 protein]] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr20:5,100,480...5,109,669
Ensembl chr20:5,100,480...5,109,264
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G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions ISO
[BAX binds to Dinoprostone] which results in increased localization of BAX
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Puromycin Aminonucleoside results in increased expression of BAX protein]
CTD PMID:16396944 PMID:17369862 NCBI chr 1:95,940,001...95,945,407
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
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G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of BCL2 protein
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of BCL2 protein]]
CTD PMID:9443418 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr13:22,689,783...22,853,920
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Bcl2l1 Bcl2-like 1 multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone affects the reaction [Puromycin Aminonucleoside results in decreased expression of BCL2L1 protein] CTD PMID:16396944 NCBI chr 3:141,253,508...141,304,582
Ensembl chr 3:141,253,523...141,303,479
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G Birc3 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 3 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of BIRC3 protein CTD PMID:12837940 NCBI chr 8:5,000,844...5,028,470
Ensembl chr 8:5,000,845...5,015,802
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G Birc5 baculoviral IAP repeat-containing 5 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[Indomethacin results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased expression of BIRC5 protein] CTD PMID:21268125 NCBI chr10:103,072,530...103,081,382
Ensembl chr10:103,073,408...103,081,380
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G Calca calcitonin-related polypeptide alpha multiple interactions EXP [KNG1 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased secretion of CALCA protein; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [Histamine results in increased secretion of CALCA protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [Serotonin results in increased secretion of CALCA protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Capsaicin results in increased secretion of CALCA protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Protons results in increased secretion of CALCA protein] CTD PMID:11166334 PMID:12044622 PMID:14991081 PMID:18296611 NCBI chr 1:168,878,212...168,883,176
Ensembl chr 1:168,878,214...168,883,105
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G Casp3 caspase 3 decreases activity
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in decreased activity of CASP3 protein
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Puromycin Aminonucleoside results in increased activity of CASP3 protein]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [SIRT1 mutant form promotes the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]]
CTD PMID:12837940 PMID:16396944 PMID:20335659 PMID:25094029 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr16:45,662,910...45,681,171
Ensembl chr16:45,662,910...45,684,648
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G Casp8 caspase 8 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased cleavage of CASP8 protein]] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 9:60,263,863...60,312,542
Ensembl chr 9:60,264,075...60,312,542
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G Casp9 caspase 9 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in increased cleavage of CASP9 protein] CTD PMID:25094029 NCBI chr 5:154,108,872...154,126,628
Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions
decreases abundance
CAT protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA]]
N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [CAT protein results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:10899936 PMID:11286988 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Cbs cystathionine beta synthase multiple interactions ISO CBS protein inhibits the reaction [Rotenone results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:25086357 NCBI chr20:9,708,089...9,732,623
Ensembl chr20:9,708,090...9,732,764
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G Ccl12 C-C motif chemokine ligand 12 multiple interactions ISO [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA]; [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA]; [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA]; CCL12 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCL12 mRNA] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr10:67,070,230...67,071,780
Ensembl chr10:67,070,230...67,071,780
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G Ccl17 C-C motif chemokine ligand 17 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CCL17 mRNA CTD PMID:16303787 NCBI chr19:10,202,128...10,203,903
Ensembl chr19:10,202,128...10,203,819
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G Ccl2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL2 protein]]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [roflumilast N-oxide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL2 protein]]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCL2 mRNA
CTD PMID:16303787 PMID:16784723 PMID:21913898 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr10:67,005,424...67,007,222
Ensembl chr10:67,005,424...67,007,226
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G Ccl20 C-C motif chemokine ligand 20 multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of CCL20; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL23A results in increased expression of CCL20]; IL23A promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of CCL20]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [rofecoxib results in increased expression of CCL20 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [rofecoxib results in increased expression of CCL20 protein]
CTD PMID:17667525 PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 9:84,389,031...84,391,629
Ensembl chr 9:84,388,904...84,391,629
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G Ccl22 C-C motif chemokine ligand 22 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CCL22 mRNA CTD PMID:16303787 NCBI chr19:10,257,602...10,264,373
Ensembl chr19:10,257,601...10,264,400
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G Ccl27 C-C motif chemokine ligand 27 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 protein]] CTD PMID:16784723 NCBI chr 5:56,941,402...56,948,511
Ensembl chr 5:56,941,402...56,948,506
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G Ccl3 C-C motif chemokine ligand 3 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL3 protein]]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL3 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [roflumilast N-oxide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL3 protein]]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL3 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [rofecoxib results in increased expression of CCL3 protein]
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCL3 mRNA
CTD PMID:9863660 PMID:16303787 PMID:17667525 PMID:21913898 NCBI chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
Ensembl chr10:68,451,388...68,452,938
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G Ccl4 C-C motif chemokine ligand 4 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCL4 protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCL4 mRNA
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL4 protein]]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL4 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [roflumilast N-oxide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CCL4 protein]]
CTD PMID:16303787 PMID:17667525 PMID:21913898 NCBI chr10:68,466,394...68,468,229
Ensembl chr10:68,452,052...68,468,231
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G Ccl5 C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCL5 mRNA
Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 protein]]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Reactive Oxygen Species results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [rofecoxib results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [rofecoxib results in increased expression of CCL5 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]
CTD PMID:10495789 PMID:16303787 PMID:16784723 PMID:17667525 NCBI chr10:68,322,826...68,327,380
Ensembl chr10:68,322,829...68,327,377
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G Ccn2 cellular communication network factor 2 multiple interactions ISO [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,315
Ensembl chr 1:20,802,199...20,805,734
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G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO taiwanin C inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CCND1 protein] CTD PMID:30884126 NCBI chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,524
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
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G Ccr5 C-C motif chemokine receptor 5 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCR5 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CCR5 protein CTD PMID:16303787 NCBI chr 8:123,752,423...123,757,538
Ensembl chr 8:123,752,325...123,759,260
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G Ccr6 C-C motif chemokine receptor 6 multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IL23A] affects the expression of CCR6 CTD PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 1:52,474,477...52,508,301
Ensembl chr 1:52,474,168...52,498,603
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G Ccr7 C-C motif chemokine receptor 7 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CCR7 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CCR7 protein
[IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein
CTD PMID:16303787 PMID:18952292 NCBI chr10:84,098,193...84,108,309
Ensembl chr10:84,097,381...84,108,309
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G Cd68 Cd68 molecule multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of CD68 protein] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr10:54,381,814...54,383,693
Ensembl chr10:54,381,815...54,383,697
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G Cdh1 cadherin 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CDH1 protein
cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of CDH1 protein]
CTD PMID:30208247 NCBI chr19:34,492,371...34,561,775
Ensembl chr19:34,492,371...34,561,775
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G Cebpa CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of CEBPA protein]] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 1:87,759,631...87,762,303
Ensembl chr 1:87,759,433...87,762,412
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G Cga glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide multiple interactions
increases secretion
bifenthrin analog inhibits the reaction [CGA protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; bifenthrin inhibits the reaction [CGA protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
butylbenzyl phthalate inhibits the reaction [CGA protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dibutyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [CGA protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Diethylhexyl Phthalate inhibits the reaction [CGA protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:21251947 PMID:21871944 PMID:25016925 NCBI chr 5:49,486,915...49,499,192
Ensembl chr 5:49,487,068...49,499,191
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G Col10a1 collagen type X alpha 1 chain increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of COL10A1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of COL10A1 protein CTD PMID:27050768 NCBI chr20:38,183,103...38,189,488
Ensembl chr20:38,182,494...38,189,494
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G Col1a1 collagen type I alpha 1 chain decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of COL1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:8971655 NCBI chr10:79,883,622...79,900,625
Ensembl chr10:79,883,622...79,900,624
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G Col2a1 collagen type II alpha 1 chain increases expression
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of COL2A1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of COL2A1 protein
Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [COL2A1 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; lupeol inhibits the reaction [COL2A1 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:27050768 PMID:35446470 NCBI chr 7:129,098,489...129,127,560
Ensembl chr 7:129,098,786...129,127,546
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G Cp ceruloplasmin increases secretion EXP CP protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:17727827 NCBI chr 2:102,439,433...102,498,075
Ensembl chr 2:102,439,624...102,498,075
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G Creb1 cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO [nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of CREB1 protein; Bucladesine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]]; CREB1 protein promotes the reaction [[nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased secretion of CXCL8 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [CREB1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [CREB1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of CREB1 protein] CTD PMID:12164941 PMID:23526216 NCBI chr 9:65,903,511...65,972,562
Ensembl chr 9:65,903,547...65,970,816
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G Cryab crystallin, alpha B multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [arsenite results in increased expression of CRYAB protein] CTD PMID:9066782 NCBI chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,161
Ensembl chr 8:51,093,441...51,099,157
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G Csf2 colony stimulating factor 2 multiple interactions ISO CSF2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL12B protein binds to IL23A protein]]
[IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein
CTD PMID:15180965 PMID:18952292 NCBI chr10:38,386,945...38,388,926
Ensembl chr10:38,386,945...38,389,199
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G Ctnnb1 catenin beta 1 increases localization
increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased localization of CTNNB1 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CTNNB1 protein
cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CTNNB1 protein]
CTD PMID:18395713 PMID:30208247 NCBI chr 8:120,640,008...120,667,110
Ensembl chr 8:120,639,995...120,667,111
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G Cxcl10 C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CXCL10 protein]]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CXCL10 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CXCL10 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [roflumilast N-oxide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of CXCL10 protein]] CTD PMID:21913898 NCBI chr14:15,704,772...15,706,969
Ensembl chr14:15,704,758...15,706,975
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G Cxcr4 C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CXCR4 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CXCR4 protein CTD PMID:16303787 NCBI chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
Ensembl chr13:40,077,976...40,081,883
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G Cyp11a1 cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP11A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 8:58,422,807...58,434,342
Ensembl chr 8:58,404,669...58,434,338
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G Cyp17a1 cytochrome P450, family 17, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP17A1 mRNA CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 1:245,535,462...245,543,148
Ensembl chr 1:245,535,462...245,541,573
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G Cyp19a1 cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 multiple interactions
increases activity
increases expression
2-methoxyoestrone-3-O-sulphamate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of CYP19A1 protein]; 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; ATF3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; bakuchiol inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; Chlordan inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; Chlordan inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [NR2F2 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [WT1 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; ESRRA protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; ESRRA protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein
