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Ontology Browser

pentose phosphate pathway - oxidative phase (PW:0000573)
Annotations: Rat: (3) Mouse: (3) Human: (3) Chinchilla: (3) Bonobo: (2) Dog: (3) Squirrel: (3) Pig: (3) Naked Mole-rat: (3) Green Monkey: (3)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
glycolysis pathway   
pentose phosphate pathway - non-oxidative phase  
pentose phosphate pathway - oxidative phase  
The oxidative (linear) phase of the pentose phosphate pathway involves the oxidation and decarboxylation of glucose-6-phosphate to produce the 5 carbon sugar ribulose-5-phosphate with the generation of NADPH.
pyruvate metabolic pathway   

Related Synonyms: pentose-phosphate shunt, oxidative branch
Definition Sources: GO:0009051, "PubMed" "PubMed",

paths to the root