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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

Term:adenosine receptor antagonist
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Accession:CHEBI:71232 term browser browse the term
Definition:An antagonist at any adenosine receptor.
Synonyms:related_synonym: adenosine receptor antagonists
 xref: Wikipedia:Adenosine_receptor

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caffeine term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G ATM ATM serine/threonine kinase multiple interactions EXP Caffeine inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in increased phosphorylation of ATM protein] CTD PMID:38104654 NCBI chr 9:36,620,656...36,759,555
Ensembl chr 9:36,620,657...36,759,552
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G CCNB1 cyclin B1 multiple interactions EXP Caffeine inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in decreased expression of CCNB1 protein] CTD PMID:38104654 NCBI chr16:47,338,239...47,348,385
Ensembl chr16:47,338,110...47,348,377
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G CDC25C cell division cycle 25C multiple interactions EXP Caffeine inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in decreased expression of CDC25C protein] CTD PMID:38104654 NCBI chr 2:140,289,156...140,323,696
Ensembl chr 2:140,289,115...140,324,425
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G CDK1 cyclin dependent kinase 1 multiple interactions EXP Caffeine inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in decreased expression of CDK1 protein] CTD PMID:38104654 NCBI chr14:64,233,945...64,255,290
Ensembl chr14:64,233,987...64,372,197
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G CHEK2 checkpoint kinase 2 multiple interactions EXP Caffeine inhibits the reaction [deoxynivalenol results in increased phosphorylation of CHEK2 protein] CTD PMID:38104654 NCBI chr14:45,699,833...45,967,350
Ensembl chr14:45,929,715...45,967,290
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G RYR1 ryanodine receptor 1 increases activity
multiple interactions
EXP Caffeine results in increased activity of RYR1 protein; Caffeine results in increased activity of RYR1 protein mutant form
Caffeine promotes the reaction [Ryanodine binds to RYR1 protein mutant form]; Caffeine promotes the reaction [Ryanodine binds to RYR1 protein]; Dantrolene inhibits the reaction [Caffeine promotes the reaction [Ryanodine binds to RYR1 protein mutant form]]; Dantrolene inhibits the reaction [Caffeine promotes the reaction [Ryanodine binds to RYR1 protein]]; Dantrolene inhibits the reaction [Caffeine results in increased activity of RYR1 protein mutant form]; Dantrolene inhibits the reaction [Caffeine results in increased activity of RYR1 protein]
CTD PMID:11278295 NCBI chr 6:47,339,759...47,458,457
Ensembl chr 6:47,343,768...47,458,458
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 5151
    role 5118
      biological role 5118
        pharmacological role 643
          antagonist 252
            adenosine receptor antagonist 6
              adenosine A1 receptor antagonist + 0
              adenosine A2A receptor antagonist + 6
              adenosine A3 receptor antagonist + 0
              caffeine + 6
              caffeine-d9 0
              theobromine 0
              theophylline + 0
paths to the root