CTD PMID:15862962 PMID:16024248 PMID:19001523 PMID:20351196 PMID:20678559 More... NCBI chr 8:54,552,978...54,580,375
Ensembl chr 8:54,553,165...54,580,758
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G Cyp1b1 cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; AH 23848 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; AH 23848 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP1B1 protein
CTD PMID:20093341 NCBI chr 6:15,342,312...15,350,886
Ensembl chr 6:15,342,344...15,350,917
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G Ddit3 DNA-damage inducible transcript 3 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [DDIT3 protein binds to CXCL8 promoter] CTD PMID:17709599 NCBI chr 7:63,115,645...63,121,203
Ensembl chr 7:63,116,380...63,121,201
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G Dusp1 dual specificity phosphatase 1 multiple interactions ISO DUSP1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [trichostatin A inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]] CTD PMID:21911040 NCBI chr10:16,680,478...16,683,275 JBrowse link
G Edn1 endothelin 1 multiple interactions
increases secretion
[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; Acetaminophen inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
EDN1 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:16384872 PMID:21811393 NCBI chr17:22,454,924...22,460,812
Ensembl chr17:22,454,420...22,460,885
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G Egf epidermal growth factor multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one promotes the reaction [Hydrocortisone inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; gefitinib promotes the reaction [Hydrocortisone inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; Hydrocortisone inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin promotes the reaction [Hydrocortisone inhibits the reaction [EGF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]] CTD PMID:17805209 NCBI chr 2:218,219,408...218,302,359
Ensembl chr 2:218,219,415...218,302,064
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G Egfr epidermal growth factor receptor increases secretion
increases expression
multiple interactions
increases phosphorylation
ISO EGFR protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of EGFR protein modified form
cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of EGFR protein modified form]; EGFR mutant form affects the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; EGFR mutant form affects the reaction [lead nitrate results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of EGFR protein
CTD PMID:16213893 PMID:17805209 PMID:20850495 PMID:30208247 NCBI chr14:91,176,979...91,349,722
Ensembl chr14:91,177,067...91,344,382
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G Ep300 E1A binding protein p300 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]] CTD PMID:30409902 NCBI chr 7:113,108,476...113,178,529
Ensembl chr 7:113,106,247...113,136,088
Ensembl chr 7:113,106,247...113,136,088
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G Ephx2 epoxide hydrolase 2 multiple interactions ISO EPHX2 gene mutant form affects the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; EPHX2 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]] CTD PMID:19896470 NCBI chr15:40,289,901...40,327,632
Ensembl chr15:40,289,902...40,327,615
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G Ereg epiregulin increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of EREG mRNA
N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of EREG mRNA]; U 0126 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of EREG mRNA]
CTD PMID:16888076 PMID:18444251 NCBI chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
Ensembl chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 increases phosphorylation ISO Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of ESR1 protein CTD PMID:20093341 NCBI chr 1:41,106,335...41,499,104
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Esrra estrogen related receptor, alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ESRRA mRNA]; 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ESRRA protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein promotes the reaction [Testosterone results in increased abundance of Estradiol]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ESRRA protein results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; ESRRA protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; ESRRA protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ESRRA mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ESRRA protein
CTD PMID:20351196 NCBI chr 1:204,104,100...204,114,182
Ensembl chr 1:204,104,101...204,114,268
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G F2 coagulation factor II, thrombin multiple interactions
increases secretion
[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; Acetaminophen inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; zinc protoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [tricarbonyldichlororuthenium (II) dimer inhibits the reaction [F2 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]]
CTD PMID:21811393 PMID:26385185 NCBI chr 3:77,596,196...77,609,486
Ensembl chr 3:77,596,198...77,609,486
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G Fas Fas cell surface death receptor increases expression
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of FAS
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of FAS mRNA
CTD PMID:10357836 PMID:15491851 NCBI chr 1:231,798,963...231,832,591
Ensembl chr 1:231,798,960...231,832,591
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G Faslg Fas ligand increases expression
multiple interactions
increases response to substance
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of FASLG
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of FASL protein]]
FASLG results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:15491851 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr13:74,151,519...74,172,760
Ensembl chr13:74,154,954...74,162,215
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G Fasn fatty acid synthase multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Celecoxib results in decreased activity of FASN protein] CTD PMID:19159447 NCBI chr10:106,072,093...106,090,259
Ensembl chr10:106,072,091...106,090,261
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G Fcer2 Fc epsilon receptor II decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of FCER2 protein CTD PMID:1328389 NCBI chr12:1,742,809...1,754,476
Ensembl chr12:1,742,815...1,754,476
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G Fgf20 fibroblast growth factor 20 increases abundance ISO FGF20 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:12360478 NCBI chr16:52,030,549...52,038,201
Ensembl chr16:52,010,194...52,038,204
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G Fgf23 fibroblast growth factor 23 multiple interactions ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [FGF23 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and affects the secretion of Dinoprostone]; FGF23 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and affects the secretion of Dinoprostone; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [FGF23 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and affects the secretion of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:16144964 NCBI chr 4:159,914,267...159,923,821
Ensembl chr 4:159,914,272...159,923,821
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G Fgf7 fibroblast growth factor 7 increases secretion
multiple interactions
EXP FGF7 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [FGF7 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:16169897 NCBI chr 3:113,280,448...113,333,279
Ensembl chr 3:113,281,283...113,332,929
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G Fos Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of FOS mRNA CTD PMID:10864209 NCBI chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
Ensembl chr 6:105,121,170...105,124,036
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G Gast gastrin multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [GAST protein results in increased secretion of Histamine] CTD PMID:11164953 NCBI chr10:85,264,832...85,269,393
Ensembl chr10:85,264,832...85,267,496
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G Ghrl ghrelin and obestatin prepropeptide increases abundance EXP GHRL results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:16868036 NCBI chr 4:146,865,712...146,869,621
Ensembl chr 4:146,865,712...146,869,621
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G Glra3 glycine receptor, alpha 3 multiple interactions
increases response to substance
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Excitatory Amino Acid Agents results in increased activity of [PTGER2 protein co-treated with GLRA3 protein]]
GLRA3 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:15131310 NCBI chr16:34,199,937...34,848,773
Ensembl chr16:34,204,811...34,848,753
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G Gpt glutamic--pyruvic transaminase multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of GPT protein] CTD PMID:31444509 NCBI chr 7:108,416,646...108,419,495
Ensembl chr 7:108,416,642...108,419,494
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G Gpx1 glutathione peroxidase 1 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of GPX1 mRNA]] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,031
Ensembl chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,024
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G Gpx2 glutathione peroxidase 2 multiple interactions
affects secretion
ISO [GPX2 protein affects the activity of PTGS2 protein] which affects the metabolism of Dinoprostone; [GPX2 protein affects the expression of PTGES protein] which affects the metabolism of Dinoprostone
GPX2 protein affects the secretion of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:18479189 NCBI chr 6:95,493,589...95,496,877
Ensembl chr 6:95,493,589...95,496,877
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G Grin2a glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2A increases response to substance ISO GRIN2A results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:9113374 NCBI chr10:5,629,683...6,053,262
Ensembl chr10:5,631,369...6,044,637
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G Grin2d glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2D increases response to substance ISO GRIN2D results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:9113374 NCBI chr 1:96,306,871...96,346,994
Ensembl chr 1:96,308,365...96,344,793
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G Gsk3a glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha increases phosphorylation ISO Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of GSK3A protein CTD PMID:20578217 NCBI chr 1:80,815,843...80,825,732
Ensembl chr 1:80,815,850...80,825,802
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G Gsk3b glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of GSK3B protein
cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of GSK3B protein]
CTD PMID:18395713 PMID:20578217 PMID:30208247 NCBI chr11:62,498,997...62,648,665
Ensembl chr11:62,504,316...62,648,646
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G Gstm2 glutathione S-transferase mu 2 affects chemical synthesis ISO GSTM2 protein affects the chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:10905636 NCBI chr 2:195,624,015...195,628,774
Ensembl chr 2:195,544,426...195,628,961
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G Gstm5 glutathione S-transferase, mu 5 affects chemical synthesis ISO GSTM3 protein affects the chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:10905636 NCBI chr 2:195,531,599...195,534,562
Ensembl chr 2:195,531,495...195,534,553
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G Hcrt hypocretin neuropeptide precursor multiple interactions
increases abundance
EXP [HCRT results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
HCRT results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:18378017 NCBI chr10:85,689,979...85,691,214
Ensembl chr10:85,689,465...85,691,210
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G Hgf hepatocyte growth factor increases abundance EXP HGF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:14751415 NCBI chr 4:18,673,736...18,745,582
Ensembl chr 4:18,677,101...18,745,409
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G Hif1a hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; [nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; benzyloxycarbonylleucyl-leucyl-leucine aldehyde promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [nickel sulfate results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of HIF1A protein]; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [[nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased secretion of CXCL8 protein]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [[Oxygen deficiency results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein]; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Sirolimus inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein]; Wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]
[HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of HIF1A mRNA]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]]
CTD PMID:18832182 PMID:20042640 PMID:20335389 PMID:23526216 PMID:28434932 More... NCBI chr 6:92,624,059...92,669,262
Ensembl chr 6:92,624,390...92,669,261
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G Hk2 hexokinase 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of HK2 mRNA
Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of HK2 mRNA]
CTD PMID:27452194 NCBI chr 4:115,234,509...115,283,530
Ensembl chr 4:115,234,509...115,283,530
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G Hmox1 heme oxygenase 1 multiple interactions ISO HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]
[chromium mesoporphyrin results in decreased activity of HMOX1 protein] inhibits the reaction [N-bromotaurine results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [chromium mesoporphyrin results in decreased activity of HMOX1 protein] inhibits the reaction [N-chlorotaurine results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [copper protoporphyrin IX promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [KT 5720 promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of HMOX1 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]; HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dimethyl Fumarate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; KT 5720 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of HMOX1 protein]]
CTD PMID:18157587 PMID:19428335 PMID:22155307 PMID:23942037 PMID:24003391 NCBI chr19:13,466,287...13,474,082
Ensembl chr19:13,467,244...13,474,079
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G Hpgd 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase affects abundance
multiple interactions
increases metabolic processing
ISO HPGD protein affects the abundance of Dinoprostone
[Dinoprostone co-treated with NAD] binds to HPGD protein
HPGD protein results in increased metabolism of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:18500342 PMID:19584167 PMID:20448048 PMID:25526675 NCBI chr16:33,986,265...34,024,228
Ensembl chr16:33,986,266...34,024,228
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G Hrh2 histamine receptor H 2 multiple interactions ISO Dimaprit inhibits the reaction [HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP]]; HRH2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased abundance of Cyclic AMP] CTD PMID:9187264 NCBI chr17:10,366,004...10,407,791
Ensembl chr17:10,368,298...10,407,631
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G Hsd11b1 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 1 multiple interactions
increases activity
ISO 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of HSD11B1 protein]; Dibenz(b,f)(1,4)oxazepine-10(11H)-carboxylic acid, 8-chloro-, 2-acetylhydrazide promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of HSD11B1 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HSD11B1 protein affects the oxidation of Hydrocortisone]; PTGER2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of HSD11B1 protein] CTD PMID:17761898 NCBI chr13:104,728,539...104,798,884
