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The Cell Ontology (CL) is downloaded weekly from the SourceForge CVS repository at For more information about this ontology, see the NCBO Bioportal page for the Cell type ontology at, or Bard et al, An ontology for cell types. Genome Biol. 2005;6(2):R21.

Term:cell in vitro
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Accession:CL:0001034 term browser browse the term
Definition:A cell that is maintained or propagated in a controlled artificial environment for use in an investigation.
Comment:'In vitro', translating literally to 'in glass', typically refers to a controlled, often sterile, laboratory setting where cells or other specimens are placed by some agent for the purpose of studying or manipulating them as part of some research investigation. 'In vitro' is intended to contrast with 'native',which refers to cells or other biological entities that are found in a natural setting. It describes unicellular organisms removed from a natural environement and multicellular organism cells removed from an organism, or cells derived in culture from such displaced cells.

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  cell 0
    cell in vitro 0
      experimentally modified cell in vitro + 0
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