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Gene Report Pages Video Tutorial


RGD’s new report pages are a valuable resource for information on genes, QTLs, markers, and strains.  One advantage of the RGD’s new “object reports” is that wherever possible, the format is standardized across the various types of objects (that is, genes, QTLs, etc.)

This helpful video concentrates on the features of the new Gene Report Page.  It will walk you through each section of the report page and explain the type of data featured there.  Although the video is specifically about gene report pages, you’ll find that the same general format is utilized across all RGD object report pages.  Thus the information you learn here will also stand you in good stead no matter what kind of RGD object report page you are viewing.

Click here to access our example gene page.

Click here to search for your favorite gene, or just enter the gene symbol into the “Keyword” search box at the top of any RGD page.

Click here to find other types of data, such as QTLs, strains or markers, by accessing the “RGD Data” page.


Click here to return to the RGD Tool and Website Tutorials page.



RGD is funded by grant HL64541 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the NIH.