Rpl7a-ps15 (ribosomal protein L7a, pseudogene 15) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: Rpl7a-ps15 (ribosomal protein L7a, pseudogene 15) Rattus norvegicus
Symbol: Rpl7a-ps15
Name: ribosomal protein L7a, pseudogene 15
RGD ID: 11392955
Type: pseudo
RefSeq Status: MODEL
Previously known as: 60S ribosomal protein L7a-like; LOC108348610
Latest Assembly: mRatBN7.2 - mRatBN7.2 Assembly
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCr81737,367,559 - 37,370,827 (+)NCBIGRCr8
mRatBN7.21737,159,159 - 37,162,427 (+)NCBImRatBN7.2mRatBN7.2
Rnor_6.01739,106,098 - 39,109,379 (+)NCBIRnor6.0Rnor_6.0rn6Rnor6.0
Celera1736,666,908 - 36,670,189 (+)NCBICelera
Cytogenetic Map17p12NCBI
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)




Variants in Rpl7a-ps15
14 total Variants

QTLs in Region (mRatBN7.2)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
631207Niddm41Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 41blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)plasma glucose level (CMO:0000042)17137830672Rat
1354658Spl8Serum phospholipid level QTL 83.8blood VLDL phospholipid amount (VT:0010507)blood very low density lipoprotein phospholipid level (CMO:0001571)17160781592Rat
1354581Bp247Blood pressure QTL 2474.5arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)pulse pressure (CMO:0000292)17169599340Rat
1354662Rf49Renal function QTL 492.9blood creatinine amount (VT:0005328)plasma creatinine level (CMO:0000537)17169599340Rat
1354596Bw32Body weight QTL 324.5body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)17429913060781592Rat
1354630Cm34Cardiac mass QTL 348.7heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle wet weight (CMO:0000071)17429913069599340Rat
1354638Insul1Insulin level QTL 14.8blood insulin amount (VT:0001560)plasma insulin level (CMO:0000342)17429913069599340Rat
1354651Lmblg2Limb length QTL 26tibia length (VT:0004357)tibia length (CMO:0000450)17429913069599340Rat
2303627Vencon8Ventilatory control QTL 80.001respiration trait (VT:0001943)tidal volume (CMO:0000222)17452803849528038Rat
10054088Scort28Serum corticosterone level QTL 282.040.0102blood corticosterone amount (VT:0005345)plasma corticosterone level (CMO:0001173)17452803849528038Rat
2303561Bw91Body weight QTL 912body mass (VT:0001259)body weight (CMO:0000012)17886846253868462Rat
2300002Iddm36Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 361.98blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level (CMO:0000046)17999128640540197Rat
1331765Hrtrt15Heart rate QTL 154.094heart pumping trait (VT:2000009)heart rate (CMO:0000002)171533061355836425Rat
1354640Scl32Serum cholesterol level QTL 325.4blood HDL cholesterol amount (VT:0000184)blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)171578159260781592Rat
1354659Scl68Serum cholesterol level QTL 683.9blood VLDL cholesterol amount (VT:0005144)blood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)171578159260781592Rat
7394837Memor18Memory QTL 18exploratory behavior trait (VT:0010471)measurement of voluntary locomotion into, out of or within a discrete space in an experimental apparatus (CMO:0000957)171864018263640182Rat
1354628Stl13Serum triglyceride level QTL 133.8blood triglyceride amount (VT:0002644)blood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)172129303960781592Rat
70157Niddm32Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 324.34blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350)172245492450909196Rat
61394Bp8Blood pressure QTL 82.2arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)172308056759555013Rat
7488966Bp370Blood pressure QTL 3700.001arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)172365318457246843Rat
12903978Cm118Cardiac mass QTL 1180.001heart mass (VT:0007028)heart wet weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0002408)172365318468653184Rat
12903979Cm119Cardiac mass QTL 1190.001heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000530)172365318468653184Rat
12903980Cm120Cardiac mass QTL 1200.002heart right ventricle mass (VT:0007033)heart right ventricle weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000914)172365318468653184Rat
12903981Am17Aortic mass QTL 170.001aorta mass (VT:0002845)aorta weight to aorta length to body weight ratio (CMO:0002722)172365318468653184Rat
1559055Bp278Blood pressure QTL 2780.04arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)172365318468653184Rat
12903982Kidm70Kidney mass QTL 700.001kidney mass (VT:0002707)both kidneys wet weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000340)172365318470974005Rat
1354619Bp242Blood pressure QTL 2426.3arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)systolic blood pressure (CMO:0000004)172459934069599340Rat
1581512Cm55Cardiac mass QTL 552.80.05heart left ventricle mass (VT:0007031)heart left ventricle weight to body weight ratio (CMO:0000530)172702794956836890Rat
4889955Bss93Bone structure and strength QTL 934.4tibia size trait (VT:0100001)tibia cortical bone volume to tibia total bone volume ratio (CMO:0001727)172702794960463643Rat
2302377Scl61Serum cholesterol level QTL 614.36blood HDL cholesterol amount (VT:0000184)serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000361)172738994653481766Rat
8552928Pigfal9Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level QTL 99blood insulin-like growth factor amount (VT:0010479)plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 level (CMO:0001299)172840914773409147Rat
9590107Sffal7Serum free fatty acids level QTL 74.810.001blood free fatty acid amount (VT:0001553)plasma free fatty acids level (CMO:0000546)172840914773409147Rat
10450503Bp386Blood pressure QTL 3860.28arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)mean arterial blood pressure (CMO:0000009)173136839162109574Rat
2324621Coatc5Coat color QTL 5coat/hair pigmentation trait (VT:0010463)pigmented ventral coat/hair area to total ventral coat/hair area ratio (CMO:0001812)173136839173951021Rat
2313854Bp343Blood pressure QTL 3433.9life span trait (VT:0005372)age at time of death (CMO:0001193)173199078450909196Rat
724549Niddm56Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus QTL 560.03blood glucose amount (VT:0000188)blood glucose level area under curve (AUC) (CMO:0000350)173199078476990784Rat
1354663Bvd5Brain ventricular dilatation QTL 53.510.001brain ventricle morphology trait (VT:0000822)hydrocephalus severity score (CMO:0001881)173199078481292925Rat
1300148Bp192Blood pressure QTL 1923.47arterial blood pressure trait (VT:2000000)blood pressure time series experimental set point of the baroreceptor response (CMO:0002593)173455084373951021Rat
724528Uae4Urinary albumin excretion QTL 44.90.0001urine albumin amount (VT:0002871)urine albumin excretion rate (CMO:0000757)173583708569599340Rat



Nucleotide Sequences
GenBank Nucleotide JAXUCZ010000017 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
BioCyc Gene G2FUF-9468 BioCyc
PhenoGen Rpl7a-ps15 PhenoGen

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2022-06-10 Rpl7a-ps15  ribosomal protein L7a, pseudogene 15  LOC108348610  60S ribosomal protein L7a-like  Symbol and Name Changed 1299863 APPROVED
2016-08-02 LOC108348610  60S ribosomal protein L7a-like      Symbol and Name status set to provisional 70820 PROVISIONAL