Ensembl chr13:104,728,539...104,788,687
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G Hsd11b2 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2 decreases activity ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased activity of HSD11B2 protein CTD PMID:10377029 NCBI chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
Ensembl chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
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G Hsd3b2 hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 2 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of HSD3B2 mRNA CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 2:186,095,897...186,105,354
Ensembl chr 2:186,095,897...186,101,852
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G Icam1 intercellular adhesion molecule 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Reactive Oxygen Species results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of ICAM1 protein
CTD PMID:10495789 PMID:16777358 NCBI chr 8:19,553,063...19,565,438
Ensembl chr 8:19,553,645...19,565,438
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G Ifng interferon gamma multiple interactions
increases abundance
decreases expression
2-tert-butylhydroquinone inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Adenosine Triphosphate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; carnosol inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dimethyl Fumarate inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Mangifera indica extract inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; mangiferin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Probucol inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; sulforaphane inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; wogonin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IFNG protein
[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [[IFNG protein co-treated with Lipopolysaccharides] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; sulforaphane inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:9743329 PMID:12911628 PMID:14623498 PMID:15177302 PMID:15788148 More... NCBI chr 7:53,903,339...53,907,375
Ensembl chr 7:53,903,337...53,907,375
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G Ighe immunoglobulin heavy constant epsilon increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IGHE protein CTD PMID:15788148
G Il10 interleukin 10 decreases expression
increases abundance
decreases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL10; Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL10 protein
IL10 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
IL10 protein results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Zymosan results in increased expression of IL10 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Zymosan results in increased expression of IL10 protein]; IL10 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Silicon Dioxide results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[IL23A co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of IL10]; IL10 protein inhibits the reaction [Endotoxins results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; IL10 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:7582491 PMID:11301049 PMID:12548226 PMID:14975940 PMID:16303787 More... NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
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G Il11 interleukin 11 multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [IL11 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [IL11 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:12110441 NCBI chr 1:69,069,829...69,076,129
Ensembl chr 1:69,068,137...69,076,129
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G Il12a interleukin 12A multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of [IL12A protein binds to IL12B protein]] CTD PMID:11369638 NCBI chr 2:152,965,769...152,973,035
Ensembl chr 2:152,965,769...152,972,734
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G Il12b interleukin 12B multiple interactions
increases expression
increases secretion
ISO [TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of IL12B protein; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of [IL12A protein binds to IL12B protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of IL12B protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL12B protein
CSF2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL12B protein binds to IL23A protein]]; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL12B protein binds to IL23A protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of IL12B protein
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL12B mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL12B protein
CTD PMID:10614771 PMID:11369638 PMID:15180965 PMID:16303787 NCBI chr10:28,888,832...28,903,802
Ensembl chr10:28,893,008...28,902,903
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G Il12rb1 interleukin 12 receptor subunit beta 1 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL12RB1 protein CTD PMID:9743329 NCBI chr16:18,620,228...18,633,207
Ensembl chr16:18,620,770...18,632,769
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G Il12rb2 interleukin 12 receptor subunit beta 2 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL12RB2 mRNA CTD PMID:9743329 NCBI chr 4:96,426,396...96,515,251
Ensembl chr 4:96,426,842...96,515,289
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G Il13 interleukin 13 increases secretion ISO Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of IL13 protein CTD PMID:15788148 NCBI chr10:37,790,130...37,792,687
Ensembl chr10:37,790,130...37,792,737
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G Il17f interleukin 17F multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of IL17F; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of IL17F]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B results in increased expression of IL17F] CTD PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 9:23,190,094...23,201,482
Ensembl chr 9:23,190,100...23,201,482
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G Il17ra interleukin 17 receptor A multiple interactions ISO IL17RA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:22359662 NCBI chr 4:153,667,534...153,690,174
Ensembl chr 4:153,667,534...153,690,174
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G Il1a interleukin 1 alpha increases abundance
multiple interactions
increases secretion
IL1A protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
mofezolac inhibits the reaction [IL1A protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [IL1A protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
[IL1A protein co-treated with Arachidonic Acid] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
IL1A protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:8218930 PMID:11351503 PMID:15167967 PMID:16169897 PMID:21513769 NCBI chr 3:116,526,601...116,537,055
Ensembl chr 3:116,526,604...116,536,822
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions
increases secretion
increases abundance
increases expression
increases chemical synthesis
1-((4-methylsulfonyl)phenyl)-3-trifluoromethyl-5-(4-fluorophenyl)pyrazole inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 1-Butanol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; 5,5-dimethyl-3-(3-fluorophenyl)-4-(4-methylsulfonyl)phenyl-2(5H)-furanone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; [[Oligomycins co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Arachidonic Acid results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IL23A] affects the expression of CCR6; [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of CCL20; [Glucosamine co-treated with Chondroitin Sulfates] inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; [IL1B protein co-treated with Oligomycins] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein; [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of IL12B protein; [Triclosan co-treated with Cetylpyridinium] inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Acetaminophen inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Ascorbic Acid inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Ascorbic Acid promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; Aspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Aspirin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; BAY 11-7085 inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with Oligomycins] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Butylated Hydroxyanisole inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Celecoxib promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; Celecoxib promotes the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; ciglitazone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; cordycepin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Cycloheximide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dactinomycin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dimethyl Sulfoxide inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[IL23A co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of IL10]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NRG1 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of IL17F]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of RORC mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B results in increased expression of IL17F]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Glucosamine analog inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; HMOX1 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; IL10 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; IL23A promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of CCL20]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [IL1B results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; L 745337 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; licochalcone A inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Naproxen promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; Naproxen promotes the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Oligomycins promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; prolinedithiocarbamate inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; PTGS1 protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; PTGS2 protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with Oligomycins] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Ro 31-8220 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; rofecoxib promotes the reaction [Aspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; rofecoxib promotes the reaction [nitroaspirin inhibits the reaction [[lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; sargachromanol G inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; sauchinone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; SC 560 inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Tamoxifen promotes the reaction [Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]]; Triclosan inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]
IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; IL1B results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Adenosine Triphosphate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]; morroniside inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; sulforaphane inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
2-methoxycinnamaldehyde inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Ketorolac co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; CAT protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cinnamaldehyde inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone analog inhibits the reaction [Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid results in increased expression of IL1B protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of copper bis(3,5-diisopropylsalicylate)]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; GW0072 inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with Rosiglitazone] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [Rosiglitazone results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; sulforaphane inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein co-treated with IFNG protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; theaflavin-3,3'-digallate inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL1B protein
CTD PMID:1515551 PMID:7582491 PMID:8662662 PMID:9266823 PMID:10614771 More... NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il1r1 interleukin 1 receptor type 1 increases activity
increases expression
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased activity of IL1R1 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL1R1 mRNA
CTD PMID:19273625 PMID:19407222 NCBI chr 9:42,504,917...42,580,958
Ensembl chr 9:42,504,735...42,579,937
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G Il1rn interleukin 1 receptor antagonist multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [IL1RN protein results in decreased expression of IL6 protein]; IL1RN protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in decreased expression of IL6 protein]] CTD PMID:8520508 NCBI chr 3:7,111,567...7,127,451
Ensembl chr 3:7,111,550...7,127,445
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G Il2 interleukin 2 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL2; Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL2 protein CTD PMID:2948675 PMID:2989362 NCBI chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
Ensembl chr 2:120,004,862...120,009,566
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G Il22 interleukin 22 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL22 CTD PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 7:53,801,206...53,805,673
Ensembl chr 7:53,801,206...53,806,186
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G Il23a interleukin 23 subunit alpha multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B co-treated with IL23A] affects the expression of CCR6; [Dinoprostone co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of IL17F; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[IL23A co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of IL10]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of IL17F]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of RORC mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL23A results in increased expression of CCL20]; IL23A promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B] results in increased expression of CCL20]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL23A protein
CSF2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL12B protein binds to IL23A protein]]; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL12B protein binds to IL23A protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL23A mRNA
CTD PMID:15180965 PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 7:721,809...723,923
Ensembl chr 7:721,809...723,923
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G Il2ra interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL2RA CTD PMID:2948675 NCBI chr17:66,849,974...66,898,665
Ensembl chr17:66,849,974...66,898,697
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G Il2rg interleukin 2 receptor subunit gamma decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of IL2RG CTD PMID:19812686 NCBI chr  X:66,395,330...66,399,026
Ensembl chr  X:66,392,542...66,399,823
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G Il4 interleukin 4 increases secretion
multiple interactions
decreases secretion
increases response to substance
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of IL4 protein; IL4 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
[IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein; [Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; amorolfine promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; butenafine promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Itraconazole promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Ketoconazole promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; luliconazole promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Terbinafine promotes the reaction [[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
IL4 results in decreased secretion of Dinoprostone
IL4 protein results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:12370375 PMID:15788148 PMID:18952292 PMID:19767084 PMID:23688403 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Il5 interleukin 5 increases secretion ISO Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of IL5 protein CTD PMID:15788148 NCBI chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
