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The Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) ontology is downloaded weekly from EMBL-EBI at The data is made available under the Creative Commons License (CC BY 3.0, For more information see: Degtyarenko et al. (2008) ChEBI: a database and ontology for chemical entities of biological interest. Nucleic Acids Res. 36, D344–D350.

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Accession:CHEBI:59594 term browser browse the term
Definition:A polyallylamine cross-linked with epichlorohydrin and alkylated with 1-bromodecane and 6-bromohexyltrimethylammonium bromide. It is used as its hydrochloride as an orally administered bile acid sequestrant to reduce the amount of cholesterol and certain fatty substances in the blood.
Synonyms:xref: CAS:182815-43-6;   DrugBank:DB00930;   KEGG:D07743;   Patent:US5693675;   Patent:WO9534585

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colesevelam hydrochloride term browser
Symbol Object Name Qualifiers Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
G Crp C-reactive protein decreases expression ISO Colesevelam Hydrochloride results in decreased expression of CRP protein CTD PMID:16616026 NCBI chr13:85,135,384...85,175,178
Ensembl chr13:85,124,977...85,175,178
JBrowse link
G Hmgcr 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase multiple interactions
increases expression
ISO Colesevelam Hydrochloride promotes the reaction [Simvastatin results in increased expression of HMGCR mRNA]
Colesevelam Hydrochloride results in increased expression of HMGCR mRNA
CTD PMID:22120639 NCBI chr 2:27,997,523...28,018,983
Ensembl chr 2:27,997,525...28,019,703
JBrowse link
G Ldlr low density lipoprotein receptor increases expression ISO Colesevelam Hydrochloride results in increased expression of LDLR mRNA CTD PMID:22120639 NCBI chr 8:20,270,020...20,292,981
Ensembl chr 8:20,270,041...20,294,580
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Term paths to the root
Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19911
    role 19854
      application 19722
        pharmaceutical 19556
          drug 19556
            antilipemic drug 9314
              anticholesteremic drug 3940
                colesevelam 3
                  colesevelam hydrochloride 3
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  CHEBI ontology 19911
    subatomic particle 19909
      composite particle 19909
        hadron 19880
          baryon 19880
            nucleon 19909
              atomic nucleus 19880
                atom 19909
                  main group element atom 19849
                    main group molecular entity 19849
                      s-block molecular entity 19681
                        hydrogen molecular entity 19662
                          hydrides 19167
                            inorganic hydride 18182
                              pnictogen hydride 18172
                                nitrogen hydride 18085
                                  ammonium 8307
                                    ammonium ion derivative 8322
                                      ammonium compound 5197
                                        organoammonium salt 674
                                          quaternary ammonium salt 550
                                            colesevelam 3
                                              colesevelam hydrochloride 3
paths to the root