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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:81917 term browser browse the term
Definition:A racemate comprising equimolar amounts of (R)- and (S)-fenpropidin. A systemic fungicide, it is used for the control of foliar diseases in cereals and sugar beet.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: rac-1-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]piperidine
 related_synonym: (+-)-1-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]piperidine;   (RS)-1-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]piperidine;   Formula=C19H31N;   Patrol;   Ro-12-3049;   fenpropidine
 xref: AGR:IND91056129;   CAS:67306-00-7;   KEGG:C18726
 xref_mesh: MESH:C063198
 xref: PMID:22078112;   PMID:2591378;   PPDB:307;   Pesticides:fenpropidin;   Reaxys:1245248

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fenpropidin term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ALDH1A2 aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A2 increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of ALDH1A2 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr15:57,953,429...58,065,711
Ensembl chr15:57,953,424...58,497,866
JBrowse link
G CYP26A1 cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily A member 1 increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of CYP26A1 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr10:93,073,475...93,077,885
Ensembl chr10:93,073,475...93,077,885
JBrowse link
G MSMO1 methylsterol monooxygenase 1 increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of MSMO1 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr 4:165,327,669...165,343,164
Ensembl chr 4:165,327,667...165,343,164
JBrowse link
G MYH14 myosin heavy chain 14 decreases expression ISO fenpropidine results in decreased expression of MYH14 protein CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr19:50,203,622...50,310,540
Ensembl chr19:50,188,186...50,310,542
JBrowse link
G MYH6 myosin heavy chain 6 decreases expression ISO fenpropidine results in decreased expression of MYH6 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr14:23,381,987...23,408,273
Ensembl chr14:23,381,982...23,408,273
JBrowse link
G NES nestin increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of NES mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr 1:156,668,763...156,677,407
Ensembl chr 1:156,668,763...156,677,407
JBrowse link
G NKX2-5 NK2 homeobox 5 decreases expression ISO fenpropidine results in decreased expression of NKX2-5 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr 5:173,232,109...173,235,206
Ensembl chr 5:173,232,109...173,235,311
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G TFAP2A transcription factor AP-2 alpha increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of TFAP2A protein CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr 6:10,396,677...10,419,659
Ensembl chr 6:10,393,186...10,419,659
JBrowse link
G TUBB3 tubulin beta 3 class III increases expression ISO fenpropidine results in increased expression of TUBB3 mRNA CTD PMID:34737147 NCBI chr16:89,921,925...89,936,097
Ensembl chr16:89,921,392...89,938,761
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
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  CHEBI ontology 26496
    role 26318
      biological role 26297
        xenobiotic 20390
          fenpropidin 9
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 26496
    subatomic particle 26472
      composite particle 26472
        hadron 26472
          baryon 26472
            nucleon 26472
              atomic nucleus 26472
                atom 26472
                  main group element atom 26208
                    main group molecular entity 26208
                      s-block molecular entity 25447
                        hydrogen molecular entity 24853
                          hydrides 23070
                            inorganic hydride 20538
                              pnictogen hydride 20480
                                nitrogen hydride 20264
                                  azane 19993
                                    ammonia 19992
                                      organic amino compound 19992
                                        amine 8508
                                          tertiary amine 651
                                            1-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl]piperidine 9
                                              (R)-fenpropidin 9
                                                fenpropidin 9
paths to the root