Ensembl chr10:37,874,342...37,877,213
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G Il6 interleukin 6 multiple interactions
increases expression
[Dinoprostone co-treated with Theophylline] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of IL6 protein]; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [IL1RN protein results in decreased expression of IL6 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in decreased expression of IL6 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of IL6 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of IL6 protein]; IL1RN protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in decreased expression of IL6 protein]]
[IL6 protein results in increased expression of PTGES mRNA] which results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL6 protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [IL6 protein results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of IL6 protein]]; IL6 protein results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL6 protein
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL6 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of IL6 protein]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of IL6 protein]
CTD PMID:7536779 PMID:8520508 PMID:15180965 PMID:15379866 PMID:16303787 More... NCBI chr 4:5,214,602...5,219,178
Ensembl chr 4:5,213,394...5,219,178
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G Irak3 interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 3 increases expression ISO prostaglandin E2 increases expression of Irak3 protein in alveolar macrophages RGD PMID:20439918 RGD:36049799 NCBI chr 7:55,653,949...55,714,371
Ensembl chr 7:55,653,962...55,713,121
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G Itga2 integrin subunit alpha 2 multiple interactions ISO
ITGA2 protein promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with Serotonin] results in increased import of Calcium]; TRPV4 protein promotes the reaction [ITGA2 protein promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with Serotonin] results in increased import of Calcium]]
ITGA2 protein results in increased susceptibility to [KNG1 protein modified form co-treated with TAC1 protein modified form co-treated with Serotonin co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with Histamine]
CTD PMID:18234883 NCBI chr 2:46,520,345...46,621,487
Ensembl chr 2:46,523,948...46,621,481
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G Itgb1 integrin subunit beta 1 increases response to substance EXP ITGB1 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:14984413 NCBI chr19:56,705,123...56,753,199
Ensembl chr19:56,705,171...56,753,195
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G Jak3 Janus kinase 3 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of and results in decreased activity of JAK3 protein CTD PMID:19812686 NCBI chr16:18,386,330...18,398,542
Ensembl chr16:18,386,405...18,398,536
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G Kat2b lysine acetyltransferase 2B multiple interactions ISO KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein]; KAT2B protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein] CTD PMID:30409902 NCBI chr 9:6,562,525...6,667,064
Ensembl chr 9:6,562,288...6,667,064
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G Kng1 kininogen 1 increases abundance
increases secretion
multiple interactions
EXP KNG1 protein alternative form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; KNG1 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
KNG1 protein modified form results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone
[KNG1 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased secretion of CALCA protein; [KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [KNG1 protein co-treated with Serotonin co-treated with Histamine] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Serotonin co-treated with Histamine] promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Acetaminophen inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [KNG1 protein alternative form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Histamine promotes the reaction [Serotonin promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein]]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with Serotonin co-treated with Histamine] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[Serotonin co-treated with Histamine] promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; ITGA2 protein results in increased susceptibility to [KNG1 protein modified form co-treated with TAC1 protein modified form co-treated with Serotonin co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with Histamine]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [[KNG1 protein co-treated with F2 protein co-treated with EDN1 protein co-treated with Potassium Chloride] results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Serotonin promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Streptozocin promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein modified form results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:4030047 PMID:11166334 PMID:12791437 PMID:18234883 PMID:20832942 More... NCBI chr11:77,812,757...77,835,555
Ensembl chr11:77,812,752...77,835,555
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G Ldha lactate dehydrogenase A multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of LDHA mRNA]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of LDHA mRNA
CTD PMID:27452194 NCBI chr 1:97,371,823...97,381,247
Ensembl chr 1:97,366,021...97,433,472
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G Lep leptin increases abundance
increases secretion
increases expression
EXP LEP protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of LEP protein
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of LEP protein
CTD PMID:11060898 PMID:16015682 NCBI chr 4:57,661,127...57,675,262
Ensembl chr 4:57,661,131...57,675,262
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G Map3k8 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 8 multiple interactions ISO MAP3K8 protein affects the reaction [arsenite results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:19808956 NCBI chr17:53,382,908...53,403,216
Ensembl chr17:53,383,131...53,403,216
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G Mapk1 mitogen activated protein kinase 1 increases activity
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK1 protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein
Dinoprostone affects the reaction [[helioxanthin co-treated with Arecoline co-treated with 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide] affects the phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
gefitinib inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK1 protein]
CTD PMID:16888076 PMID:17805209 PMID:18030065 PMID:18056380 PMID:19201774 More... NCBI chr11:83,957,813...84,023,629
Ensembl chr11:83,957,813...84,023,616
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G Mapk14 mitogen activated protein kinase 14 increases activity
increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK14 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK14 protein
L-826266 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK14 protein]
CTD PMID:16644903 PMID:18030065 NCBI chr20:6,749,646...6,810,590
Ensembl chr20:6,749,670...6,810,589
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G Mapk3 mitogen activated protein kinase 3 increases activity
decreases phosphorylation
increases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK3 protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein
Dinoprostone affects the reaction [[helioxanthin co-treated with Arecoline co-treated with 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide] affects the phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]; resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
gefitinib inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of MAPK3 protein]
CTD PMID:16888076 PMID:17805209 PMID:18030065 PMID:18056380 PMID:19201774 More... NCBI chr 1:181,366,646...181,372,863
Ensembl chr 1:181,366,637...181,372,863
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G Mapk8 mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 increases activity
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK8 protein
L-826266 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of MAPK8 protein]
CTD PMID:16644903 NCBI chr16:8,638,897...8,721,960
Ensembl chr16:8,638,924...8,721,981
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G Mmp2 matrix metallopeptidase 2 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased expression of MMP2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased expression of MMP2 protein] CTD PMID:25094029 NCBI chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
Ensembl chr19:14,154,657...14,182,870
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G Mmp3 matrix metallopeptidase 3 multiple interactions ISO [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of CCN2 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of MMP3 mRNA]; MMP3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 8:4,640,397...4,653,963
Ensembl chr 8:4,640,416...4,653,961
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G Mmp9 matrix metallopeptidase 9 increases expression
multiple interactions
increases secretion
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MMP9 protein
15-deoxyprostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; 15-deoxyprostaglandin J2 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of MMP9 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [isoliquiritigenin results in decreased expression of MMP9 protein]; Fenofibrate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MMP9 mRNA]; Fenofibrate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of MMP9 protein]
CTD PMID:16330497 PMID:19880272 PMID:25094029 NCBI chr 3:153,684,158...153,692,118
Ensembl chr 3:153,683,858...153,692,120
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G Mpo myeloperoxidase multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone analog inhibits the reaction [Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid results in increased activity of MPO protein] CTD PMID:22039321 NCBI chr10:72,594,883...72,608,862
Ensembl chr10:72,594,661...72,604,819
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G Mtor mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase multiple interactions ISO [Sirolimus results in decreased activity of MTOR protein] inhibits the reaction [resveratrol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]] CTD PMID:22363816 NCBI chr 5:158,884,856...158,994,311
Ensembl chr 5:158,884,804...158,994,311
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G Muc1 mucin 1, cell surface associated multiple interactions ISO [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein CTD PMID:18952292 NCBI chr 2:174,635,989...174,640,738
Ensembl chr 2:174,635,995...174,640,733
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G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor increases expression
decreases expression
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MYC; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MYC protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of MYC
CTD PMID:1315190 PMID:8667251 NCBI chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,633
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
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G Myh7 myosin heavy chain 7 increases expression
multiple interactions
EXP Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MYH7 protein
Colforsin inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of MYH7 protein]
CTD PMID:18851973 NCBI chr15:28,446,550...28,469,888
Ensembl chr15:28,446,550...28,468,217
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G Nfe2l2 NFE2 like bZIP transcription factor 2 multiple interactions ISO NFE2L2 protein inhibits the reaction [Dimethyl Fumarate inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; NFE2L2 protein inhibits the reaction [Probucol inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [IFNG protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; NFE2L2 protein promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:23942037 NCBI chr 3:60,594,239...60,621,712
Ensembl chr 3:60,594,242...60,621,737
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G Nfkb1 nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1 multiple interactions
affects activity
ISO [L-335677 co-treated with 6-isopropoxy-9-oxoxanthene-2-carboxylic acid co-treated with L-826266 co-treated with L-161982] inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone affects the activity of NFKB1 protein] CTD PMID:18297109 NCBI chr 2:224,016,214...224,132,135
Ensembl chr 2:224,016,214...224,110,404
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G Nfkbia NFKB inhibitor alpha multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein; exoenzyme C3, Clostridium botulinum inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased degradation of and results in decreased expression of NFKBIA protein]]
CTD PMID:22188298 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 6:72,858,713...72,861,941
Ensembl chr 6:72,858,712...72,861,941
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G Ngf nerve growth factor multiple interactions
increases secretion
EXP Acetaminophen affects the reaction [NGF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [NGF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:21811393 NCBI chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
Ensembl chr 2:189,901,058...189,954,452
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G Nos2 nitric oxide synthase 2 multiple interactions
increases response to substance
[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; honokiol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in increased activity of NOS2 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in increased expression of NOS2 mRNA]
NOS2 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone
[Ozone results in increased expression of NOS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:11919077 PMID:15491851 PMID:16325209 PMID:16944022 PMID:21147091 More... NCBI chr10:63,815,308...63,851,208
Ensembl chr10:63,815,308...63,851,210
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G Nppa natriuretic peptide A increases expression
multiple interactions
increases abundance
EXP Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NPPA mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NPPA protein
Colforsin inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NPPA protein]
NPPA protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:3070145 PMID:18030065 PMID:18851973 NCBI chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
Ensembl chr 5:158,429,042...158,430,351
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G Nppb natriuretic peptide B increases expression EXP Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NPPB mRNA CTD PMID:18030065 NCBI chr 5:158,416,813...158,418,175
Ensembl chr 5:158,416,866...158,418,168
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G Nr2f2 nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group F, member 2 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [NR2F2 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [NR2F2 protein binds to STAR promoter] CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 1:124,008,282...124,022,521
Ensembl chr 1:124,009,181...124,022,031
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G Nr4a2 nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NR4A2
3-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-2-propenenitrile inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 mRNA; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein; exoenzyme C3, Clostridium botulinum inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 mRNA]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]
CTD PMID:16293616 PMID:22188298 NCBI chr 3:41,689,847...41,707,036
Ensembl chr 3:41,689,851...41,697,877
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G Nr5a1 nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to STAR promoter] CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 3:22,464,786...22,486,328
Ensembl chr 3:22,465,502...22,486,328
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G Nrg1 neuregulin 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of NRG1 mRNA]]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of NRG1 mRNA
CTD PMID:16357062 NCBI chr16:59,250,658...60,304,519
Ensembl chr16:59,250,854...60,296,884
