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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:75417 term browser browse the term
Definition:A beta-diketone that is acetylacetone (acac) in which both methyl groups have been replaced by phenyl groups. It is a minor constituent of the root extract of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and exhibits antimutagenic and anticancer effects.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione
 related_synonym: 1,3-Diphenyl-1,3-propanedione;   2-Benzoylacetophenone;   DBM;   Formula=C15H12O2;   InChI=1S/C15H12O2/c16-14(12-7-3-1-4-8-12)11-15(17)13-9-5-2-6-10-13/h1-10H,11H2;   InChIKey=NZZIMKJIVMHWJC-UHFFFAOYSA-N;   Phenyl phenacyl ketone;   SMILES=O=C(CC(=O)c1ccccc1)c1ccccc1;   omega-Benzoylacetophenone
 xref: CAS:120-46-7;   LINCS:LSM-2003
 xref_mesh: MESH:C061481
 xref: PMID:12122651;   PMID:19706764;   PMID:21162108;   PMID:21341276;   PMID:21523861;   PMID:23586238;   Reaxys:514910;   Wikipedia:Dibenzoylmethane

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dibenzoylmethane term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Abcg2 ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 2 increases expression ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of ABCG2 protein CTD PMID:17077187 NCBI chr 4:89,006,056...89,132,915
Ensembl chr 4:87,745,319...87,802,409
JBrowse link
G Akt1 AKT serine/threonine kinase 1 decreases phosphorylation
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
[dibenzoylmethane co-treated with sulforaphane] results in decreased phosphorylation of AKT1 protein
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 6:137,534,810...137,555,131
Ensembl chr 6:131,713,720...131,733,921
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G Bad BCL2-associated agonist of cell death multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO ODC1 protein inhibits the reaction [dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of BAD protein] CTD PMID:21523861 NCBI chr 1:213,562,719...213,572,034
Ensembl chr 1:204,131,501...204,142,823
JBrowse link
G Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator increases expression ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of BAX protein CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 1:105,076,472...105,081,906
Ensembl chr 1:95,938,808...95,945,368
JBrowse link
G Bcl2 BCL2, apoptosis regulator multiple interactions ISO dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to BCL2 enhancer]; dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [Estradiol results in increased expression of BCL2 mRNA] CTD PMID:16051634 NCBI chr13:23,204,464...23,366,900
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
Ensembl chr13:22,684,989...22,853,743
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G Casp9 caspase 9 multiple interactions ISO ODC1 protein inhibits the reaction [dibenzoylmethane results in increased activity of CASP9 protein] CTD PMID:21523861 Ensembl chr 5:154,109,046...154,126,626 JBrowse link
G Cbr3 carbonyl reductase 3 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of CBR3 mRNA
[sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of CBR3 mRNA
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr11:46,478,295...46,486,555
Ensembl chr11:33,008,615...33,016,875
JBrowse link
G Ccnd1 cyclin D1 decreases expression ISO dibenzoylmethane results in decreased expression of CCND1 protein CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 1:209,518,288...209,527,986
Ensembl chr 1:200,089,002...200,098,602
JBrowse link
G Cdkn1a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A decreases expression ISO dibenzoylmethane results in decreased expression of CDKN1A protein CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr20:7,150,820...7,161,373
Ensembl chr20:7,149,217...7,159,585
JBrowse link
G Clu clusterin decreases expression
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in decreased expression of CLU mRNA
[sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in decreased expression of CLU mRNA
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr15:44,336,619...44,375,861
Ensembl chr15:40,174,617...40,200,315
JBrowse link
G Ephx1 epoxide hydrolase 1 increases activity
increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased activity of EPHX1 protein
dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of EPHX1 mRNA
[sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of EPHX1 mRNA
CTD PMID:3621371 PMID:17942926 NCBI chr13:95,246,079...95,275,852
Ensembl chr13:92,714,315...92,790,235
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G Esr1 estrogen receptor 1 multiple interactions ISO dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to BCL2 enhancer]; dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to MYC enhancer]; dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to TERT enhancer] CTD PMID:16051634 NCBI chr 1:43,511,685...43,904,454
Ensembl chr 1:41,210,475...41,495,002
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G Gclc glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of GCLC mRNA
[sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of GCLC mRNA
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 8:87,510,251...87,548,896
Ensembl chr 8:78,630,127...78,668,544
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G Gstm1 glutathione S-transferase mu 1 increases expression
multiple interactions
ISO dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of GSTM1 mRNA
[sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of GSTM1 mRNA
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 2:198,338,005...198,346,007
Ensembl chr 2:195,649,845...195,655,411
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G Gstm5 glutathione S-transferase, mu 5 multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO [sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of GSTM3 mRNA
dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of GSTM3 mRNA
CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 2:198,219,769...198,222,732
Ensembl chr 2:195,531,495...195,534,553
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G Hras HRas proto-oncogene, GTPase multiple interactions ISO dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [Estradiol results in increased expression of HRAS mRNA] CTD PMID:16051634 NCBI chr 1:205,712,625...205,729,406
Ensembl chr 1:196,296,263...196,300,615
JBrowse link
G Myc MYC proto-oncogene, bHLH transcription factor multiple interactions ISO dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to MYC enhancer] CTD PMID:16051634 NCBI chr 7:95,483,105...95,488,031
Ensembl chr 7:93,593,705...93,598,630
JBrowse link
G Odc1 ornithine decarboxylase 1 multiple interactions
decreases response to substance
ISO ODC1 protein inhibits the reaction [dibenzoylmethane results in increased abundance of Reactive Oxygen Species]; ODC1 protein inhibits the reaction [dibenzoylmethane results in increased activity of CASP9 protein]; ODC1 protein inhibits the reaction [dibenzoylmethane results in increased expression of BAD protein]
ODC1 protein results in decreased susceptibility to dibenzoylmethane
CTD PMID:21523861 NCBI chr 6:46,058,439...46,065,148
Ensembl chr 6:40,329,964...40,336,440
JBrowse link
G Ptgr1 prostaglandin reductase 1 multiple interactions ISO [sulforaphane co-treated with dibenzoylmethane] results in increased expression of PTGR1 mRNA CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr 5:78,579,060...78,597,671
Ensembl chr 5:73,784,009...73,802,666
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G Ptgs2 prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 decreases expression ISO dibenzoylmethane results in decreased expression of PTGS2 protein CTD PMID:17942926 NCBI chr13:64,714,063...64,722,320
Ensembl chr13:62,163,932...62,172,188
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G Tert telomerase reverse transcriptase multiple interactions ISO dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [ESR1 protein binds to TERT enhancer]; dibenzoylmethane inhibits the reaction [Estradiol results in increased expression of TERT mRNA] CTD PMID:16051634 NCBI chr 1:31,465,766...31,488,650
Ensembl chr 1:29,637,506...29,659,561
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19879
    role 19850
      biological role 19848
        antimutagen 93
          dibenzoylmethane 21
            2,4,4',6-tetrahydroxydibenzoylmethane 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19879
    subatomic particle 19877
      composite particle 19877
        hadron 19877
          baryon 19877
            nucleon 19877
              atomic nucleus 19877
                atom 19877
                  main group element atom 19816
                    p-block element atom 19816
                      carbon group element atom 19756
                        carbon atom 19753
                          organic molecular entity 19753
                            heteroorganic entity 19521
                              organochalcogen compound 19281
                                organooxygen compound 19199
                                  carbonyl compound 18928
                                    ketone 17270
                                      diketone 1327
                                        beta-diketone 989
                                          dibenzoylmethane 21
                                            2,4,4',6-tetrahydroxydibenzoylmethane 0
paths to the root