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Strain: SS/JrHsd

Symbol: SS/JrHsd
Strain: SS
Substrain: JrHsd
Full Name: Dahl Salt-Sensitive
RGD ID: 1582190
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_1582190
Ontology ID: RS:0001481
Also Known As: Dahl S/hsd; MDC-03-84
Type: inbred
Available Source: Envigo
Origination: Envigo
Description: Substrain of Dahl SS, from a Sprague-Dawley outbred colony, selected for sensitivity to salt-induced hypertension (Dahl, 1962), from Dr. John P. Rapp, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo,Ohio; to Harlan in 1986.
Coat Color: Albino
Last Known Status: Unknown

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Mammalian Phenotype


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Combining distinctive and novel loci doubles BP reduction, reverses diastolic dysfunction and mitigates LV hypertrophy. Crespo K, etal., J Hypertens. 2013 May;31(5):927-35. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e32835edc7e.
2. Sex-specific QTLs and interacting loci underlie salt-sensitive hypertension and target organ complications in Dahl S/jrHS hypertensive rats. Herrera VL, etal., Physiol Genomics. 2006 Aug 16;26(3):172-9. Epub 2006 May 23.
3. Differential genetic basis for pre-menopausal and post-menopausal salt-sensitive hypertension. Herrera VL, etal., PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43160. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043160. Epub 2012 Aug 17.
4. Multiple susceptibility loci for radiation-induced mammary tumorigenesis in F2-intercross rats. Herrera VL, etal., PLoS One. 2013;8(8):e72143. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072143. eCollection 2013.
5. Strains registered by Harlan Laboratories, Inc. Personal communication with Harlan Laboratories
6. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines
7. X-linked loci influence spatial navigation performance in Dahl rats. Ruiz-Opazo N and Tonkiss J, Physiol Genomics. 2004 Feb 13;16(3):329-33.
8. Genome-wide scan for quantitative trait loci influencing spatial navigation and social recognition memory in Dahl rats. Ruiz-Opazo N and Tonkiss J, Physiol Genomics. 2006 Jul 12;26(2):145-51.
9. SNP and haplotype mapping for genetic analysis in the rat. Saar K, etal., Nat Genet. 2008 May;40(5):560-6.
10. Absence of an interaction between the Rf-1 and Rf-5 QTLs influencing susceptibility to renal damage in rats. van Dijk SJ, etal., Nephron Exp Nephrol. 2006;104(3):e96-e102. Epub 2006 Jul 12.


Strain QTL Data
Symbol Name Trait
Bp287 Blood pressure QTL 287 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp288 Blood pressure QTL 288 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp289 Blood pressure QTL 289 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp290 Blood pressure QTL 290 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp291 Blood pressure QTL 291 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp292 Blood pressure QTL 292 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp293 Blood pressure QTL 293 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp294 Blood pressure QTL 294 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp295 Blood pressure QTL 295 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp296 Blood pressure QTL 296 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp297 Blood pressure QTL 297 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp387 Blood pressure QTL 387 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp388 Blood pressure QTL 388 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp389 Blood pressure QTL 389 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp390 Blood pressure QTL 390 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Bp391 Blood pressure QTL 391 arterial blood pressure trait   (VT:2000000)    
Cm61 Cardiac mass QTL 61 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Cm62 Cardiac mass QTL 62 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Cm63 Cardiac mass QTL 63 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Cm64 Cardiac mass QTL 64 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Cm65 Cardiac mass QTL 65 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Cm66 Cardiac mass QTL 66 heart mass   (VT:0007028)    
Glom10 Glomerulus QTL 10 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Glom11 Glomerulus QTL 11 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Glom12 Glomerulus QTL 12 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Glom13 Glomerulus QTL 13 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Glom14 Glomerulus QTL 14 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Glom9 Glomerulus QTL 9 kidney glomerulus morphology trait   (VT:0005325)    
Mcs31 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 31 mammary gland integrity trait   (VT:0010552)    
Mcs32 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 32 mammary gland integrity trait   (VT:0010552)    
Mcs33 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 33 mammary gland integrity trait   (VT:0010552)    
Mcs34 Mammary carcinoma susceptibility QTL 34 mammary gland integrity trait   (VT:0010552)    
Memor1 Memory QTL 1 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor10 Memory QTL 10 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor11 Memory QTL 11 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor12 Memory QTL 12 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor13 Memory QTL 13 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor14 Memory QTL 14 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor15 Memory QTL 15 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor16 Memory QTL 16 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor17 Memory QTL 17 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor2 Memory QTL 2 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor3 Memory QTL 3 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor4 Memory QTL 4 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor5 Memory QTL 5 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor6 Memory QTL 6 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor7 Memory QTL 7 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor8 Memory QTL 8 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Memor9 Memory QTL 9 exploratory behavior trait   (VT:0010471)    
Strain Samples in RGD with Damaging Variants (Polyphen)
mRatBN7.2 SS/JrHsd (2021) View Damaging Variants

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_other These have significantly poor acquisition and spatial accuracy performance than SR/JrHsd 1581615