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G Orm1 orosomucoid 1 multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of ORM1 mRNA] CTD PMID:15816358 NCBI chr 5:76,766,637...76,776,149
Ensembl chr 5:76,772,941...76,776,154
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G Osmr oncostatin M receptor multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of OSMR mRNA]] CTD PMID:25432964 NCBI chr 2:55,907,119...55,961,373
Ensembl chr 2:55,907,132...55,961,262
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G Park7 Parkinsonism associated deglycase multiple interactions ISO PARK7 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; SB 203580 promotes the reaction [PARK7 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]] CTD PMID:26691871 NCBI chr 5:161,353,718...161,376,993
Ensembl chr 5:161,353,719...161,376,970
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G Parp1 poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [baohuoside I results in increased cleavage of PARP1 protein] CTD PMID:19289254 NCBI chr13:92,307,593...92,339,406
Ensembl chr13:92,307,586...92,339,404
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G Pdgfa platelet derived growth factor subunit A multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO 5,5-dimethyl-3-(3-fluorophenyl)-4-(4-methylsulfonyl)phenyl-2(5H)-furanone inhibits the reaction [PDGFA results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [PDGFA results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [PDGFA results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [PDGFA results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:19201774 NCBI chr12:15,645,549...15,667,056
Ensembl chr12:15,645,541...15,666,497
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G Pklr pyruvate kinase L/R decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of PKLR mRNA CTD PMID:10357836 NCBI chr 2:174,543,008...174,551,863
Ensembl chr 2:174,543,039...174,551,870
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G Pla2g2a phospholipase A2 group IIA increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PLA2G2A protein CTD PMID:15964894 NCBI chr 5:151,076,442...151,079,019
Ensembl chr 5:151,076,442...151,079,014
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G Pla2g4a phospholipase A2 group 4A multiple interactions ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; 4-((3-bromophenyl)amino)-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; [lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Arachidonic Acid results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA]; EGFR mutant form affects the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; RTKI cpd inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PLA2G4A mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]
[Cadmium results in increased activity of PLA2G4A protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:15212812 PMID:15878913 PMID:20850495 NCBI chr13:61,877,818...62,022,261
Ensembl chr13:61,877,813...62,022,266
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G Pla2g5 phospholipase A2, group V multiple interactions ISO PLA2G5 protein promotes the reaction [Zymosan results in increased metabolism of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:14761945 NCBI chr 5:151,041,339...151,109,433
Ensembl chr 5:151,041,340...151,062,658
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G Pld1 phospholipase D1 multiple interactions ISO PLD1 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:17640750 NCBI chr 2:110,849,205...111,047,304
Ensembl chr 2:110,893,608...111,047,692
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G Pld2 phospholipase D2 multiple interactions ISO PLD2 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltous chloride results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:17640750 NCBI chr10:55,256,326...55,274,192
Ensembl chr10:55,256,359...55,272,808
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G Ppard peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta multiple interactions ISO [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] co-treated with [(4-(((2-(3-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl)sulfanyl)-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid binds to and results in increased activity of PPARD protein]] results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; PPARD protein affects the reaction [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]; PPARD protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:19748995 NCBI chr20:6,298,785...6,363,970
Ensembl chr20:6,298,785...6,363,968
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G Ppp1r9b protein phosphatase 1, regulatory subunit 9B multiple interactions
decreases expression
increases expression
EXP fulvestrant inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of PPP1R9B protein]; PTGER1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]; PTGER2 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]; PTGER3 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]; PTGER4 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein] CTD PMID:17408863 PMID:18726914 PMID:23054057 NCBI chr10:79,938,055...79,954,085
Ensembl chr10:79,938,066...79,954,083
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G Prkaca protein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of PRKACA protein CTD PMID:22188298 NCBI chr19:24,155,081...24,178,430
Ensembl chr19:24,155,090...24,178,430
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G Prkce protein kinase C, epsilon affects response to substance EXP PRKCE protein affects the susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:18509033 NCBI chr 6:7,965,048...8,451,966
Ensembl chr 6:7,965,048...8,451,719
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G Prl prolactin multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[Estradiol co-treated with Medroxyprogesterone Acetate] results in increased expression of PRL mRNA] CTD PMID:7506205 NCBI chr17:37,859,999...37,870,062
Ensembl chr17:37,860,007...37,870,062
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G Prodh proline dehydrogenase multiple interactions ISO [PRODH results in decreased expression of PTGS2] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:18794809 NCBI chr11:82,910,043...82,927,305
Ensembl chr11:82,910,137...82,927,305
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G Psen2 presenilin 2 multiple interactions ISO [PSEN2 protein mutant form results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:16331303 NCBI chr13:91,967,506...91,993,240
Ensembl chr13:91,967,983...91,993,174
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G Pten phosphatase and tensin homolog increases activity
multiple interactions
decreases phosphorylation
EXP [[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein] which results in increased activity of PTPN6 protein] which results in increased activity of PTEN protein; Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTEN protein
dioctanoyl-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased phosphorylation of PTEN protein]; oxodiperoxo(pyridine-2-carboxylate)vanadate(V) inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTEN protein]
CTD PMID:18056380 NCBI chr 1:230,630,443...230,697,070
Ensembl chr 1:230,630,338...230,696,838
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G Ptgdr prostaglandin D2 receptor multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGDR protein; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Prostaglandin D2 binds to PTGDR protein] CTD PMID:9579725 PMID:27636113 NCBI chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
Ensembl chr15:17,360,304...17,367,679
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G Ptger1 prostaglandin E receptor 1 increases response to substance
multiple interactions
increases activity
PTGER1 protein results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone; PTGER1 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone
PTGER1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]
3-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-2-propenenitrile inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]; [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased abundance of Inositol Phosphates; [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein; [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 mRNA; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of PRKACA protein; [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein; benzyloxycarbonylleucyl-leucyl-leucine aldehyde promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein; exoenzyme C3, Clostridium botulinum inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]; exoenzyme C3, Clostridium botulinum inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of NFKBIA protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 mRNA]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased expression of NR4A2 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of ATF1 protein]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein]; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein]; Sirolimus inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased expression of HIF1A protein]; Wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein
CTD PMID:11375261 PMID:15126118 PMID:15311063 PMID:17408863 PMID:20335389 More... NCBI chr19:24,470,258...24,473,687
Ensembl chr19:24,467,532...24,473,559
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G Ptger2 prostaglandin E receptor 2 multiple interactions
increases activity
increases expression
[[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein] which results in increased susceptibility to nickel sulfate] which results in increased secretion of CXCL8 protein; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Cyclic AMP; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein] which results in increased susceptibility to nickel sulfate; cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGER2 protein]; Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Excitatory Amino Acid Agents results in increased activity of [PTGER2 protein co-treated with GLRA3 protein]]; Endocannabinoids inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein]; nickel sulfate promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Cyclic AMP]; PTGER2 protein promotes the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of HSD11B1 protein]
PTGER2 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]
CTD PMID:15131310 PMID:15930264 PMID:17408863 PMID:17709599 PMID:17761898 More... NCBI chr15:18,215,013...18,228,714
Ensembl chr15:18,217,285...18,228,714
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G Ptger3 prostaglandin E receptor 3 multiple interactions
increases expression
affects binding
increases activity
affects response to substance
[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER3 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Cyclic AMP; Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER3 protein
Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER3 protein; Endocannabinoids inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER3 protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGER3 mRNA
Dinoprostone binds to PTGER3 protein; Dinoprostone binds to PTGER3 protein alternative form
PTGER3 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]; PTGER3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased transport of Calcium]
PTGER3 affects the susceptibility to Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:10357836 PMID:11375261 PMID:12535167 PMID:14636300 PMID:15937517 More... NCBI chr 2:246,606,131...246,750,970
Ensembl chr 2:246,606,183...246,684,434
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G Ptger4 prostaglandin E receptor 4 multiple interactions
increases expression
increases activity
Dinoprostone binds to and results in decreased activity of PTGER4 protein
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGER4 protein
PTGER4 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PPP1R9B protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGER4 mRNA
[[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER4 protein] which results in increased susceptibility to nickel sulfate] which results in increased secretion of CXCL8 protein; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER4 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Cyclic AMP; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER4 protein] which results in increased susceptibility to nickel sulfate; cryptotanshinone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGER4 protein]; nickel sulfate promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of PTGER4 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Cyclic AMP]
CTD PMID:10800959 PMID:12009843 PMID:17408863 PMID:23526216 PMID:30208247 NCBI chr 2:54,330,563...54,347,451
Ensembl chr 2:54,335,424...54,346,670
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G Ptges prostaglandin E synthase increases abundance
multiple interactions
PTGES results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
[Diclofenac results in decreased expression of PTGES mRNA] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone
[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Oxygen deficiency results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; HIF1A protein promotes the reaction [[Oxygen deficiency results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; HMOX1 protein promotes the reaction [cobaltiprotoporphyrin inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]
[GPX2 protein affects the expression of PTGES protein] which affects the metabolism of Dinoprostone; [IL6 protein results in increased expression of PTGES mRNA] which results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lithium Chloride results in increased expression of PTGES protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of PTGES mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; PTGES protein affects the reaction [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:17369862 PMID:18479189 PMID:19393675 PMID:19428335 PMID:19692487 More... NCBI chr 3:14,177,892...14,189,236 JBrowse link
G Ptges2 prostaglandin E synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO
2-(4-chloro-6-(2,3-dimethylphenylamino)pyrimidin-2-ylthio)octanoic acid inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of PTGES2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of PTGES2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone
2-(4-chloro-6-(2,3-dimethylphenylamino)pyrimidin-2-ylthio)octanoic acid inhibits the reaction [[Carrageenan results in increased activity of PTGES2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; [Carrageenan results in increased activity of PTGES2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; PTGES2 promotes the reaction [APP protein modified form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:19934399 PMID:20171164 NCBI chr 3:15,690,501...15,697,688
Ensembl chr 3:15,690,501...15,697,688
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G Ptgs1 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 multiple interactions
increases chemical synthesis
Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; PTGS1 protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
[resveratrol results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [SC 560 results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] promotes the reaction [[N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [[sodium bisulfite co-treated with sodium sulfite] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; [SC 560 results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; Dinoprostone results in decreased susceptibility to [resveratrol results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein]
[mofezolac results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [resveratrol results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [SC 560 results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of OSMR mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of TIMP1 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of CAT mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of CEBPA protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in decreased expression of GPX1 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased cleavage of CASP8 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased degradation of and results in decreased expression of NFKBIA protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of BAK1 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of BCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of FASL protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of IL1B protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of IL6 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of NOS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of TNF protein]]
CTD PMID:10594344 PMID:16354411 PMID:16894348 PMID:19066340 PMID:19751497 More... NCBI chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,589
Ensembl chr 3:19,584,015...19,605,586
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 increases chemical synthesis
multiple interactions
affects abundance
increases expression
increases abundance
PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone
1-phenyl-6,7-dihydroxy-isochroman inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [[methanandamide results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 4-((3-bromophenyl)amino)-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; [4-(5-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [4-(N-methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [4-(5-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [Nicotine results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [4-(5-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [[Oligomycins co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [amentoflavone results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Arachidonic Acid results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone] promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; [baohuoside I results in decreased expression of PTGS2] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Bupivacaine results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Celecoxib analog results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Celecoxib results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [cumene hydroperoxide results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Dronabinol results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Etodolac results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [Genistein inhibits the reaction [Fluorouracil results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Hydrogen Peroxide results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [L 745337 results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [lead nitrate results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [lipopolysaccharide, E. coli O26-B6 results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Melitten results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Meloxicam results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [methanandamide results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein; [nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [o,p'-DDT results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Particulate Matter results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [PRODH results in decreased expression of PTGS2] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [PSEN2 protein mutant form results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [PTGS2 co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of VEGFA; [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone] which results in decreased susceptibility to Fenretinide; [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone] which results in decreased susceptibility to Tamoxifen; [rofecoxib results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [SC 791 results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [cholesterol-3-beta,5-alpha, 6-beta-triol results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [TGFB1 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TLR2 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Tobacco Smoke Pollution results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Vehicle Emissions results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; acadesine inhibits the reaction [[Fluorouracil results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; arzanol inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Bucladesine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]]; Bucladesine inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Cycloheximide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[Particulate Matter results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [[Vehicle Emissions results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Arachidonic Acid results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [CREB1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; DUSP1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [trichostatin A inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; Etodolac inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; Histamine promotes the reaction [[TLR2 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein affects the chemical synthesis of and affects the abundance of Dinoprostone]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [CREB1 protein modified form binds to PTGS2 promoter]]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Ketoprofen inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; lucidone inhibits the reaction [2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; manoalide inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein affects the chemical synthesis of and affects the abundance of Dinoprostone]; oleuropein inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; PTGS2 protein affects the chemical synthesis of and affects the abundance of Dinoprostone; PTGS2 protein promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Quercetin inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Hydrogen Peroxide results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; RTKI cpd inhibits the reaction [[lead nitrate results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[methanandamide results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; scalaradial inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; SIRT1 protein promotes the reaction [Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; trichostatin A inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]
[DuP 697 results in decreased expression of PTGS2] inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [HCRT results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [[sodium bisulfite co-treated with sodium sulfite] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased secretion of Dinoprostone; [nimesulide results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [o,p'-DDT results in decreased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [PAR-1-activating peptide results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [rofecoxib results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [SC 560 results in decreased activity of PTGS1 protein] promotes the reaction [[N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] inhibits the reaction [[sodium bisulfite co-treated with sodium sulfite] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; [Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; ciglitazone promotes the reaction [[PAR-1-activating peptide results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin results in increased expression of PTGS2]; Dinoprostone results in decreased susceptibility to [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein]; Dinoprostone results in decreased susceptibility to [rofecoxib results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein]; endotoxin, Escherichia coli promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [endotoxin, Escherichia coli promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; Ibuprofen inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; IL1B protein promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Meloxicam inhibits the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of and results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Rotenone inhibits the reaction [[IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Troglitazone inhibits the reaction [[PAR-1-activating peptide results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; wuzi yanzong analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]
PTGS2 protein affects the abundance of Dinoprostone metabolite
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein
PTGS2 protein mutant form results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone metabolite; PTGS2 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
[Thiamine deficiency results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased expression of Dinoprostone
3-caffeoyl-4-dicaffeoylquinic acid inhibits the reaction [phorbolol myristate acetate promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; 4-hydroxyphenylethanol inhibits the reaction [[Lipids results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; 5,7-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-2-phenylchromen-4-one analog inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; [4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-5-(4-pyridyl)imidazole inhibits the reaction [cadmium sulfate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [5,6,7-trimethoxyflavone inhibits the reaction [lipopolysaccharide, Escherichia coli O111 B4 results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [[Aspirin co-treated with Hydrochloric Acid] results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] co-treated with [(4-(((2-(3-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-5-yl)methyl)sulfanyl)-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid binds to and results in increased activity of PPARD protein]] results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Acetaminophen results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Cadmium results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Cadmium results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Celecoxib results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [GPX2 protein affects the activity of PTGS2 protein] which affects the metabolism of Dinoprostone; [IL6 protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of and results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [KT 5720 co-treated with Dinoprostone] inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; [Lipids results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone; [Melitten results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Mycoplasma arthritidis mitogen results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [nonylphenol results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [o,p'-DDT results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [prunetin results in decreased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [PTGS2 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Kainic Acid] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [soluble tachyzoite antigen, Toxoplasma gondii results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [sulindac sulfone results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; [Zymosan results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; Acetylcysteine inhibits the reaction [[Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Caffeine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Capsaicin inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; capsazepine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Carthamus yellow inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[Indomethacin results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased expression of BIRC5 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[Indomethacin results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [copper protoporphyrin IX inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [helioxanthin inhibits the reaction [[Arecoline co-treated with 4-nitroquinolone-1-oxide] results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein]; Drugs, Chinese Herbal inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Eugenol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of and results in increased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; flavokawain A inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; Flurbiprofen inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Glucosamine inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; IL17RA gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [[Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[soluble tachyzoite antigen, Toxoplasma gondii results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Lipopolysaccharides promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; nimesulide inhibits the reaction [[soluble tachyzoite antigen, Toxoplasma gondii results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; NOS2 protein promotes the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; phorbolol myristate acetate promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; piperine inhibits the reaction [Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]; Plant Extracts inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; PPARD protein affects the reaction [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]; PPARD protein mutant form inhibits the reaction [[nimesulide results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [[Nitroprusside results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipids results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; S-methylisothiopseudouronium inhibits the reaction [[Morphine results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [[Cadmium Chloride results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Selenium deficiency promotes the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; withaferin A inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]
CTD PMID:7575673 PMID:8621535 PMID:8662662 PMID:9266823 PMID:9321948 More... NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Ptpn6 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6 increases activity EXP [[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein] which results in increased activity of PTPN6 protein] which results in increased activity of PTEN protein; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein] which results in increased activity of PTPN6 protein CTD PMID:18056380 NCBI chr 4:157,526,034...157,550,783
Ensembl chr 4:157,526,035...157,550,984
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G Rapgef3 Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3 increases activity EXP [[Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein] which results in increased activity of PTPN6 protein] which results in increased activity of PTEN protein; [Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein] which results in increased activity of PTPN6 protein; Dinoprostone results in increased activity of RAPGEF3 protein CTD PMID:18056380 NCBI chr 7:128,875,772...128,898,203
Ensembl chr 7:128,875,773...128,898,521
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G Rela RELA proto-oncogene, NF-kB subunit multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with PTGER1 protein] results in increased phosphorylation of RELA protein]
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [copper protoporphyrin IX inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides affects the localization of RELA protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides affects the localization of RELA protein]
CTD PMID:22188298 PMID:24003391 NCBI chr 1:202,925,001...202,935,484
Ensembl chr 1:202,924,945...202,935,484
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G Ren renin multiple interactions ISO [Sodium, Dietary deficiency results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone] which results in increased secretion of REN protein CTD PMID:10432392 NCBI chr13:44,796,260...44,807,491
Ensembl chr13:44,796,091...44,807,489
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G Retn resistin increases secretion ISO RETN protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:23827175 NCBI chr12:1,710,881...1,712,621
Ensembl chr12:1,710,881...1,712,620
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G Rorc RAR-related orphan receptor C increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of RORC
Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [[IL1B co-treated with IL23A] results in increased expression of RORC mRNA]
CTD PMID:19273625 NCBI chr 2:182,009,707...182,034,910
Ensembl chr 2:182,009,286...182,034,907
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G Rps6 ribosomal protein S6 multiple interactions ISO [Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein; Pertussis Toxin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein]; wortmannin inhibits the reaction [[Dinoprostone binds to and results in increased activity of PTGER1 protein] which results in increased phosphorylation of RPS6 protein] CTD PMID:20335389 NCBI chr 5:101,371,716...101,374,576
Ensembl chr 5:101,371,136...101,374,602
Ensembl chr 5:101,371,136...101,374,602
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G Runx2 RUNX family transcription factor 2 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of RUNX2 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of RUNX2 protein CTD PMID:27050768 NCBI chr 9:16,167,504...16,492,826
Ensembl chr 9:16,167,482...16,492,167
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G Sirt1 sirtuin 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [SIRT1 mutant form promotes the reaction [Hydrogen Peroxide results in increased cleavage of CASP3 protein]]
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein
1-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-3-(((6-methoxy-2-naphthyl)oxy)methyl)azetidine-3-carboxylic acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; 4-(4-cyano-2-(2-(4-fluoronaphthalen-1-yl)propionylamino)phenyl)butyric acid inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; ATF3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 mRNA]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [ATF3 protein binds to SIRT1 promoter]; N-(2-(4-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl)-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SIRT1 protein]; SIRT1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [EP300 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [HIF1A protein binds to EP300 protein]]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of and results in increased acetylation of HIF1A protein]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA]; SIRT1 protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased expression of CYP19A1 protein]; SIRT1 protein promotes the reaction [Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]]
CTD PMID:20335659 PMID:20844277 PMID:23257246 PMID:30409902 NCBI chr20:25,307,225...25,329,273
Ensembl chr20:25,306,917...25,329,260
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G Slc16a3 solute carrier family 16 member 3 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of SLC16A3 mRNA] CTD PMID:27452194 NCBI chr10:106,212,679...106,222,564
Ensembl chr10:106,212,778...106,222,562
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G Slc22a22 solute carrier family 22 member 22 increases transport
affects binding
ISO SLC22A22 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone binds to SLC22A22 protein
CTD PMID:20448048 NCBI chr 7:88,720,425...88,750,111
Ensembl chr 7:88,720,427...88,750,111
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G Slc22a6 solute carrier family 22 member 6 decreases expression EXP Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SLC22A6 protein CTD PMID:19605544 NCBI chr 1:205,522,579...205,531,179
Ensembl chr 1:205,522,729...205,531,173
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G Slc22a7 solute carrier family 22 member 7 increases transport
increases uptake
ISO SLC22A7 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone
SLC22A7 protein results in increased uptake of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:12065749 PMID:15901346 NCBI chr 9:14,547,073...14,554,354
Ensembl chr 9:14,547,849...14,553,921
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G Slc22a8 solute carrier family 22 member 8 increases transport
decreases expression
affects transport
SLC22A8 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of SLC22A8 protein
SLC22A8 protein affects the transport of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:11306713 PMID:15100168 PMID:19605544 NCBI chr 1:205,496,331...205,516,378
Ensembl chr 1:205,498,084...205,517,450
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G Slc2a1 solute carrier family 2 member 1 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [nickel chloride results in increased expression of SLC2A1 mRNA]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of SLC2A1 mRNA
CTD PMID:27452194 NCBI chr 5:132,717,196...132,745,416
Ensembl chr 5:132,717,196...132,745,416
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G Slco2a1 solute carrier organic anion transporter family, member 2a1 multiple interactions
increases transport
ISO Diclofenac inhibits the reaction [SLCO2A1 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin promotes the reaction [SLCO2A1 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone]; Ketoprofen promotes the reaction [SLCO2A1 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone]; lumiracoxib inhibits the reaction [SLCO2A1 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone]; Naproxen promotes the reaction [SLCO2A1 protein results in increased transport of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:19843975 NCBI chr 8:103,588,916...103,672,546
Ensembl chr 8:103,588,916...103,672,546
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G Sod2 superoxide dismutase 2 multiple interactions ISO SOD2 protein inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:14514642 NCBI chr 1:47,638,318...47,645,163
Ensembl chr 1:47,636,528...47,645,189
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G Sox2 SRY-box transcription factor 2 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Celecoxib inhibits the reaction [Arsenic Trioxide results in increased expression of SOX2 protein]] CTD PMID:29396848 NCBI chr 2:117,536,929...117,539,340
Ensembl chr 2:117,536,929...117,539,338
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G Sox9 SRY-box transcription factor 9 increases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of SOX9 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of SOX9 protein CTD PMID:27050768 NCBI chr10:97,806,485...97,811,994
Ensembl chr10:97,806,485...97,811,994
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G Star steroidogenic acute regulatory protein multiple interactions
increases expression
decreases expression
ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [NR2F2 protein binds to STAR promoter]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [WT1 protein binds to STAR promoter]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [NR5A1 protein binds to STAR promoter]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of STAR mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of STAR protein
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of STAR mRNA
CTD PMID:19001523 PMID:19253104 NCBI chr16:66,267,094...66,274,368
Ensembl chr16:66,264,807...66,271,672
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G Stat3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [[Indomethacin results in decreased activity of PTGS2 protein] which results in decreased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased phosphorylation of STAT3 protein]] CTD PMID:21268125 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr10:85,811,206...85,863,057
Ensembl chr10:85,811,218...85,863,057
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G Tac1 tachykinin, precursor 1 multiple interactions EXP Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Histamine promotes the reaction [Serotonin promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein]]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Kallidin results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [KNG1 protein results in increased secretion of TAC1 protein]; ITGA2 protein results in increased susceptibility to [KNG1 protein modified form co-treated with TAC1 protein modified form co-treated with Serotonin co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with Histamine] CTD PMID:11166334 PMID:16039053 PMID:18234883 NCBI chr 4:35,679,183...35,687,180
Ensembl chr 4:35,679,704...35,687,178
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G Tbx21 T-box transcription factor 21 decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of TBX21 mRNA CTD PMID:19273625 NCBI chr10:82,082,322...82,098,831
Ensembl chr10:82,082,322...82,098,831
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G Tfrc transferrin receptor decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of TFRC protein CTD PMID:2989362 NCBI chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
Ensembl chr11:68,163,413...68,185,257
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G Tgfb1 transforming growth factor, beta 1 multiple interactions
decreases expression
[TGFB1 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
[CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of TGFB1 mRNA
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in increased expression of TGFB1 mRNA]
CTD PMID:8877289 PMID:16489006 PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,848
Ensembl chr 1:81,196,532...81,212,847
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G Tgfb2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 multiple interactions ISO [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB2 mRNA] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr13:98,160,075...98,261,771
Ensembl chr13:98,160,087...98,261,405
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G Tgfb3 transforming growth factor, beta 3 multiple interactions ISO CCL12 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]; HIF1A protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]]; MMP3 protein affects the reaction [Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFB3 mRNA]] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 6:105,704,058...105,726,661
Ensembl chr 6:105,704,236...105,726,564
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G Tgfbr1 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 1 multiple interactions ISO [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR1 mRNA] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 5:61,653,773...61,710,777
Ensembl chr 5:61,653,233...61,710,777
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G Tgfbr2 transforming growth factor, beta receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO [CCL12 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA]; [HIF1A protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA]; [MMP3 protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] affects the reaction [Bleomycin results in increased expression of TGFBR2 mRNA] CTD PMID:28434932 NCBI chr 8:115,794,537...115,883,615
Ensembl chr 8:115,794,537...115,883,228
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G Thrsp thyroid hormone responsive decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of THRSP mRNA CTD PMID:10357836 NCBI chr 1:151,723,415...151,727,740
Ensembl chr 1:151,723,086...151,728,075
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G Timp1 TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO Dinoprostone results in increased expression of TIMP1 mRNA; Dinoprostone results in increased expression of TIMP1 protein
Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form inhibits the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of TIMP1 protein]]
CTD PMID:16330497 PMID:25432964 NCBI chr  X:1,212,969...1,217,714
Ensembl chr  X:1,212,972...1,217,664
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G Tlr2 toll-like receptor 2 multiple interactions ISO [TLR2 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; Histamine promotes the reaction [[TLR2 results in increased expression of PTGS2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:20040740 NCBI chr 2:169,200,620...169,206,819
Ensembl chr 2:169,197,419...169,206,630
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G Tnf tumor necrosis factor multiple interactions
increases secretion
increases abundance
decreases expression
1-carboxyheptylimidazole promotes the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; 2-(4-morpholinyl)-8-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]]; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of CCR7 protein; [IL4 protein co-treated with CSF2 protein co-treated with TNF protein co-treated with Dinoprostone co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with IL6 protein] results in increased expression of MUC1 protein; [Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of IL12B protein; [Triclosan co-treated with Cetylpyridinium] inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Butylated Hydroxyanisole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; cyanidin-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Ketoconazole inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL2 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL27 protein]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]]; Dinoprostone deficiency inhibits the reaction [Terbinafine inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol promotes the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of TNF]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [Roflumilast inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]]; Dinoprostone promotes the reaction [roflumilast N-oxide inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]]; ethyl 6-(N-(2-chloro-4-fluorophenyl)sulfamoyl)cyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylate promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [[Lipopolysaccharides co-treated with IL1B protein co-treated with TNF protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Indomethacin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Ketoconazole promotes the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; pyrrolidine dithiocarbamic acid promotes the reaction [rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]]; Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; rhodojaponin II inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; SIRT1 mutant form inhibits the reaction [Resveratrol inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]]; sorbinil inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Terbinafine promotes the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Triclosan inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased metabolism of Dinoprostone]; Triclosan inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; wedelolactone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone metabolite
Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of TNF protein
Benzo(a)pyrene promotes the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone metabolite]; Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone analog inhibits the reaction [Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased secretion of TNF protein]; TNF protein promotes the reaction [Benzo(a)pyrene results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; [TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone; Adenosine Triphosphate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Aspirin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Aspirin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Bee Venoms inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; Curcumin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Curcumin inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprostone]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [PTGS1 gene mutant form promotes the reaction [Carbon Tetrachloride results in increased expression of TNF protein]]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of CCL5 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased expression of ICAM1 mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Zymosan results in increased expression of TNF mRNA]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [Zymosan results in increased expression of TNF protein]; Melitten inhibits the reaction [[TNF protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate promotes the reaction [[TNF protein co-treated with IFNG protein co-treated with IL1B protein] results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone]
TNF protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone; TNF results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone
CTD PMID:1515551 PMID:1993070 PMID:7536779 PMID:9298541 PMID:9576062 More... NCBI chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
Ensembl chr20:3,622,011...3,624,629
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G Tnfrsf11b TNF receptor superfamily member 11B multiple interactions
increases secretion
increases expression
ISO 2-(2-amino-3-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; pyrazolanthrone inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]; SB 203580 inhibits the reaction [Dinoprostone results in increased secretion of TNFRSF11B protein]
Dinoprostone results in increased expression of TNFRSF11B mRNA
CTD PMID:25234201 NCBI chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,526
Ensembl chr 7:85,566,520...85,594,538
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G Tnfrsf1a TNF receptor superfamily member 1A increases activity ISO Dinoprostone results in increased activity of TNFRSF1A protein CTD PMID:19407222 NCBI chr 4:158,150,815...158,163,592
Ensembl chr 4:158,150,820...158,163,591
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G Trpc7 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 7 increases response to substance ISO TRPC7 results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprostone CTD PMID:16790996 NCBI chr17:7,708,911...7,833,435
Ensembl chr17:7,709,583...7,833,435
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G Trpv4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 4 multiple interactions ISO TRPV4 protein promotes the reaction [ITGA2 protein promotes the reaction [[Dinoprostone co-treated with Serotonin] results in increased import of Calcium]] CTD PMID:18234883 NCBI chr12:41,938,533...41,977,517
Ensembl chr12:41,938,560...41,977,517
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G Ucp1 uncoupling protein 1 multiple interactions EXP UCP1 protein inhibits the reaction [Glucose results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone] CTD PMID:14514642 NCBI chr19:24,808,782...24,816,853
Ensembl chr19:24,808,783...24,816,852
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G Ugt1a1 UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A1 increases chemical synthesis EXP UGT1A1 protein mutant form results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:3864191 NCBI chr 9:88,801,344...88,808,465
Ensembl chr 9:88,713,184...88,808,465
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G Vasp vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein increases phosphorylation ISO Dinoprostone results in increased phosphorylation of VASP protein CTD PMID:18182247 NCBI chr 1:78,910,009...78,925,791
Ensembl chr 1:78,910,011...78,925,061
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G Vegfa vascular endothelial growth factor A multiple interactions ISO [[Cisplatin co-treated with ciglitazone] results in decreased expression of VEGFA] which results in decreased abundance of Dinoprostone; [nickel sulfate co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased secretion of VEGFA protein; [PTGS2 co-treated with Dinoprostone] results in increased expression of VEGFA CTD PMID:12821125 PMID:18832182 PMID:21681689 NCBI chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
Ensembl chr 9:14,955,300...14,970,641
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G Vegfc vascular endothelial growth factor C decreases expression ISO Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of VEGFC mRNA; Dinoprostone results in decreased expression of VEGFC protein CTD PMID:18509974 NCBI chr16:37,712,251...37,827,845
Ensembl chr16:37,712,262...37,827,848
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G Vgf VGF nerve growth factor inducible increases abundance EXP VGF results in increased abundance of Dinoprostone CTD PMID:20805684 NCBI chr12:19,637,313...19,645,123
Ensembl chr12:19,637,320...19,640,341
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G Wt1 WT1 transcription factor multiple interactions ISO Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [WT1 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]; Dinoprostone inhibits the reaction [WT1 protein binds to STAR promoter] CTD PMID:19001523 NCBI chr 3:91,566,540...91,613,653
Ensembl chr 3:91,567,001...91,613,643
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prostaglandin E3 term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Il1b interleukin 1 beta multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin E3 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:12573452 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO prostaglandin E3 promotes the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased expression of PTGS2 protein] CTD PMID:12573452 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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prostaglandin F1alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 increases metabolic processing ISO PTGR1 protein results in increased metabolism of prostaglandin F1 analog CTD PMID:25619643 NCBI chr 5:73,784,000...73,802,624
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 multiple interactions ISO [Lipopolysaccharides results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA] which results in increased secretion of prostaglandin F1 CTD PMID:21913898 NCBI chr13:62,163,936...62,172,193
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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prostaglandin F2alpha term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Akr1c2 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C2 increases metabolic processing ISO AKR1C2 protein results in increased metabolism of Dinoprost CTD PMID:8573067 NCBI chr17:65,759,778...65,808,013
Ensembl chr17:65,759,788...65,775,764
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G Akr1c3 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C3 multiple interactions ISO [AKR1C3 protein results in increased reduction of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprost; [Medroxyprogesterone Acetate inhibits the reaction [[AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]] which results in increased abundance of 15-deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J2; Medroxyprogesterone Acetate inhibits the reaction [[AKR1C3 protein results in increased metabolism of Prostaglandin D2] which results in increased abundance of Dinoprost] CTD PMID:19997560 PMID:20036328 NCBI chr17:66,110,970...66,127,867
Ensembl chr17:66,110,963...66,127,873
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G Anxa4 annexin A4 increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of ANXA4 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 4:119,184,378...119,241,183
Ensembl chr 4:119,184,374...119,241,161
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G Atp1a1 ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 1 increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of ATP1A1 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,826
Ensembl chr 2:189,020,722...189,048,837
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G Atp2b4 ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 4 increases response to substance ISO ATP2B4 protein results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprost CTD PMID:12933703 NCBI chr13:45,156,137...45,255,292
Ensembl chr13:45,156,146...45,255,246
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G Cat catalase multiple interactions EXP CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost results in increased expression of PTGS2 mRNA]; CAT protein inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost results in increased localization of RELA protein] CTD PMID:20826536 NCBI chr 3:89,842,393...89,874,577
Ensembl chr 3:89,842,399...89,874,478
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G Ccnd2 cyclin D2 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of CCND2 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 4:159,966,883...159,989,261
Ensembl chr 4:159,962,363...159,989,495
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G Ces1d carboxylesterase 1D increases hydrolysis ISO CES1 protein results in increased hydrolysis of Dinoprost CTD PMID:21049984 NCBI chr19:13,873,490...13,912,035
Ensembl chr19:13,796,623...13,912,035
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G Ces2h carboxylesterase 2H increases hydrolysis ISO CES2 protein results in increased hydrolysis of Dinoprost CTD PMID:21049984 NCBI chr19:32,974,242...32,988,842
Ensembl chr19:32,974,242...32,988,830
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G Col10a1 collagen type X alpha 1 chain increases expression ISO Dinoprost results in increased expression of COL10A1 mRNA; Dinoprost results in increased expression of COL10A1 protein CTD PMID:27050768 NCBI chr20:38,183,103...38,189,488
Ensembl chr20:38,182,494...38,189,494
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G Col2a1 collagen type II alpha 1 chain increases expression ISO Dinoprost results in increased expression of COL2A1 mRNA; Dinoprost results in increased expression of COL2A1 protein CTD PMID:27050768 NCBI chr 7:129,098,489...129,127,560
Ensembl chr 7:129,098,786...129,127,546
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G Cyp19a1 cytochrome P450, family 19, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 decreases expression
multiple interactions
Dinoprost results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA
Dinoprost results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 mRNA; Dinoprost results in decreased expression of CYP19A1 protein
Dinoprost promotes the reaction [GATA4 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]
CTD PMID:11517196 PMID:15271885 NCBI chr 8:54,552,978...54,580,375
Ensembl chr 8:54,553,165...54,580,758
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G Dll4 delta like canonical Notch ligand 4 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of DLL4 mRNA CTD PMID:21209419 NCBI chr 3:106,317,114...106,327,004
Ensembl chr 3:106,316,986...106,326,931
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G Ereg epiregulin multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [AL 8810 results in decreased activity of PTGFR protein] inhibits the reaction [[trans-10,cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid results in increased abundance of Dinoprost] which results in increased expression of EREG]; [trans-10,cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid promotes the reaction [PTGS2 protein results in increased chemical synthesis of Dinoprost]] which results in increased expression of EREG; [trans-10,cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid results in increased abundance of Dinoprost] which results in increased expression of EREG
Dinoprost results in increased expression of EREG
CTD PMID:22583689 NCBI chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
Ensembl chr14:17,027,287...17,041,062
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of ESR1 mRNA CTD PMID:21654155 NCBI chr 1:41,106,335...41,499,104
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Fabp4 fatty acid binding protein 4 multiple interactions ISO [Niacin results in decreased abundance of Dinoprost] which results in increased expression of FABP4 mRNA; [Niacin results in decreased abundance of Dinoprost] which results in increased expression of FABP4 protein CTD PMID:21236357 NCBI chr 2:91,580,879...91,585,567
Ensembl chr 2:91,580,885...91,585,578
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G Fgf2 fibroblast growth factor 2 multiple interactions
affects localization
EXP 1-(5-Isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-Methylpiperazine inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost affects the localization of FGF2 protein]; Cycloheximide inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost affects the localization of FGF2 protein]; Dinoprost affects the localization of [FGF2 protein binds to FGFR2 protein]; Dinoprost promotes the reaction [FGF2 protein binds to FGFR2 protein]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost affects the localization of FGF2 protein] CTD PMID:15654655 PMID:16365892 NCBI chr 2:120,236,328...120,290,673
Ensembl chr 2:120,236,328...120,291,221
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G Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 multiple interactions
affects localization
decreases expression
EXP 1-(5-Isoquinolinesulfonyl)-2-Methylpiperazine inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost affects the localization of FGFR2 protein]; Dinoprost affects the localization of [FGF2 protein binds to FGFR2 protein]; Dinoprost promotes the reaction [FGF2 protein binds to FGFR2 protein]; Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate inhibits the reaction [Dinoprost affects the localization of FGFR2 protein]
Dinoprost results in decreased expression of FGFR2 mRNA
CTD PMID:15654655 PMID:16365892 NCBI chr 1:184,745,418...184,850,655
Ensembl chr 1:184,745,420...184,850,626
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G Fosl2 FOS like 2, AP-1 transcription factor subunit increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of FOSL2 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 6:24,297,898...24,319,219
Ensembl chr 6:24,300,956...24,320,034
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G Gata4 GATA binding protein 4 multiple interactions
increases activity
EXP Dinoprost promotes the reaction [GATA4 protein binds to CYP19A1 promoter]
Dinoprost results in increased activity of GATA4 protein
CTD PMID:15271885 NCBI chr15:37,459,601...37,531,291
Ensembl chr15:37,459,601...37,505,636
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G Gpx1 glutathione peroxidase 1 increases response to substance ISO GPX1 gene mutant form results in increased susceptibility to Dinoprost CTD PMID:24296279 NCBI chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,031
Ensembl chr 8:109,026,905...109,028,024
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G Hmgcs2 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 2 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of HMGCS2 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 2:185,875,609...185,903,505
Ensembl chr 2:185,875,616...185,902,130
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G Hsd11b2 hydroxysteroid 11-beta dehydrogenase 2 decreases activity
decreases expression
Dinoprost results in decreased activity of HSD11B2 protein
Dinoprost results in decreased expression of HSD11B2 mRNA
CTD PMID:10377029 PMID:11517196 NCBI chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
Ensembl chr19:33,397,656...33,402,899
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G Id1 inhibitor of DNA binding 1 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of ID1 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 3:141,210,666...141,212,420
Ensembl chr 3:141,211,267...141,212,419
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G Id2 inhibitor of DNA binding 2 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of ID2 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 6:41,740,556...41,742,393
Ensembl chr 6:41,728,946...41,744,400
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G Id3 inhibitor of DNA binding 3 decreases expression EXP Dinoprost results in decreased expression of ID3 mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr 5:148,372,784...148,374,353
Ensembl chr 5:148,372,762...148,374,349
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G Il10 interleukin 10 multiple interactions
increases abundance
ISO IL10 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]
IL10 protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost
CTD PMID:12548226 NCBI chr13:42,472,625...42,477,308
Ensembl chr13:42,472,839...42,477,313
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G Il1a interleukin 1 alpha increases abundance ISO IL1A protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost CTD PMID:21513769 NCBI chr 3:116,526,601...116,537,055
Ensembl chr 3:116,526,604...116,536,822
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G Il1b interleukin 1 beta increases abundance
multiple interactions
ISO IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost
Dexamethasone inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]; IL10 protein inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]; licochalcone A inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]; N-(2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl)methanesulfonamide inhibits the reaction [IL1B protein results in increased abundance of Dinoprost]
CTD PMID:12548226 PMID:16354411 NCBI chr 3:116,577,005...116,583,386
Ensembl chr 3:116,577,010...116,583,415
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G Il2ra interleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of IL2RA mRNA CTD PMID:11517196 NCBI chr17:66,849,974...66,898,665
Ensembl chr17:66,849,974...66,898,697
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G Il4 interleukin 4 increases secretion
multiple interactions
ISO IL4 protein results in increased secretion of Dinoprost
[Poly I-C co-treated with IL4 protein] results in increased secretion of Dinoprost
CTD PMID:23688403 NCBI chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
Ensembl chr10:37,771,203...37,776,750
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G Kpnb1 karyopherin subunit beta 1 increases expression EXP Dinoprost results in increased expression of KPNB1 protein